Chapter 17

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"The post is useless. Moreover, girls are easily scared." Wei Zhe explained.

    Chen Mo opened his mouth, trying to refute him.

    Not to mention whether the post is still useful for people who want to hack him, it is very problematic to say "girls are easily scared". Chen Mo clearly remembers that after Xu Linna cried and slapped him, she wiped away her tears and raised her middle finger like a little sister, and said to him viciously: "Chen Mo, wait, don't kill you and my surname is Xu!" Today, big-character posters attacking him appeared on the school's bulletin board. For others, he still can't guarantee, but for Xu Linna, he dared to pack a ticket. Even if she was discovered by him and revealed that the person behind the scenes was her, she would never move her eyebrows.

    However, before he could say his rebuttal, Wei Zhe said, "So I contacted the hacker for you and found the ip address of the poster."

.Chen Mo:...

    Originally speaking, I wanted to tell him that he had already helped him deal with this trouble. Wei Zhe, he really couldn't pay this debt of favor.

    Outside the main entrance of the Third Middle School, there is a busy street, turn right fifty meters, and there is an alley through the street. There are private houses on both sides of the alley. The door of the private house was opened and changed into a variety of restaurants, specializing in student business. If the students in the third middle school do not want to eat in the cafeteria, and it is inconvenient to go home at noon because they are far away from home, they will come here to find a restaurant to fry two dishes and improve their meals.

    Wei Zhe took Chen Mo into the small restaurant that I visited yesterday.

    "Madam, are there any private rooms?"

    "You? Hey, I remember you, and you, those handsome guys yesterday! Private room? Yes! Yes!"

.The proprietress in her thirties smiled into a flower, picked up the order menu on the bar, and walked up the stairs made of wooden planks in three steps and two steps. Wei Zhe and Chen Mo followed. When the two of them reached their heads and almost touched the ceiling, the stairs turned to the left and walked a few steps to reach the second floor.

    The restaurant was not big. The cramped second floor was divided into three private rooms. The two on the far left were full of people. Wei Zhe led Chen Mo into the last one.

    Wei Zhe ordered a good meal, and the proprietress left with a smile.

    Wei Zhe took out his chopsticks from the plastic paper and smashed the film covering the white porcelain bowl with a pop.

    Chen Mo rested on the dining table with one hand, resting his cheeks, and looked at him seriously.

    "Is Lao Tzu very handsome?" Wei Zhe held the chopsticks in his hand with another force, "pop", and the white porcelain plate was also freed from the film. ".You don't need to eat later," Wei Zhe threw all the bowls, chopsticks and dishes into the boiling water basin in the middle of the table, and he squinted at Chen Mo, "I'll be full just watching Laozi? "

    "Hey!" Chen Mo finally put his hands down, sitting upright. "Why are you so good to me?" he asked. He just wanted to ask this sentence when he came all the way, but there were groups of students in the third middle school on the way, and people stared at him from time to time, making him a little embarrassed, and it felt like he was exposing himself in front of others. Privacy-like.

    Wei Zhe picked up the chopsticks and dangled the dishes in the water. This action is adept, as if he is a native of the South.

    When Chen Mo asked, his face was not red and his heart beats, but when he was waiting for the answer, he was a little nervous. In fact, he was nervous about why. He himself didn't understand. He probably came through the book and was taken away by the transcendence god with a little IQ. Become a little silly.

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