Chapter 27

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Tonight is destined to be unstable.

    Zhao Boyi drove to find Wei Zhe and Chen Mo standing under the overpass.

    The lights under the bridge stretched the two figures very long, and they stood alone among the crowds coming and going.

    Zhao Boyi quickly opened the door.

    They got into the car in silence.

    In the car, Wei Zhe leaned back, as if exhausted, staring at the top without focusing, not knowing what he was thinking.

    Zhao Boyi turned his head to look at his young master, he stopped talking, but he didn't utter a word for a while. He sighed silently, shook his head, reached out and turned off the interior lights above his head, and dropped the safety lock.

    The car moved slowly, and within a short time, it came to the main road in the city. The lights are bright, the neon is shining, what kind of excitement should be around, but everything is isolated from this dim car.
.No one in the car spoke, and the atmosphere was quite depressing.

    Chen Mo was a little uneasy. He had heard clearly before. What Wei Zhe said on the phone was "I beat Liu Yiyun." Wei Zhe did not tell Uncle Zhao the truth, but took the blame for the beating himself.

    Chen Mo was worried that the guy named Liu Yiyun might have a lot of background. He punched him like that, which might cause Wei Zhe a lot of trouble.

    But Chen Mo did not regret it.

    Liu Yiyun's hideous face kept appearing in his mind, and the hysterical shouts kept echoing in his ears. "Your mother is a lunatic, your madness is inherited from your mother, you are a murderer, you killed your cousin!"

    Why does he say that to Wei Zhe? !

    Chen Mo consciously beat him lightly. If Wei Zhe hadn't pulled him away, he would definitely kick him again.

    Chen Mo turned his head to look at Wei Zhe.

.Wei Zhe hasn't said a word since he called Uncle Zhao under the overpass. At this moment, he was as quiet as a badly injured little beast, still maintaining the same movement as when he first got into the car, but his eyes had been closed. The street lights outside the car window flashed from time to time, so that his handsome face was flashing and darkening, and he looked at it as if he was walking between light and darkness.

    Inexplicably, Chen Mo was flustered again. This feeling is too familiar, just as Wei Zhe lightly uttered four words on the rooftop on that day-"There is no ideal", the breath of unlovable life seems to permeate the ubiquitous air, full of it. resignedly!

    Chen Mo didn't dare to speak, he was afraid that Wei Zhe would be shocked. He was afraid that Wei Zhe thought he cared about what Liu Yiyun said. He was afraid that Wei Zhe would misunderstand him, and have shared with him ever since.

    Chen Mo turned his head and stared at the windshield. .The million-dollar car drove very smoothly, and the golden safety charm hung on the glass was almost motionless. The car drove up to the third ring road, and a long road with lights in front of it led to the distance.

    "You are finally back!" Aunt Wang, who had already received the news, stood anxiously waiting at the gate, and hurried forward when she saw the car approaching.

    Wei Zhe got off the car first, then Chen Mo.

    Aunt Wang looked up and down Wei Zhe carefully, and she was relieved to see that there was nothing wrong with him. "Go up and take a bath first! Get a good night's sleep." She said cautiously.

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