Chapter 28

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Chen Mo rushed to the window in horror and looked down. This is a reflection from his memory. He doesn't want to think about it, but he can't help but do it like this. He was afraid that the figure falling down from the roof would overlap with Wei Zhe.

    The three-story building is not high, about ten meters above the ground. Below the windows is the soft mud ground, neatly planted with colorful flowers. The lights are faint at night, the flowers are shadowy, and the scenery remains the same. Chen Mo let out a long sigh of relief. He grabbed his hands on the window sill, so powerful that his fingers seemed to be embedded in masonry without knowing it.

    Wei Zhe, where did he go?

    Chen Mo raised his head and looked forward.

    Not far away, across a highway, is a dirty river with fishing and fire like stars. The river was dark, rolling countless rapids rushing towards the sea. Chen Mo saw Wei Zhe standing here silently, looking far away.

.Chen Mo hit a sharp spirit all over, turned around suddenly, rushed out the door frantically, and ran downstairs.

    On the second floor, he met Aunt Wang who was walking up.

    She looked worried: "Xiao Mo, what's the matter? I heard you calling my young master..."

    "Wei Zhe is gone!" Chen Mo hurriedly interrupted her, telling her something that made her panic and fear.

    But I didn't expect Aunt Wang to give an unsurprisingly "Oh" and said to him: "Young master is out, he told me that he is going out for a walk. I think he is in a bad mood, so it's okay if he is willing to go for a walk..."

    "What?" Chen Mo couldn't believe that Aunt Wang had such an attitude towards Wei Zhe's departure. "He, his state... Aunt Wang, did you let him go out by himself?" Chen Mo was full of anxiety, his voice inevitably improved.

    Aunt Wang was surprised: "What, what's wrong? What's wrong with the young master?".Chen Mo's reaction frightened her, and her face suddenly turned pale.

    "Nothing." Chen Mo suddenly realized that she shouldn't blame Aunt Wang. Aunt Wang didn't understand anything. She was delighted to see Wei Zhe rarely willing to go out. "I'm just too worried about him." Chen Mo said, "I'm sorry, Aunt Wang, I scared you. I'll find him." With that said, he bypassed Aunt Wang who was holding the handrail, "Humhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh "Quickly ran downstairs and rushed out the door like a flying arrow.

    nobody! No one in the whole world except him knew that Wei Zhe had depression!

    Wei Zhe's parents died, his grandfather threw him to F city. Before him, Wei Zhe did not have a friend.

    Although Aunt Wang and Uncle Zhao cared about Wei Zhe, they were completely unaware of his abnormalities and only thought they were caused by his temperament.

    No one in the world knows Wei Zhe's pain.

.Rush out of the villa area and stand on the sidewalk. The red light on the opposite side flickered, and vehicles on the road rolled.

    Chen Mo suddenly thought of the book: Wei Zhe thought he would die prematurely, so he stored his sperm in the sperm bank. It turned out that he still felt that this was a garbage plot made up by the author to pave the way for the villain's tragic fate, but now that he thinks about it, it makes sense.

    Wei Zhe might have thought of suicide long ago!

    And Wei Zhe died in a car accident when he was thirty-two...

    Could it be suicide? !

    Chen Mo palpitated and stared at the red light in front of him. When it turned green, he ran out for the first time, crossed the zebra crossing, and came to the opposite side of the road.

    On the opposite side of the road, there are rows of freshly planted thin white poplars, and lush green grass and yellow flowers spread from the black asphalt road to the banks of the sewage river.

.Chen Mo entered from the entrance of the newly built Riverside Park, got off the stone ladder, and stepped on the soft sandy beach.

    Although it is stated in the book that Wei Zhe will "accidentally drive down the cliff" when he is thirty-two years old, he is still afraid that Wei Zhe will not think about it at this time.

    Chen Mo has no hope for the morality of this book, can he be dragged in such an innocent man in this world, and can he count on this book to proceed as usual?

    Perhaps, this book has long since collapsed.

    Chen Mo's heart beat like a drum, watching the brightly lit bridge across the river in the distance, upstream along the river.

    The beach is not big, and it's the end if you walk less than a hundred meters. Then you have to climb a stone dam and walk on it.

    With the cold river breeze blowing, Chen Mo ran for about ten minutes, and then he saw a dark figure. .The black shadow was sitting on the dam, smoking a cigarette, and a small red light flickered with his smoking action.

    Chen Mo's energy seemed to vent all of a sudden, and he suddenly squatted down.

    Wei Zhe! It's Wei Zhe! I really want to cry, what's the matter! Damn it!

    The river breeze brought water, fluttering on his face as if facing a drizzle.

    Wei Zhe sat on the dam, looked at the boat houses of the people in front of him, and smoked silently. This is his second cigarette.

    He sandwiched the cigarette between his index and middle fingers and shook slightly. The soot drifted slowly down the dam, scattered in the invisible air.

    He took another two sips fiercely, as if with a kind of decisiveness. He threw the smoke out, and the red star fell into the river along the lonely parabola. He stood up.

    Then, he heard a familiar voice: "Wei Zhe."

.Wei Zhe turned his head in amazement.

    It was Chen Mo walking towards him in the darkness.

    He thought he was wrong.

    Until Chen Mo stood in front of him.

    "..." Wei Zhe was sluggish for a while, before making a sound for a long time, with a little uncertainty, "Why are you here?"

    "I'll accompany you!" Chen Mo said.


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