Chapter 15

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After getting up early this morning, You Qianqian's right eyelid jumped, inexplicably restless. I made breakfast and broke two eggs, washed pots and bowls and smashed three bowls. When I went downstairs to buy vegetables, I almost fell from upstairs.

    The fleeting years are not good, everything goes wrong! She blamed everything on Chen Mo.

    She felt that Chen Mo had become particularly evil. Obviously when I dragged my luggage out on Saturday morning, I looked like I would never come back again, but in the middle of the night, the police came to the police! Not to mention that last night, I brought a security guard up to ask for money.

    When it comes to the money, You Qianqian feels like a knife. Ten thousand yuan, a full ten thousand yuan! Her husband Zhang Weijie’s salary is only two thousand a month!

    Zhang Nan said that Chen Mo had climbed onto a rich and powerful classmate. Her husband also answered the call and said not to worry about Chen Mo anymore.

    But how can she not care! Money! .It's all her money!

    "Why didn't Nan Nan climb a rich and powerful classmate?!" You Qianqian thought bitterly.

    Just when she thought so, Zhang Nan called and said that he had been beaten by Chen Mo, and asked her to go with Zhang Weijie to teach Chen Mo a lesson.

    Zhang Nan cried, saying that his nasal bone may have been broken. When You Qianqian heard it, she almost didn't draw her breath. Broken nose? Do I need 50,000 or 60,000 for a nose reshaping? She hurriedly called her husband, but her husband was in a meeting and the cell phone was muted but not answered. She grabbed her shoulder bag angrily and went straight to the bus stop outside the community.

    But she just got on the bus, and Zhang Bei's call came again.

    "Mom..." Zhang Bei, who has always been well-behaved and pleasant, was crying, "Don't come over, you and Dad, I'll ask my brother a leave, we will go home immediately..."

    "what?".You Qianqian is inexplicable. "Go home?" She asked, "Why are you going home?" She suddenly thought of something, and immediately screamed on the bus, causing the passengers to look at her frequently. "Your brother's nose is really broken?! God! Then, what are you taking him home for? Send him to the hospital! Medical expenses...medical expenses...yes, from your school! From your school! Your school is responsible for the matter!"

    "There is still ten thousand dollars in Little Bunny's hands," she continued angrily, "have to tell him to return it all!"

    "No! Mom!" Zhang Bei cried even more sadly, "I told you not to come here! Don't come here! My brother's nose bone is not broken!"

    "What the hell is going on?" You Qianqian roared.

    You Qianqian is really a very arbitrary woman. She cares about looks and clothes, but she doesn't care about her words and deeds. .To put it nicely, she is called informality like this, and to put it awkwardly, she is a shrew.

    Zhang Nan and Zhangbei knew very well what kind of person his mother was. They seldom let their mother come to school, and occasionally called her there, and they had to go with their father, because only their father could stop her by drinking when necessary.

    This time, Zhang Nan thought that the bridge of his nose had been interrupted. He panicked for a while and hurriedly called You Qianqian. After the call, he regretted a little and told her to come with his father.

    "Don't come here!" Zhang Bei cried and yelled on the other end of the phone.

    "You Beibei... Did Chen Mo bully you too?!" You Qianqian roared again.

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