Chapter 6

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Chen Mo's words surprised everyone.

    The students who were shocked by Wei Zhe's violence, their eyes suddenly brightened, and the previous panic was wiped out in an instant, their gossip spirits instantly ignited, and they stared at Chen Mo and Lin Zhao with interest.

    If this is a society with a well-developed network, someone will definitely pick up a mobile phone to record a video and post it in a certain sound with a striking title: Shocked! There was a group fight in the bad youth classroom of F City No. 3 Middle School, but there were other behind-the-scenes...

    Of course, what students can do now is to pick up the Nokia phone that can smash walnuts, press the keys desperately, and send text messages to friends:

    [Youngest member, your Ban Lin has made big news, and he has been cheated! 】

    [Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-I did not expect that Lin Zhao from class eleven would actually be someone else's dog leg, come and watch the show! 】

.[I'm out of melon seeds, come here quickly, someone borrowed a knife to kill someone to deal with Chen Mo, you absolutely can't think of who that knife is. 】


    After a while, the windows of Class 12 were crowded with people, and everyone craned their necks to look inside.

    Lin Zhao was stopped by Chen Mo in the aisle between two rows of tables and chairs. He was stunned at first, but then he was extremely humiliated: "What are you talking about?" He gritted his teeth, and the beaten face was distorted. Why? Seeing how disgusting. Because the tooth was knocked out, his voice was like a leak, "Who was encouraged? You tell me clearly!"

    "Isn't it you?" Chen Mo sneered with a sarcasm on his face.

    "You!" Lin Zhao was furious. The memory of being hit on the ground just now seemed to disappear. In an instant, he was about to rush towards Chen Mo again.

.But Wei Zhe pulled Chen Mo away, stood in front of him, stared at Lin Zhao and said coldly, "Do you still want to be beaten?"

    Lin Zhao was shocked, reflexively stepped back two steps, and then stared at Wei Zhe fiercely, like a devil crawling out of hell: "Okay! You have a seed! Wait for Lao Tzu! Lao Tzu won't cut off your old name. Forest!……"

    "Lin Zhao," Chen Mo interrupted Lin Zhao. He felt that he was communicating with a pig and was rather speechless. "You don't usually come to the classroom to look for me," he reminded, "because I will beat up in the classroom. you."

    "Hahaha—" The whole audience roared with laughter.

    Chen Mo was right, Lin Zhao would never come to the classroom to trouble Chen Mo.

    The original owner, Chen Mo, would fight Lin Zhao unceremoniously in the classroom, and the rules and regulations were just a fart to him.

.After experiencing a provocation, Lin Zhao never did this thankless thing again. He couldn't beat Chen Mo, not only that, he and Chen Mo were warned and punished together.

    And the reason why he came with someone again today is because before the morning class, he heard someone in the toilet vowed to his friend: "Chen Mo wants to live in school, so no matter who comes to trouble him, he will Don't dare to do it. If he dares to do it, the teacher will definitely reject his application. You see that his relationship with his uncle's family is so bad. If he can't live in school, he must go to sleep on the street." So Lin Zhao hugged him. With the idea that he would not suffer anyway, he ran into the classroom again eagerly to humiliate Chen Mo.

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