Chapter 20

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Li Guodong was changing his homework in the office, and he was stunned when he saw Wei Zhe appear at the door.

    He knew Wei Zhe this child. After Wei Zhe was transferred to the Third Middle School, the principal gathered the middle and high-level cadres and class 12 teachers together to explain his situation.

    Prominent family background, troublesome character. This kind of student is the most troublesome for teachers.

    "Yin Yu, not talkative, short-tempered, sleeps in class and plays games, and he raises the table if he speaks a few more words." This is the principal's original words, "One middle school, only one week after enrolling in the school, injured five classmates, and Last Friday, I even rushed to the 16th Middle School to fight. Not only did he beat a boy into a tenth grade disabled, he also smashed the security department of his school."

    Wei Zhe didn't want to return the goods at No. 1 Middle School, and the Education Bureau threw him to No. 3 Middle School. No one at the head of the Third Middle School was tough enough and had to accept this student. .But fortunately, the student was only on loan, and the student status was not transferred. According to the principal, all the teachers don’t care about him. As long as he doesn’t harass other students, he will follow him whatever he wants. After he has been mixed for three years and gets the high school diploma and leaves, everyone is happy. .

    "The butler who took care of him said that he just didn't like being disturbed." The principal said vowedly, "There is no student in Class 12 who is particularly trouble-makers. Unlike Class 11, there is Lin Zhao who put him in the twelfth class. Ben, no one will pay attention to him, and of course he will not fight for no reason. It's okay, this arrangement is perfect."

    It sounds perfect. One to ten classes will definitely not want such students who do not study. Class 11 can't be put, Class 12 is relatively warm. Putting him in Class 12 is safe for everyone.

.However, no one expected that he had just beaten Lin Zhao on the first day of school, and he also interrupted two big teeth.

    Li Guodong put down the red pen in his hand, pinched his eyebrows with a headache, looked at Wei Zhe and asked, "What's the matter?"

    He felt that such a self-centered child would come to the office to look for a teacher. It was like the sun hitting the west. wrong! Li Guodong reacted shockingly. It's school time. This kid is not in the classroom, so why did he come here?

    Wei Zhe stepped forward, without blinking his eyes, and said word by word: "Ms. Liu framed Chen Mo for cheating in yesterday's English reading competition. The whole class asked me to come to you. I hope you will give Chen Mo justice."

    Li Guodong:...

.Put the falsehood aside and leave it alone, "The whole class asked me to come to you". Why don't you blush when you tell such a lie?

    Li Guodong stood up, took the thin coat hung on the back of the chair and put it on his body, and said, "Chen Mo... the boy called the "Jedi Fight Back" this morning? Speaking of which, Lin Zhao seemed to be the same. Run to trouble him." He seemed to have discovered something terrible, and asked in disbelief, "Yesterday you did it to help Chen Mo?"

    Wei Zhe remained silent.

    Li Guodong couldn't understand why, he muttered in his heart: "Isn't it that you don't like to deal with people, is it particularly withdrawn?"

    Wei Zhe stood aside and signaled Li Guodong to go first.

    Li Guodong looked at Wei Zhe carefully. .The face was handsome, the youthful aura came to his face, his mouth was closed, there was no smile, and there was a dark halo under his eyes that was not easy to see. It looked like the legendary "Yin Yu".

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