Chapter 57

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Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

    Wei Zhe didn't even have the courage to say "I like you" again.

    The returning bus still swayed. The car was dim, and Chen Mo and Wei Zhe sat in the last row. Chen Mo knew that Wei Zhe was in a particularly bad mood, and most of it was because of him, but what could he do? When Wei Zhe was speaking, fireworks were suddenly set off in Happy Valley, and his voice was deafening. It was not easy for him to hear the three words "because of me" at the last second.

    "'Because of me' what?" Chen Mo asked afterwards, but Wei Zhe cast a weak eye.

    "Oh!" Chen Mo sighed. After getting on the bus, Wei Zhe began to close his eyes to rest up his mind, and ignored him. He had a sense of frustration. He came here to make Wei Zhe happy this night, but he ended up in disappointment.

    Gradually, Chen Mo also closed his eyes. .I used to play too crazy in Happy Valley, now I am sitting in the car, I only feel exhausted, my body is soft and drowsy. He involuntarily leaned towards the glass window, and slowly pressed half of his face to it, and fell asleep like that.

    Chen Mo slept soundly. He has always had a wide heart and fat body. He has lived for so many years and has never fallen asleep on a bus, but this time he slept most comfortably. The hard window glass on his head disappeared and turned into a soft pillow with a familiar smell, and even an extra quilt on his empty body.

    When he was shaken by Wei Zhe, he found out where the pillows and quilts were on the bus. He was leaning on Wei Zhe's shoulder, wearing Wei Zhe's black coat.

    Chen Mo immediately sat up straight and returned his coat to Wei Zhe. The bus is almost at the stop. Chen Mo told Wei Zhe to put on his coat quickly, saying that he was afraid he would catch a cold.

.Wei Zhe took the coat silently.

    The car stopped and the two got off.

    The cold wind rustled. The big banyan tree next to the bus stop shook its branches and leaves, shaking off several dead leaves.

    Wei Zhe put on his coat at this time, he tightened his collar tightly: "I don't know that girl."

    "Huh?" Chen Mo was about to take out his phone to check the time, but he didn't expect that Wei Zhe suddenly made such a thoughtless sentence. With his hands still in his pockets, his five fingers touched the cold cell phone case, but his head knotted for a while, and his movements stopped there.

    "That girl just now." Wei Zhe stepped heavily on the roots of the banyan tree that had grown to the ground.

    Chen Mo finally reacted. But he didn't understand why Wei Zhe mentioned her suddenly. Isn't he upset in his heart?

.Wei Zhe looked forward and said, "That girl is crazy. I chased after me when I entered the first middle school, but I don't even know what the hell is her name."

    Chen Moran silently. Obviously, the reason why Wei Zhe didn't know her name was because he didn't remember her at all. Wei Zhe has learned how bad his ability to remember people is. It is said that he has been transferred to the third middle school for so long, and he has remembered the names of four people in the twelfth class: Chen Mo counts as one, and the rest are Luo Zhiqiang, Wu Suyu and Xiao Xiaorui.

    Wei Zhe continued: "There was an idiot in the 16th Middle School who liked her. He felt that I was blocking his way. He asked me to fight. I didn't have him. As a result, Liu Yiyun was a bit of a fan. I was more temperamental at that time. , know what happens later."

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