Chapter 73

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"Master Zhou lives there?"

    There is a small town in the southwest corner of China. The town is under the green hills and on the shores of green water. Bamboo buildings line up from the head of the town to the end of the town. Phoenix-tailed bamboo, yellow ginger flowers, and golden lotus are everywhere. National customs.

    Stepping across the long bluestone road and walking up the small stone arch bridge, you can see a square farmhouse on the bank of the small river in the front right, with blue tiles and pink walls, and willow branches flying outside the door, and the surrounding bamboo buildings. Out of place.

    Wei Zhe lowered the cap on his head. He is dressed in a white T-shirt and jeans, but even so, he is very extravagant and attracts people's attention. At this time, it was the time when the morning market in the town was open. People came and went on the stone arch bridge, pushing bicycles, and carrying burdens. Both men and women looked at him curiously.

.The special assistant stood beside Wei Zhe, took out his mobile phone and looked at it seriously, and replied: "Yes, it is exactly the same as the photo sent by Miss Zhang. Master Zhou lives there."

    Wei Zhe nodded, stepped away from his long legs, and walked to the chic farmhouse.

    This year, he was 27 years old, and it has been almost eleven years since Chen Mo disappeared!

    "disappear"! He defined Chen Mo's departure as disappearance!

    The whole world thought Chen Mo was dead, but he firmly believed that Chen Mo was just going back to his body. Chen Mo only temporarily disappeared from his vision!

    Master Zhou looked only in his early forties, wearing a white silk gown, and a folding fan in his hand.

    In the courtyard, he sat opposite Wei Zhe and made tea for Wei Zhe on the root carving coffee table.

    The tea was brought to Wei Zhe, and he smiled and asked, "Recovering the soul by borrowing the corpse?.Is this your idea? "

    Wei Zhe looked serious. This Master Zhou is an expert who he discovered after a long period of inquiries. But to be honest, he didn't believe him.

    He didn't tell him the idea of "resurrecting the soul by borrowing a corpse", only that he was looking for a friend who had disappeared for many years, but this Master Zhou told him as if he could see through his mind, but even so, he still couldn't. believe him.

    Because perhaps Master Zhou has already done his homework this year, just like those street sorcerers who have no real ability, have inquired about the life experience of the suffering master in advance, and waited for them to stupidly bump into it, thus cheating a lot of money.

    In the past eleven years, because Chen Mo hasn't appeared for a long time, Wei Zhe has searched countless "superiors", but did not get any results. Instead, he was defrauded of a lot of time and money. And now he will sit here obediently, first the introducer will pack with him

.Piao said that this week's master is indeed a real master. Second, he has been waiting for eleven years.

    He sat quietly, waiting for Master Zhou's next remarks.

    Seeing that Wei Zhe hadn't spoken, Master Zhou drank a cup of tea to himself, and said, "It seems okay to define it as'resurrection from a corpse'. After all, it is not his original body." He raised his eyes and smiled at Wei Zhe.

    Wei Zhe's heart jumped heavily.

    "The original owner's soul suddenly disappeared, and in a flash, he came over, but because he couldn't adapt to this world, he went back again."

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