part : 1

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"Don't you dare. Mind my words I will marry you but will never consider you as my husband. As I hate you", Anika shouted and left towards washroom. Shivaay looked towards her retreating figure and clenched his fist slowly gathering her words. Her hate word pinched his heart hard but he have to do it so he masked fake smile over his face

Shivaay smiled from inside when he noticed Anika coming with Mrs Kapoor with veil . He sighed in relief as he saved his reputation and Anika as well. He stand up to take Anika hand in his as it is a ritual to hold bride hand before marriage. When Anika climbed stage with help of Shivaay , she immediately left his hand and took her hand back from his hold. She can bear anything but not someone forcing her , especially marriage because that was supposed to be her decision

Anika closed her eyes tightly controlling her tears which are flowing without any stop. She can't believe the man she was adoring from past few days is actually forcing her in this marriage. She can't even share this with anyone, not even her brother. Shivaay sat down at his place and looked towards Anika , even if her face is covered with veil he can sense her tears but he can't change his decision as well . He was about to pull her down when Rudra gave him garland and asked him to make her wear it. He looked towards Anika who took garland from Priyanka and continued looking down. He stepped one step forward and put garland around her neck, he waited for her to put same but Anika did't moved even a inch

Anika stared garland with tears, she can't wipe them as if she did family will ask many questions that why she is crying. She felt weight around her neck and realised Shivaay already put garland around her neck which is symbol of their marriage, that marriage which is not her wish. She clutched garland tightly trying hard to think it as a dream but when she felt someone holding her hand she lost hopes. She looked towards Shivaay who first completed garland ceremony and then forced her to sit with him

Priest asked Shivaay to fill her hairline after sometime. Shivaay nodded and filled her hairline. He noticed her tears which pained him but he shrugged his thoughts away thinking about reputation. He tied nuptial chain around her neck and forced her to stand with him when priest asked them to take 7 rounds around holy fire

Even that time he noticed Anika was not moving from her place which forced him to pull her with him. After 7 rounds they were declared as married couple. Media people asked for photos but Shivaay asked them to have something and leave as thay can't show her face . Agreeing to Shivaay's request media entered food stall and then left .

After guests and media left Anika was taken in front of Oberoi Mansion for rituals. Oberoi mansion was decorated for her arrival. Anika looked down in regret because this place was supposed to be Tia's which she is taking. Dadi asked her to stamp her finger prints on wall with Shivaay. She looked towards her hands and then towards Shivaay who said yes

"Perform rituals", Shivaay whispered near her ear and waited for her to dip her hand on plate. Anika nodded and both of them stamped their finger prints on wall

"Now come inside after pushing this container with right feet", dadi said and all family members entered Mansion happily. Anika nodded and pushed container lightly which was filled with rice and entered Mansion. Her foot prints were taken by Rudra as someone placed white coloured sheet for her entry

"Now I can't wait to see Tia", Pinky said with excitement which scared Anika as well as Shivaay. Shivaay looked towards Anika who is sitting there numb and came in front of her

"No mom... I mean I want to tell something", Shivaay said and closed his eyes to gain strength. Family members started asking about reason which tensed him more

"Silence first", Shivaay shouted as they started gossiping if someone knows about his announcement or not. When everyone stopped talking Shivaay took a long breath

"I married Anika not Tia because she ran away from marriage. Tia told that she is in love with someone and want to marry so she is... Anika not Tia", Shivaay said and turned towards Anika to open her veil. When he opened her veil he noticed her red puffy eyes which felt like someone stabbed him. He wiped her face and turned towards family when Anika turned her face aside to remove his hand from her face

"She... married me...", Shivaay fumbled talking about marriage because he can't lie that she agreed to his wish easily. He very well know she is not happy with this marriage and that is the face which he hate

"Ohh my Mata why Shivaay?",asked Pinky being shocked from sudden revelation. She looked towards Anika who is looking beautiful but dull at the same time , which she thought maybe because she is tired from rituals

"To save your reputation", Anika replied eying Shivaay. Shivaay looked down in Shame because her eyes were accusing him for marriage

"Thank you soo much Anika . I am so happy to see you. Welcome to Oberoi family", dadi said and pulled Anika in hug. Anika hugged her back faking smile because she can't cry on her fate right now. When dadi left her Rudra pulled her in hug and started to twirl Anika in excitement

"I am so happy that lady baba ran from marriage I am very happy to see you as my bhabhi now we will make a team", Rudra said excitedly without realising the seriousness of situation. Anika masked fake smile around her face and kept quiet because she is not happy right now, she should be happy to get supportive family but what about husband?

"Shivaay will you explain how this happened?",asked Tej from Shivaay.. Rudra left Anika when Om gestured him to leave her and turned towards Shivaay to hear him

"What explanation? She ran from marriage what else you want to hear?
", Shivaay asked

"Nothing", Tej said angrily and left from there followed by Janvi behind him. Om came near Anika and asked her to sit

"Priyanka take her to Shivaay's room", Shakti said when Om was helping Anika to drink water.

"Why are you quiet Anika? You never stay quiet for a long time", asked Priyanka

"Nothing it's just because I'm tired", Anika replied without looking in her eyes because she don't want any of his family member to know how he married her. If had courage she would have told the exact reason of her silence. She just lost her right to choose partner then how can she enjoy? When from inside she is heartbroken

"Let's go ", Om said and helped Anika to stand. Anika looked towards Shivaay who stared them and left towards his room. Anika chuckled when she watched him going, she was fool to think he will ask her wish, or atleast he will let her meet Sahil

After entering room she checked Shivaay who was inside washroom. She sat on bed waiting for him

"Anika come down after changing we have rituals pending", Priyanka said and left from there

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