Chapter 58

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Blue sky and white sun, a society ruled by law. The four young rogues took out their daggers just to scare Chen Mo. How dare they really pierce a few blood holes in Chen Mo. It was only because Wang Xiaodong said that Chen Mo could fight, they went out with a dagger with them.

    It stands to reason that a 16-year-old high school student who can fight again, sees six fierce social youths, even if they are not frightened, they should shrink their heads and say nothing. There is no such thing as Chen Mo. Luo just punched him up, and even they all took out the knives. He was not afraid of it. To deceive himself was to sweep the legs of a wolf.

    This kid thought he was making a Kung Fu movie!

    The young man who was spitting blood by Chen Mo put his hand to his mouth: "Bah!" He actually spat out a broken tooth. He suddenly became furious, and took out the dagger in his pocket.

.At this time, Chen Mo had escaped the attack of two people, and kicked a guy with a lip ring on his lips.

    "Fuck him, give him some blood!" Wang Xiaodong cursed, "You guys play with knives?! Who would arrest you if you didn't stabbed anyone to death! I didn't hire you to let you eat rice!"

    When Wang Xiaodong's cursing fell, the guy with the broken tooth rushed towards Chen Mo with a dagger.

    Chen Mo was entangled by three people again. Because of Wang Xiaodong's words, the three seemed to have no scruples, and the dagger officially became their weapon.

    One person sneaked from behind Chen Mo. Chen Mo moved his foot, turned sideways, grabbed his wrist with the knife, threw him over the shoulder, and hit him hard with a kick. The person screamed, and he couldn't get up for the time being. .Next, a person attacked from the front, Chen Mo squatted down, punched him on the abdomen, and swept a kick. The person leaned back on the spot and fell to the ground, probably unable to get up. Finally, a person kicked from the side, and Chen Mo rolled on the spot and hid. Then... there is no more.

    Although he has learned some fighting skills, they are all infamous three-legged cat kung fu. Chen Mo is still very powerless to deal with the six social hooligans holding weapons. He knew that passers-by passing by the alley had already called the police, and he hoped that he could survive until the police arrived.

    Obviously, people like Wang Xiaodong also hope to make a quick decision before the police arrive.

.ChenMo physical consumption have largely been puffing up from the pavement, but it is he straightened, he felt the right rear There was a sharp knife roaring wind, this time, he not escape, only insurance He dodged dangerously to the left, and then, his right lower arm suffered a pain, and when he reacted, he realized that he had been slashed.

    The knife is about three inches long, starting at the elbow, and going all the way down the outer arm, pulling out a terrible crack obliquely. The crack is deep and bone is visible, and scarlet blood gurgled out like a desperate moment. The entire right lower arm was dyed red. The jacket and school uniform were all soaked and sticked to the skin sticky. The blood flowed to the back of the hand, ticking along the three fingers in the middle, and splattered to the ground.

    Chen Mo's first reaction was unexpectedly: "Fuck, wouldn't the aorta be cut?" Of course, he quickly calmed down. Where is the aorta in the outer arm? ! .The fortune-telling was worry-free, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Only then did he feel that the wound started to hurt badly.

    The one who pierced the knife was the guy whose teeth were broken by Chen Mo. The top of this person's head was shaved off on both sides, with a long hair left in the middle. The hair was dyed purple-red very personally, which made him quite eye-catching among the five differently shaped scumbags.

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