Chapter 42

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In Wei Zhe's eyes, this two-bedroom and one-living room was his and Chen Mo's home.

    He had no such thing as a home when he was eleven, but now, he has another one.

    "Click," Chen Mo turned the key, unlocked and entered the door.

    Wei Zhe took off his sneakers and replaced them with cotton slippers placed on the mat in the hallway.

    Chen Mo had already put his schoolbag on the sofa and went to the restaurant with a boxed lunch. The so-called dining room here is just an aisle between the kitchen and the living room, because there is a dining table, which seems a bit crowded.

    Wei Zhe watched Chen Mo open the lunch box, revealing the delicious food inside.

    The two went to the kitchen to wash their hands together, and then sat together at the dining table.

.Chen Mo pushed a full box of rice in front of Wei Zhe, and he tweeted, "Except for your accent, no one would believe that you are a northerner. Isn’t northerners a good pasta? For so many days. I also saw you have eaten it once, and you threw it in a spicy soup.” As he said, he pushed a box of braised prawns to Wei Zhe, and continued: “You guy also likes to eat seafood. Northerners eat it. Doesn’t seafood cause diarrhea?"

    "Where are you stupid and lack of common sense?" Wei Zhe broke off the disposable chopsticks. "Who told you that northerners will have diarrhea when eating seafood?"

    "Say I went to Hainan once for a trip," Chen Mo explained while reminiscing about the time in this world. "There was a tourist from the north who was not used to eating seafood because he had diarrhea and lay in the hospital for a day."

    "Northern inland tourists.".Wei Zhe corrected him, and then reminded, "Inland seafood is expensive, but my family has money, and no matter how expensive seafood is, I can afford it. I went from snacks to big ones."

    Chen Mo was dumb, he was indeed a fool and thought that Wei Zhe rarely ate seafood before.

    "I'm so stupid. If you don't have me, I'm really afraid that someday you will be sold." Wei Zhe said with emotion.

    "I want to sue you for a personal attack." Chen Mo picked up a piece of beef and stuffed it into his mouth.

    Wei Zhe ignored him and began to peel the shrimp. Seeing his fingers are flexible, a shrimp will separate from its shell in a short while. Then, he threw the shrimp into Chen Mo's lunch box and said, "It's better to eat more shrimp if you have the kung fu nonsense."

    Chen Mo bluffed: "No, how can you dare to peel me the shrimp, if you want to eat it, I will peel it myself."

    It was Wei Zhe who sneered, caught another shrimp, and peeled it slowly again: "If you want to eat, you will peel it yourself?.If no one strips it for you, you probably won't even touch it! "

    Chen Mo stopped his chopsticks and looked at Wei Zhe with wide eyes.

    "I got it right?" Another shrimp was thrown into Chen Mo's lunch box. Wei Zhe looked at Chen Mo amusedly, "It's amazing to be lazy when you eat it! Don't think I didn't see it, shrimp scrambled eggs or something. , You eat more happily than I do, so you can change it to the one that needs to be peeled, and you won’t even touch it."

    "Hey, hey," Chen Mo was embarrassed. "Isn't it difficult to peel? I, my skills are not good, you have peeled all three of them, I might as well eat quietly when I have time."

    "Oranges are not easy to peel?"


    "The fruit plate made by Aunt Wang, the oranges in it were all eaten by you. I'll give you an unpeeled orange, and I didn't see you touch it until it rotted."

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