Chapter 21

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"He's back! He's back!" Liu Lanlan suddenly thought of something, stretched out her hand, pointed at Chen Mo tremblingly, and shouted angrily.

    "Memorized it?" The whole class whispered.

    "It's amazing to memorize it!"

    "Don't be funny! Who can recite a reading comprehension after eating, and practice the pronunciation to such a standard? By the way, recite the Chinese explanation as well?"

    "Yes! Orchid demon is pure fart!"

    "By the way, Chen Mo is too good! His English is so good?"

    The discussion of the classmates poured into Liu Lanlan's ears, Liu Lanlan blushed and white, helpless, she turned her head and looked at Li Guodong in a daze.

    Li Guodong looked at Chen Mo, as if seeing someone from outside the sky, his eyes were bigger than a copper bell.

.After Chen Mo translated the first article, he swept his gaze over Liu Lanlan’s face, and finally stayed on Li Guodong. He tickled the corner of his mouth and asked in English with a faint smile: "Mr. Li, do I need to read another one"

    "Uh..." Li Guodong, in shock, did not respond for a while.

    "It seems that I don't need to do that." Chen Mo said like this, and then he held up the papers to explain to the class, "These reading comprehension questions are far more difficult than the college entrance examination questions. I guess it should be a university six. Level topics. Selected from British and American newspapers such as The Washington Post or Time Magazine. However, in order to meet the actual level of domestic students, individual words have been adjusted.".Then, Chen Mo turned to Liu Lanlan and said sarcastically: "I wonder if our English teacher Liu Lanlan can see which words have been adjusted?"

    Liu Lanlan was inexplicable and stammered: "You, don't talk nonsense, how can there be any words to make adjustments?" As she said, she straightened her body and stroked the messy hair that was hanging down her right temple behind her ears, "You , Go back to your seat! I admit that you did not cheat."

    Liu Lanlan persuaded.

    But where could Chen Mo let her go so easily. He pointed to a sentence on the paper and said: "This sentence the parents are unwilling to take their chilren... I guess unwilling is replaced by another word."

.Liu Lanlan took a deep breath. This time, she really couldn't stand up anymore. She held on to the blackboard and stared at Chen Mo, and shouted: "You are still talking nonsense! I admit that you didn't cheat, and told you to return to your position. Listen. Is it there yet!"

    However, Li Guodong raised his hand to stop her. The expression on his face turned from shock to appreciation. He nodded slightly and asked Chen Mo, "Which word do you think it should be?"

    Chen Mo did not answer Li Guodong's question directly. He still stared at Liu Lanlan sarcastically, and said, "Even if I speak nonsense! But you are an English major, should you know the synonym of unwilling? Please tell me as an English teacher. We!" Chen Mote bite the words "English teacher" clearly and loudly.

    Liu Lanlan grabbed the blackboard with her hand, her fists clenched, and her veins came out.

.Liu Lanlan didn't make a sound for a long time.

    Li Guodong turned his head and looked at her, frowning. Needless to say, Liu Lanlan's teaching level is beyond hopelessly bad, the school would not allow her to teach only a class of twelve classes. But he couldn't think that she even had such a bad professional standard.

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