Chapter 66

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The streets of Beijing are bustling. Chen Mo walked among the crowd with his collar upright. It's winter in this world, but I don't know what month and day it is. The thin coat in the south couldn't withstand the ten degrees below zero weather in the north, and Chen Mo was shivering with cold.

    He is penniless and homeless.

    The currency of this world is like waste paper here, and the inability of mobile phones to connect to the Internet is equivalent to bricks. Chen Mo was at a loss. He didn't know what to do after wearing it to a strange city for eleven years.

    He wants to see Wei Zhe, he really wants to see Wei Zhe! Eleven years! He could not imagine how his Wei Zhe spent these eleven years! Do you have insomnia? Are you crying? Are you too depressed and want to kill yourself?

    Just thinking like this makes him feel like a knife.

    But, how should he meet Wei Zhe? He doesn't even know where Wei Zhe, who is now 27 years old, is. .Moreover, even if he meets Wei Zhe, how should he face him. He is wearing! To Wei Zhe, he is now a stranger from head to toe!

    I didn’t know how long he walked, Chen Mo sniffed and saw a small convenience supermarket on the right front. He shrank his head, faced the cold wind, ran quickly, and got into the door that was only half open. .

    The heating in the small supermarket enveloped him, gradually dispelling the coldness all over him.

    Chen Mo stood motionless by the door.

    The young female boss behind the cash register raised her head and looked at Chen Mo.

    Meeting her suspicious gaze, Chen Mo bit his head and walked over.

    "I..." What am I? What should he say? Did he say that he rushed into this supermarket just because he was too cold?

.The female boss was playing with the penguin farm with her mobile phone in her hand. Chen Mo stared at the mobile phone for a long time. His mind flashed and suddenly wanted to call Wei Zhe.

    But he knew how ridiculous this idea was. Not to mention whether Wei Zhe has changed his number in the past so many years, just say that with Wei Zhe's personality, he would never answer calls from strangers. Even if Wei Zhe touched his brain and pressed the connect button, he probably hung up immediately after hearing him spit out a word.

    But now that he has this idea, his heart beats like a drum. Give it a try, give it a try! He said this to himself. Maybe Wei Zhe would pick it up, maybe he said he was Chen Mo and Wei Zhe would believe it, maybe...

    "?" The female boss frowned and looked at Chen Mo warily.

    Chen Mo showed an awkward and polite smile: "Um... my cell phone is dead, can I borrow yours? I, I will make a call.".With that said, he also put his mobile phone in front of the female boss.

    The female boss struggled for a while, turned off the Penguin Farm, and handed the phone to Chen Mo.

    Chen Mo pressed a familiar phone number on the touch screen, but after typing the long string of numbers, his finger stopped above the green dial button, and he didn't press it for a long time.

    The female boss frowned again.

    Chen Mo took a deep breath, and clicked silently on the dial button.

    The call went out. Chen Mo put the phone to his ear.

    "Beep-beep-" The voice on the phone was waiting for the other party to answer. Chen Mo's heart hung up with this voice, and his hands trembled slightly.

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