Chapter 29

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"I'll be with you!" The warm voice blew into the wind, rolled into the waves, and slapped on the shore. It seemed to knock out countless reverberations, and finally turned into a light feather, penetrated into the chest, and moved the atrium that was about to cool down.

    Wei Zhe did not respond for a long time. With his hands in the pockets of his sweater, the cold river breeze caused his hair to float continuously, covering his eyes where he could talk. I don't know how long it took. He finally moved, but lowered his head, kicked away the stone on the ground with his foot, and still didn't speak.

    Chen Mo has never seen Wei Zhe like this.

    Cold and lonely, helpless, completely different from the unnecessary and casual sex that I pretended to be.

    Yes, it was pretended.

    Most depression patients will behave like normal people when they are in contact with others. The only ones who really know that they are sick are their closest family members and loved ones.

.Chen Mo had to admit that he was really just an outsider to Wei Zhe. The real pain of depression patients, he has never shown in front of him.

    Depressed mood and diminished interest are just the most basic manifestations. Grabbing the chest and breathing hard, feeling flustered like a boulder, crying and crying cannot be cured, and in the end I can only smash the wall crazily and wait for my head to die. These are the real pain of depression patients!

    Life is extremely dark, even if someone around you cares about you, you can't help being pessimistic and desperate. You want to live, but there is a terrible hand pushing you to die. Struggling with life and death, like a trapped beast under the rain of swords, guns and swords, it can only be liberated by death...

    Chen Mo couldn't imagine how long Wei Zhe suffered.

    In this era, depression is not well known to the public. .Chen Mo clearly remembered that even in the present world of another time and space, it was only after a certain emperor superstar jumped up on a tall building that the people of the world gradually understood this disease. But that's it. Many people still think that this disease is "moaning without disease" and "satisfying."

    No one understands Wei Zhe. His insomnia is only insomnia, and his loss of control is madness. He staggered in the darkness, groping for the light alone.

    Many caring depression patients can't support it, let alone a lonely and helpless 16-year-old like Wei Zhe?

    Chen Mo's eyes were a little moist.

    He and Wei Zhe were standing on the dam, with a long slope visible when they turned around. They climbed up the slope and crossed the guardrail to reach the Jiangbin Avenue where they could go home. On the other side, there is an undercurrent surging, a long and surging pollution river.

.As the river rises and falls, Danmin’s boat house shook, and the lights flickered.

    I don't know how long it took, Wei Zhe finally raised his head. He looked at Chen Mo, his mouth bends: "Care about me?"

    "..." Very familiar words.

    Chen Mo nodded softly.

    Wei Zhe turned to look at Po River, and was silent for a moment at the scenery he had watched for a long time, then took a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his pocket and threw it down with one hand. "I was kicked in the head by a donkey. I think smoking can make me feel better."


    Chen Mo and him are no more than half a meter away. The night is dark, there is no lighting here, only the moon in the sky faints the stratus clouds and falls down. Chen Mo looked at his side face. His profile is well-defined, but that's all that can be seen clearly.

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