Chapter 61

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Chen Mo fell on the bed, and he heard Wei Zhe's words clearly.

    He said that he likes men!

    The sky is falling apart, and the sun is dark, his mood at the moment is like meeting the end of the world.

    This book fell apart, completely collapsed! How could Wei Zhe like men? He is clearly a straight man! The book explains very clearly that Wei Zhe had had several girlfriends, but he was not married and had children.

    Chen Mo raised his head and looked at Wei Zhe blankly.

    Wei Zhe approached Chen Mo, leaned down, and put his hands on Chen Mo's side. His figure shrouded, blocking the light from the window. The eyes are facing each other, and the distance between their noses is only a palm.

    Chen Mo could feel the warm breath of Wei Zhe, which sprayed on his face, itchy, with the familiar smell of a teenager, like the fragrance of summer, sweeping away the haze of winter.

.Chen Mo's heart was beating frantically. He saw Wei Zhe's eyes unblinking, his silly face reflected in the deep pool of black pupils.

    He panicked. Wei Zhe said he likes men, so...

    He seemed to understand what Wei Zhe would say next. But why does it become like this? In his expectation, after Wei Zhe walked out of the darkness, he should get married and have children. From beginning to end, he firmly believed that Wei Zhe was a straight man.

    Chen Mo wanted to stand up again, but Wei Zhe was imprisoned in his arms, unable to move.

    Wei Zhe stared at Chen Mo tightly, his eyelashes trembling lightly.

    Chen Mo's cheeks were flushed, and the tips of his ears seemed to be bloodshot. He should stop Wei Zhe, but, why did he open his mouth and then he couldn't utter a word?

    "I like a man.".Wei Zhe's voice rang from his lips and teeth, deep and magnetic, "Do you know who he is?"

    Chen Mo's eardrum seemed to be smashed hard by the sound of his own heartbeat. He wanted to press his chest, and the heart was about to pop out.

    Stop talking, Wei Zhe! Let me calm down! Chen Mo looked at Wei Zhe pitifully.

    However, Wei Zhe ignored the look in his pleading eyes, as if he couldn't understand his thoughts, insisted on going his own way, and said very firmly: "I like you, Chen Mo!"

    "Boom!" The whole world exploded. Chen Mo's mind was blank. At this moment, he seemed to have forgotten to breathe.

    "I like you..." Wei Zhe said again, but this time, instead of being as resolute as before, his eyes gradually turned red, and there was a shallow water glow in his eyes, and his voice was Feeling wronged.

    Chen Mo trembled all over: "I...I..."

."So what about you? Do you, do you like me?" Wei Zhe said lightly, shaking his hands on both sides of Chen Mo's body, as if he would weaken at any time. His gaze swept across Chen Mo's face, from forehead to eyes, from eyes to nose, and finally to lips, and stayed there for a long time. He was waiting for Chen Mo's answer.

    Chen Mo was so flustered that he couldn't speak. He finally raised his left hand to cover his heart, his face burning as if he had drunk ten cylinders of alcohol. "Well, that, Wei Zhe, let me get up first," Chen Mo took a long time to find his voice, "Let me think about it first, it's too, too sudden."

    Wei Zhe was silent for a long time, and slowly stood up straight, freeing Chen Mo from his confinement. He asked sadly: "Am I scaring you?"

    Chen Mo stood up and moved a step away from Wei Zhe. Hearing Wei Zhe's question, he quickly said: "No, no.".But then when he thought about the chaos in his mind and needed to think about it, he changed his mind again and said, "Well...actually it seems to be a little bit. I, I will go out first. You, you have a good rest!" Then, he ran out of the room as if fleeing.

    But when he stood in the hall and saw the room opposite Wei Zhe, he reacted shockingly. What he ran out just now was the guest room where he was staying. Now if he wants to think calmly by himself, he will either walk to Wei Zhe. To go to his room, or just ran downstairs and walked out of Wei's house to a place with no one.

    Chen Mo chose Wei Zhe's room right away, and then he did the same.

    Turn the doorknob to open the door. Go in and close the door again.

    But the next second he was stunned.

    Of course he entered Wei Zhe's room at will?

    Is there a mistake? ? ?

.Chen Mo grabbed his hair and squatted down against the door.

    The heart is too messy! Wei Zhe, who always thought he was a straight man, suddenly confessed to him that he, he...

    Chen Mo buried his head in his knees. Less than a month after the journey, I stayed with Wei Zhe almost every day. These countless memories are like a tsunami rushing across the sky, forming a huge whirlpool in his mind, pulling him in continuously.

    Wei Zhe Wei Zhe Wei Zhe, after trying to calm down, Wei Zhe is all over his head!

    Wei Zhe, who pretends to be a relaxed person, pretended to laugh, but Wei Zhe who actually suffered from depression and insomnia every night, Wei Zhe who fought with others for him, many, many,... Finally, it was Wei Zhe who cried and hugged him in the taxi!

    Chen Mo took a deep breath and raised his head.

    Mother and child have been single for so many years, never knowing the taste of love, thinking that he is a straight man, but at this time because of a man's heart palpitations blush. .Chen Mo covered his heart that was still beating, and said, "Do I like Wei Zhe?"

    The heartfelt spit out, there is nowhere to put his hands and feet, and he is too embarrassed.

    As Wei Zhe said, he is a pig, a big stupid pig!

    Chen Mo finally stood up, but stood in front of the door with one hand on the doorknob, and did not open the door for a long time. He didn't know how to face Wei Zhe, he hadn't thought about it, really he hadn't thought about it.

    But standing still for a while, still wondering whether or not to go out at the door, the doorknob was suddenly turned.

    Chen Mo was startled and then took a step back.

    The door was pushed open, and Wei Zhe appeared at the door. Seeing Chen Mo, he was particularly surprised. His red eyes were full of surprises that "Chen Mo would be here."

    "You... come to my room "think about it"?" Wei Zhe asked.

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