Chapter 47

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After that, I slept well all night. Soon, it dawned.

    "Come on!" Chen Mo said to Wei Zhe.

    "Come on!" Wei Zhe smiled at Chen Mo.

    At 8:30, the midterm exam of No.3 Middle School officially started.

    In accordance with the practice of the third middle school, the first and second grades of senior high school take the exam first, and then the third grade. Every classroom in the school is used as an examination room, one person, one table, one examination room, two invigilators, and camera monitoring, which is very strict. In such an environment, it is impossible to succeed in cheating.

    There are only twenty-six students in the twelfth class, and they are all arranged in one examination room.

    The Chinese and math exams on the first day passed quickly. Chen Mo didn't know what the other students were doing. He did his best. Asked Wei Zhe. "It's okay." Wei Zhe didn't say "easy" without a nasty ass, but looking at his expression, it is clear that getting high scores is not a problem.
.The next day, the English test.

    This test is what all the students in Class 12 really need to wait for.

    After listening, the two teachers kept walking around in the classroom, stopping next to a certain student from time to time, looking at his answers, and then continuing to walk around.

    Chen Mo swiped his pen to do the questions extremely fast, and he finished the paper after only half of the exam time. He doesn't hide clumsiness, it's so special that he decides to be the first in the examination period, and what else to hide clumsiness. After a careful inspection from beginning to end, he saw that there were no mistakes or missed questions, so he lay down on the table with peace of mind, closed his eyes and rested.

    The two invigilators frowned and glanced at each other. Then there was a male English teacher in his thirties who taught the second year of high school with his hands behind his back, walked over, knocked on Chen Mo's table, motioned Chen Mo to raise his body to give way, and draw the paper under his hands. come out.

.The teacher was very patient, looking at each question one by one, and then his expression slowly turned wrong, turning from calm to surprised and finally into unbelievable. His hands trembled, causing the paper to make two simple sounds.

    Chen Mo raised his head and tilted his head to look at him.

    The teacher met Chen Mo's gaze. "You..." His throat was a bit dry and hoarse, and his voice didn't seem to come out. He probably thought that it was still time for the exam, and the other students were still immersing themselves in the test, so he returned the test paper to Chen Mo, but finally reached out his hand as if he wanted to pat Chen Mo's shoulder, but after thinking about it for a long time, he stopped in mid-air. After a while, he finally retracted. He turned and walked back, blinking at the female teacher sitting at the back.

    The female teacher was puzzled.

    He gestured at her with a 1 and a 5 plus a 0.

.The female teacher immediately widened her eyes and opened her mouth, as if she had seen a ghost in her life. She raised her chin in Chen Mo's direction, "Are you sure?" She asked silently.

    The male teacher nodded, his expression turned into excitement.

    The gambling game of Class 12 and the school is well known throughout the school, but absolutely no one will believe that Chen Mo can get the first place in his year, not to mention that he can get full marks! Get full marks in English, which has never happened in the teaching history of the Third Middle School!

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