Chapter 53

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"Why?"-This is a good question.

    There are countless answers in Chen Mo's mind. For example, his level is as high as a towering tree. Playing with the high school students of this era is like taking away the sunlight maliciously in the forest and preventing the grass from growing. For another example, he had already participated in a similar competition once in the current high school. Although he only entered the provincial competition and stopped before the national competition, he did not feel regret. For another example, although the prize money of this competition is high, it is not attractive to him because he will make money himself.

    After thinking and thinking, Chen Mo finally found a good reason. He smiled apologetically and explained: "Teacher Tu, I don't want to participate, because even if I get the first place in the English contest, I won't get a bonus for the college entrance examination."

    "Biu!" One arrow pierced the heart!

.Tu Xianming covered his chest with one hand, shook his body, and took a step back.

    Too bad for the English subject!

    Chen Mo hit the nail on the head and hit the dead spot. Yes, even if you get the first place in the English competition, the college entrance examination can't add points! It's not like mathematics, physics and chemistry. There is a national Olympiad and a world Olympiad. If you win a prize, you will either get a pass or add points!

    Tu Xianming had a thousand words to persuade Chen Mo, but they were all stuck in his throat, unable to utter a word.

    Chen Mo shrugged: "Look, Teacher Tu, I can barely do anything in other subjects except English. The college entrance examination is the most important thing. I don't want to spend the limited time on other things. This competition adds to my resume. No benefit can be given to me except for a good-looking color."

    "I can't give you any benefits.".I have seen a snobbish student, but I have never seen Chen Mo so straightforward. Tu Xianming took a deep breath and said angrily, "To win honor for the school, this is one and two, if you want to apply for the Foreign Languages ​​Institute... "He got stuck. First, it was a magnificent benefit. I didn't plan to not use the school to suppress people. In the end, the school was moved out. And second, when did Chen Mo say that he was going to apply for the Foreign Languages ​​Institute?

    Tu Xianming looked at Chen Mo, rather weak. Obviously Chen Mo wouldn't get in, and he wouldn't listen to anything he said. But he hesitated a little and was still trying to find a way to persuade Chen Mo, "Do you... do you plan to apply for the Foreign Languages ​​Institute?" He hoped that Chen Mo would answer "Yes." If Chen Mo had this heart, it would be easy to handle. If you can get a good ranking in the English National Contest, the School of Foreign Languages ​​will give priority to admission under the same conditions.

.Chen Mo smiled politely: "Teacher Tu, I'm only a freshman, and I don't have a very precise plan for my life." It means that he doesn't know whether he will apply for the Foreign Languages ​​Institute in the future.

    Wei Zhe glanced at him.

    Tu Xian was very angry, completely speechless. He cast his gaze on Wei Zhe, but judging from that expression, it was clear that he had no hope.

    Sure enough, Wei Zhe was also sorry and polite: "Teacher Tu, I have no idea of ​​applying for the Foreign Languages ​​Institute."

    Without the idea of ​​applying for a foreign language college, is there no need to participate in the competition? Thinking of other students desperately trying to add a beautiful stroke to his high school resume, Tu Xianming rubbed his temples heavily. "Okay, go back to the classroom! This matter is not in a hurry. The competition will not start until April next year. There is still a long time before the official registration, so you should consider it slowly.".Tu Xianming drove them back, and then walked angrily to the English group office with his hands on his back.

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