Chapter 25

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After that, Chen Mo began to feel that Wei Zhe was a little bit wrong.

    Wei Zhe was too lazy, and seemed to be unable to do anything. It's all about not attending classes and not studying. After all, many students who gave up themselves during the rebellious youth are like this. But besides eating, sleeping, washing and going to the toilet, all he can do every day seems to be playing palm games.

    That's right, handheld games! If you don’t watch TV, movies, or novels, you just grab the handheld and play Kebaomeng every day. Wei Zhe didn't play the computer and destroyed the various online games of countless internet addicted teenagers. He seemed to be scumbags in his eyes. And this hand-held game he was just playing around when he was in school. As soon as school was over in the afternoon, the machine was thrown into his schoolbag, and it was not taken out again until the next day.

    After Wei Zhe had eaten in the evening, he was lying on the bed as soon as he returned to the room. .As for lying in a daze or listening to music, Chen Mo prefers the former, because every time Chen Mo enters his room, all he sees is the crumpled bed, and there is nothing on it except the quilt, pillow, sheet.

    But these things in his eyes are nothing to Zhao Shu and Wang Auntie.

    "You said that our young master doesn't like sports and has no hobbies? Well, he is like this! It's not because there were no friends before and no one to accompany him!"

    "In fact, we also hope that he can go out and run more, after all, the doctor also said that this will help him to treat his insomnia to some extent. But he has this kind of personality, and there is no way. Persuade him to get angry twice. He started to get angry. …Oh, forget it, don’t say it!"

    Now that Uncle Zhao and Aunt Wang said so, what else could he say. How long did he know him, and how long did Uncle Zhao and Aunt Wang take care of him!

.Chen Mo wondered if he was thinking too much, and everything he saw was wrong.


    "I will move in tomorrow, do you need me to help you?"

    Time flies quickly, and it's Saturday in the blink of an eye. Last Saturday night, Chen Mo came across and met Wei Zhe. It has been a week now.

    Since the whole class made a bet with the school on Tuesday, every classmate has worked hard to read English. For the first time in the class, there was such a positive and uplifting scene. But Wei Zhe is still the same, going to bed in the morning and playing games in the afternoon. Many classmates have a lot of opinions on him, lest the efforts of so many people will eventually be ruined by him.

    In this case, of course, several people couldn't help but question Wei Zhe, and Wei Zhe was naturally too lazy to explain. .Those who dared to come over to question the tempers are not much better. Seeing Wei Zhe's attitude, no matter what Wei Zhe's family background is, he will roll up his sleeves and fight.

    Finally, Chen Mo came forward. Let me first say that Wei Zhe's level is very high, so don't worry about it. Of course, no one believes it. As a last resort, he can only say that he can help Wei Zhe by living in Wei Zhe's house now. He promised that in the half-term exam two weeks later, Wei Zhe's English will definitely be able to test more than 60 points. In this way, the angry few people were willing to give up and return to their seats.

    At this moment, Wei Zhe leaned against the table, saw Chen Mo did not respond for a while, and chuckled lightly: "What's the matter? I'm afraid I won't be able to pass 60 in English without your guidance?"

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