Chapter 31

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Chen Mo must move out. He is thin-skinned and feels ashamed to trouble the people here.

    In addition to Wei Zhe, Uncle Zhao, and Aunt Wang, there are three helpers here, who were hired by Mr. Wei to take care of Wei Zhe. During the few days that Chen Mo lived here, he almost enjoyed the treatment of a five-star hotel. There is no need to do sanitation, the clothes do not need to be washed, and even breakfast is delivered to the house, not to mention that there is no room and board, and daily luxury car pick-up. He and Wei Zhe are not close to each other, so how can He De enjoy all this?

    Chen Mo panicked last night. After knowing that Wei Zhe was a depressed patient, he was full of thoughts about how to help Wei Zhe, and he completely forgot about moving out.

    Chen Mo scratched his hair, suddenly a little irritable. Wei Zhe obviously got worse at night, but he couldn't be with him at that time from today.

.He raised his eyes to look at Wei Zhe. After reminding him, he pulled the quilt to his head again, revealing only the tousled black hair. He rolled the quilt and turned over, ready to pretend to sleep.

    Wei Zhe didn't want to get up, let alone go for a run.

    Chen Mo sighed silently. Forget it, thinking about what to do so much, the boat will go straight to the bridge head, and there will always be a way.

    What I want to think about now is how to call Wei Zhe up and go for a run.

    Chen Mo knows that although exercise cannot fundamentally solve depression, it will somewhat ease it. Depression, in the final analysis, is the lack of a certain chemical substance in the brain that can produce happiness. It is scientifically proven that moderate exercise can stimulate the production of this chemical substance.

    Chen Mo walked to Wei Zhe's side and pulled his quilt: "Go for a run!"

    "go by yourself."

."It's boring to go by myself."

    "What does it matter to me?" Wei Zhe's tone was a little impatient.

    Well, Chen Mo suspected that he would be beaten if he continued to persuade him. Wei Zhe is really good to him, Chen Mo knows very well that if he changes to someone else, he probably only utters the first word, he will kick him.

    Chen Mo sat down on the floor, clasped his hands together, and said sincerely: "Why don't you go for a run with me, I promise you one condition, as long as I can do it, I will do it!" Chen Mo felt that he had a lot of money. After all, if Wei Zhe let him go to People's Square and howl to Moon Wolf in public, wouldn't it be a big loss?

    After hearing this, Wei Zhe finally opened the quilt and sat up. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at Chen Mochiao and smiled: "Do you know how to cook?"

    Chen Mo:...

    Damn you Wei Zhe, why are you so stubborn about me not being able to cook for you!

."Will you talk to me if you don't know how to cook!"


    Chen Mo held his forehead with one hand. I really want to beat him up, what should I do?

    Wei Zhe lay down again, motionless.

    "I will..." Chen Mo racked his brains, counting his abilities to entertain Wei Zhe, "playing the violin, playing the harmonica, singing..."

    Before Chen Mo's words were finished, Wei Zhe's voice murmured under the quilt: "Sing me a song!"


    Wei Zhe opened the quilt again, and this time, he finally got out of bed. He stepped on the brown solid wood floor with his smooth feet, walked in front of Chen Mo, and put his hands in the pockets of his pajamas: "I owe the violin and the harmonica!"

    "..." Chen Mo grinds the upper and lower rows of teeth. OK, the boss speaks, I just listen!

.Wei Zhe finally agreed to go for a run after Chen Mo's stalker, but he asked Chen Mo to sing for him a song "Unending Love for You" by Guo Tianwang.

    Chen Mo almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. After running back, he took a deep breath and exhaled for five full backs and then sang this bad-tuned love song for Wei Zhe, which he thought was old-fashioned and no one appreciates at all. .

    What age is it now! Nokian, MOTO and other mobile phones have been used nationwide, okay? He actually asked him to sing old pop songs from the big brother era!

    "I love you endlessly, I can last forever..." Whether it is Chen Mo in this world or Chen Mo here, he has a good voice. Although Chen Mo dislikes this song very much, he still has a good voice. Sing it very nicely.

    Wei Zhe sat by the bed, watching Chen Mo sticking to the door panel, closing his eyes, shaking his head, and singing for him. .This is a great dance music, but unfortunately there is no accompaniment, otherwise Chen Mo might still dance.

    Wei Zhe wanted to laugh. Such Chen Mo looks so cute.

    Chen Mo sang: "Do you like Guo Tianwang's song? Please! Young people can not be so old-fashioned, Jay Chou, you know, the newcomer who just debuted, I will tell you that he will soon be the greatest heavenly king in our Chinese music scene. One, the real original king." Seeing that Wei Zhe was unmoved, he walked to his side, sat down, looked at him and said, "Should I buy a box of his album for you to listen to? Absolutely? A brand-new experience, supreme enjoyment." Chen Mo praised Jay Chou.

    Wei Zhe really didn't have any hobbies. He had seen the tapes in the drawer, and they turned out to be all matching tapes for English books, not a single box of songs. How can this be done, he must be pulled on the right track where young people should be.

.Chen Mo held his cheek in one hand, thought for a while, and continued: "Speaking of which, among the four heavenly kings, I think Guo Tianwang's singing is really ordinary. The real song god is Zhang Tianwang! Why don't you let me give it to you? Sing his "Kiss Goodbye"? It sounds much better."

    But as soon as the voice fell, Wei Zhe grabbed the pillow on the left of his body with one hand, and slapped Chen Mo heavily with a smile on his face, his eyes narrowed: "Do you dare to sing? Sing once I beat you once, Sing me "The Moon Represents My Heart" next time!"

    "Damn!" Chen Mo jumped up, "Wei Zhe, you won't be so old-fashioned! It's the 21st century!"

    ""Love you a million years""

    "Liu Tianwang's?"

    ""I Love You This Way""

    "King Li Tian's?"

.Wei Zhe had to report the title of the song. Chen Mo waved his hand to stop him: "OK, ok, just "The Moon Represents My Heart". Next time "The Moon Represents My Heart", I'm afraid of you. no?"

    Wei Zhe fell back on the bed, making pillows with his hands, his eyes filled with happiness teasing Chen Mo: "I only know these songs, you can figure it out."

    But Chen Mo didn't know that Wei Zhe was teasing him.

    He felt more and more that Wei Zhe should be drawn into the world of contemporary teenagers: "Wait to go shopping and buy clothes, and buy some cassettes for you by the way."

    Chen Mo said so and naturally did the same.

    Before leaving Wei's house that afternoon, he left ten boxes of albums by popular young singers, all of which were picked up by Wei Zhe in the video store when he went out to buy clothes at noon.

.Wei Zhe packed the tapes in a bag, put them in a box, and carefully put the box in the drawer under the bookcase. He took the key and locked the chest of drawers. He didn't go downstairs until all this was done.

    At this time, Chen Mo had already bid farewell to Aunt Wang and the other three helpers with his luggage. Wei Zhe said to Chen Mo, "Let's go, I will also go and see the new rented home."

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