Chapter 18

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Eating a full meal at noon makes me sleepy. Chen Mo searched for two communities with Wei Zhe with his eyes on the fight, and yawned several times during this period.

    "One bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. The furniture and equipment must be complete, and you can live with your bags. Our school is surrounded by traditional communities. Such requirements seem too high. If you change to the city center, it will be easy to find. After all, there are many white-collar workers and suitable They have a lot of bachelor apartments.” As Chen Mo said, he opened the side pocket of his schoolbag and stuffed the phone number torn from the wall into it.

    The real estate industry is still underdeveloped these years. Most landlords will not go to the real estate agency for renting. Instead, they will print out the renting notice and stick it on the wall outside the community, write clearly the rental information and conditions, and then type several phone numbers. The long strip is attached to the rental notice, so that the seeker can tear it back and contact him.

    Chen Mo tore up a few phone numbers, but they were all two rooms for rent.

.One room and one living room are best, but if not, two rooms are fine. Of course, he doesn’t want to share a rent with strangers. The rent for two bedrooms and one living room is about 800 yuan a month, which is 300 yuan more than the one bedroom and one living room. With his earning power, he doesn’t think he will be unable to rent. .

    But Wei Zhe suddenly said: "Then two rooms and one hall! You have one room and the other one."

    "What?" Chen Mo turned to look at him, thinking that he had misheard, "You also want to rent a house outside?"

    "What are you thinking about!" Wei Zhe glanced at him, "It's just a lunch break at noon. Uncle Zhao asked me to find an hourly room near the school. Now that I think about it, I might as well rent a room."

    It makes sense, and Chen Mo is speechless.

    Wei Zhe is worried that his rent is too heavy and he can't afford it!

    "I have money..." Chen Mo explained.

    "I will pay back your 2,000 yuan ten times?".Deliberately not mentioning that he only regained 10,000 yuan from Zhang Weijie yesterday.

    I'm really afraid of Wei Zhe's mouth!

    Chen Mo wisely terminated the topic immediately. He took out his mobile phone to check the time: "Make a few calls at night, and see if you can ask the landlord to come to see the room at noon tomorrow. It's almost half past one, and we should go back to school."

    Wei Zhe nodded. The two walked back along the side street. But for a long time, Chen Mo put his hand in his trouser pocket and took out ten dollars. He patted Wei Zhe on the shoulder: "Hey, I'm thirsty. I'll go over there to buy two cups of milk tea first. What taste do you want?"

    Wei Zhe didn't return him, his footsteps stopped, and his brow wrinkled as he looked at the front.

    Chen Mo followed and looked forward.

.Twenty meters away from them, there are three tall guys around a male high school student in school uniform. Look at the three menacing looks, they are obviously bullying the boy.

    Chen Mo squinted his eyes, raised his finger there, and asked, "Does that boy look like Wu Suyu in our class?"

    "No impression." Wei Zhe said.

    "Luo Zhiqiang's little brother," Chen Mo reminded him, "the one sitting in the first row of the first group."

    Wei Zhe thought for a while and shook his head: "I don't know."

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