Chapter 40

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It has been a few minutes since get out of class is over, and the corridors are full of students who come out of various classes to breathe. They are chatting in groups of two, and many people look at Chen Mo and them, all kinds of guesses.

    I have to say that the location chosen by Tu Xianming is very good. At the end of the corridor, no one was disturbed, and of course no one could hear their conversation.

    Chen Mo, with the attitude that he was a good boy by admitting his mistakes, said: "Teacher Tu, I was wrong."

    "Teacher Tu, it's because of me." Wei Zhe who was standing next to him unexpectedly said at the same time.

    "Huh?" Sure enough, the three words "I was wrong" by Chen Mo Wan Jinyou couldn't arouse any interest of the teacher. Tu Xianming turned his attention to Wei Zhe, "How to say?"

    "Liu Yiyun, who was beaten up, had a holiday with me. He insulted me first, and Chen Mo beat him up only after I got ahead."

.Tu Xianming knew of Liu Yiyun. The child was a senior high school student in City F this year. It is said that he originally applied for a high school entrance examination, but he withdrew after the high school entrance examination. .

    Thinking of the family background of Liu Yiyun and Wei Zhe, Tu Xianming had a headache. The brothers quarreled and the common people suffered. He thought Chen Mo was too impulsive and should not be involved.

    "It's always wrong to hit someone, and you shouldn't discount his nose!" Tu Xianming rubbed his temples.

    Wei Zhe let Tu Xianming feel relieved: "It's okay, Teacher Tu, this matter has passed, and my family and his family have already negotiated."

    As a result, Tu Xianming glared at Wei Zhe: "It's settled? Are you sure? Then Liu Yiyun is going to find someone to teach Chen Mo what should I say?"

    "What?!" Wei Zhe and Chen Mo were taken aback.

.Tu Xianming frowned and began to habitually pull cigarettes into his pocket again, but this time, he stopped with his right hand raised in the air. He said: "The other party did not come to file a complaint. Chen Mo, you did not get caught. This matter can be put down. The school will definitely not punish you. But what should you do next? The school can only guarantee your safety at school, just in case. What's the matter after the school gate..."

    "No!" Wei Zhe interrupted Tu Xianming, "I guarantee Chen Mo's safety!" His shock had disappeared, and he was replaced by a face of determination.

    Tu Xianming looked at Wei Zhe and was silent for a moment. If an ordinary child said something like this, he would definitely sneer, but he still believed what the young master Wei said, but in the end he shook his head and said, "No, I have to take this. Report the matter to your head teacher."

    Any school is afraid of student accidents. .Even if things happen outside the school, it will be a disaster for the school. Parents' accusations and media's doubts will cause disastrous consequences once they are fermented.

    Wei Zhe shrugged and said, "You are free."

    Tu Xianming looked at Chen Mo again.

    Chen Moyou was frowning. He did not expect that under the pressure of the Wei family, Liu Yiyun would not forget to settle accounts with him.

    Wei Zhe reached out and patted Chen Mo on the shoulder lightly.

    Chen Mo recovered and looked at Wei Zhe. Wei Zhe gave Chen Mo a warm smile.

    Chen Mo laughed and said, "Actually I am not afraid..."

    "Huh huh!" Tu Xianming snorted heavily, interrupting the fair interaction between the two.

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