Chapter 55

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Happy Valley is on the outskirts of City F. The bus swayed through the city and drove on the third ring road. It took a full hour to reach the destination.

    When I got off the bus, the sky was not completely dark, and where the sun set on the green hills to the west, the red light was like a gushing fire dragon, covered with endless layers of clouds. Xiaguang shines on Chen Mo and Wei Zhe, and the two young teenagers are full of red, beautiful as a picture.

    Chen Mo went to the ticket hall to buy a ticket. Because tomorrow is a working day and there are not many people in line, he did not spend much time buying two night tickets and walked out. I have to say that he chose Sunday night with the idea of ​​having fewer people and not having to line up to play casually.

    After leaving the ticket hall, he bought two luminous little devil headdresses at the gate. He put on one first, and then handed the other one to Wei Zhe.

.Wei Zhe looked at Chen Mo, who had two more devil horns on his head, and then looked at what he was holding:...

    He thinks this is something that children and girls wear.

    Looking at Chen Mo a little speechlessly.

    But it was Chen Mo who laughed loudly, patted Wei Zhe on the shoulder, and said, "I've seen the leaflet. Tonight is the last day of the Halloween special. Let's cooperate." With that said, he took Wei Zhe's hand. On the backpack, I took out a digital camera from it.

    "Hello," Chen Mo walked to a couple, "Can you take a picture for us?"

    The young man froze for a moment, then took the camera: "Okay."

    The young woman stood aside with her bag, and when she saw the appearance of Chen Mo and Wei Zhe, she exclaimed in excitement, "Wow! Two handsome younger brothers!"

.Her boyfriend shook his hand, the digital camera almost fell to the floor, and turned his head to give his woman a displeased glance.

    The young woman covered her mouth, a little embarrassed, but narrowed her eyes, still looking at Chen Mo and Wei Zhe grinning.

    Wei Zhe stared at the little demon headdress in his hand, his face tangled, and it took him a long time to put it on his head like a can.

    Chen Mo swept over Wei Zhe's shoulder and compared it to a scissor hand.

    The young man on the opposite side raised the camera to his eyes and commanded: "One...two...three...eggplant!"

    Chen Mo grinned brightly.

    Wei Zhe is not used to taking pictures, his expression is a bit stiff.

    After pressing the shutter, the young man felt unsatisfied, and said professionally: "Let's have another one! The little brother on the left laughed a little unnaturally."

.When Chen Mo heard that, his body immediately became closer to Wei Zhe, and the hand that had originally held Wei Zhe almost hung on Wei Zhe's neck. He turned his head, bent his eyebrows, and showed a big smile at Wei Zhe. At this time, all the lights outside the Happy Valley were suddenly lit, and Chen Mo's smile was like flowers blooming under the bright fireworks, which was shockingly stunning.

    Everything is colorless, only you in my eyes.

    Wei Zhe smiled. The young boy’s smile was bright and clear in the light, as beautiful as the sun.

    "Kacha!" The young man on the opposite side quickly pressed the shutter.

    The two teenagers wearing the same devil horns leaned on their shoulders and smiled at each other. This scene is forever frozen in the camera of time.

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