Chapter 32

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The location of the new home is on the north side of the entrance of No. 3 Lieutenant Colonel, Zhuangyuan Road, Fenghuang Lane, Jixiang New Village. Judging from the name, you can know how old the community is. However, the set rented by Chen Mo and Wei Zhe was only renovated and renovated by the landlord a year ago. The landlord originally planned to use it as a wedding room for the youngest son. After the renovation, he never used it, but he did not expect that the youngest son had a fight with his fiancee last month. People also went to the west to build the country. The landlord was so angry that he had to buy the house. Take it for rent.

    Uncle Zhao sent Chen Mo and Wei Zhe to the intersection of Zhuangyuan Road. Millions of luxury cars have their own light and attract countless eyes. When Chen Mo and Wei Zhe got out of the car, the people staring at the luxury car turned their eyes on them again. Especially for women, the young eyes shine, and the old aunt smiles. .Chen Mo's suggestion is correct. Don't drive the car to Jixiang New Village, otherwise, after a long time, "two handsome rich men living in Jixiang New Village" will spread. After that, he should not think of living a stable life.

    Chen Mo took out his luggage from the trunk, while Wei Zhe put forward a big bag. Today, Aunt Wang helped re-buy the things I lost on Saturday night, but the vegetables and raw meat were missing.

    The two of them turned a blind eye to the surrounding gaze, and after saying goodbye to Uncle Zhao, they walked shoulder to shoulder towards Jixiang New Village.

    Wei Zhe intends to go to the night market with Chen Mo to eat a roadside stall, but does not want to go back too early. He is the young master and his eldest, as long as it is not too much, Uncle Zhao and Aunt Wang have to listen to him.

    The two walked into the community and found Building No. 104.

    The community is old, and every building looks dilapidated and rotten from the outside, and some even the white ash on the outer walls has fallen off, exposing the red bricks inside. .However, this is just the appearance. There are many people in the community who have two or three properties, and their houses are generally well decorated. This is what Chen Mo and Wei Zhe rented. They were lucky and picked up a leak. Of course, the rent is also high, but Chen Mo, who has received two translation remunerations, said that even without Wei Zhe's help, he can afford it.

    Chen Mo took out the key and opened the door. With a "creak", the door was pushed open.

    The 86-square-meter two-bedroom and one-living room has been renovated into the most popular rural style nowadays, which is particularly in line with the aesthetics of young people today. The living room is spacious, the light green fabric sofa is leaning against the wall, and three pictures of pastoral scenery are hung on the wall. Opposite is a cream-white TV cabinet with a window, on which is a 30-inch full-screen color TV. On the other side of the window, light blue curtains hung from above, blocking the light outside. The vertical air conditioner is just over there. .This house is really good for rent, after all, it is a newly renovated wedding house.

    After entering, the first thing Chen Mo did was to open the curtains and open the windows.

    The living room lights up instantly.

    The sanitation here has been well done, and Aunt Wang asked an hourly worker to come over to do it. Now, there is a faint smell of freshener everywhere in the room.

    Wei Zhe put a big bag of things on the coffee table and walked into Chen Mo's room.

    Chen Mo's room is the master bedroom with a balcony. A large bed measuring two meters by 1.8 meters and a closet with sliding doors on the side against the wall are all the furniture, simple and clear.

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