part : 15

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"Don't even say her name. I hate her. If by chance she came back then I will show her hell", Shivaay said angrily

"Ok leave this. Shivaay are you sure we can live with each other? In this marriage? Because I think we should apply for ...", Anika said but Shivaay interrupted her in middle

"Don't even talk about divorce. What else do you want? My whole family loves you and even I am trying my best to show you I want us to live together ", Shivaay said

"No, you are not. Yes, I admit your family loves me but still you are unable to remove the distance between me and you. It is always either you or me not we", Anika said

"Then correct me because I don't understand when I am wrong and when I'm hurting you ", Shivaay said and held her hand, Anika looked at him shocked as she never let any men touch her.

"You will do it later", Anika said

"I don't know that but I promise to be serious in this marriage. You will not regret marrying me, I will consider your family like mine and I don't like your tears", Shivaay said

"Pinky promise", Anika asked showing her pinky finger. Shivaay smiled remembering the last time how Anika told him about this promise. He like this bond now, whatever they have between them is special for him. Shivaay joined their Pinky fingers together

"Pinky promise", Shivaay said.

"Now tell me is there any problem? ", Shivaay asked to which Anika shooked her head

"Ok then sleep because I have work", Shivaay said and started working on the laptop. Anika looked at him and lay down, his whole concentration was on the laptop and he was looking so handsome, she would have pulled his cheeks if they were comfortable with each other. Her heart wants him in her life but at the same time is scared because of his attitude and ego. What if in future he dumped this marriage? What she will do and where she will go? He is rich and has a reputation so if the media got to know then they will insult her without knowing anything.

"Staring your husband is good but you should tell what is going in your mind", Shivaay said

Anika looked aside and started to think whether she should ask this question or not? Yes, he already promised her that he will be serious in this marriage but his words were not able to remove her fear.

"Nothing. I was not staring at you but wall. Walls in this room are beautiful", Anika lied without looking at him

"Yes, a lie. Anyways as you are not sleeping give me a blue-coloured file from the drawer and I'm hungry so check if there is something in the kitchen ", Shivaay asked.

"I will make something for you", Anika said and walked towards the drawer to take the file. After taking the file, she handled him. When she was giving him a file their fingers touched each other giving different sensations to both that they never felt before.

"I am not that hungry to eat food, Anika. I am asking if there are snacks left or ice cream anything light", Shivaay said. Anika nodded and left from there to check if something is left for them. Shivaay stopped working and started to think about her.

He was never serious with Tia so he is confused about what to do and how? Only one thing is clear in his mind he can't divorce Anika. He was scared to lose her when she talked about divorce so his one confusion is cleared but many are still there. Can he accept her as his wife in front of the media? What he will do if anyone asked about her surname and family?

From childhood he is hearing only one thing that name, blood, and lineage matter then how can he forget these things in a day? With Tia, he was never confused because she never put her respect at first. She always asked him for money and they had a normal conversation which was professional. This is the reason for him even though the marriage was just a namesake relation. From childhood, he used to think everything is a deal, if not for Anika then his thinking would be the same today as well.

She is different and wants respect and care from him, not money and media attention. She loves his family and gives him time to spend with family whereas with Tia it was different. He warned Tia once when she pointed out that he gives time to Omru more than she and Omru never liked Tia but they accepted Anika on day one which impressed him. Anika never pointed out his bond with  Omru instead, she always adored them. His thoughts broke when he felt someone touch his shoulder

"Shivaay", Anika called. Shivaay looked toward her and asked

"Yes what do you want?", Shivaay asked

"O...Omru prepared a shake for you", Anika said. Shivaay nodded, Omru always has something late-night so it is not new. It is their habit to have something after dinner but today he didn't go because of work. Shivaay noticed 2 cups and guessed one is for her and smiled.

"Sit ", Shivaay said. Anika nodded and sat beside him. She noticed him again lost in his thoughts from the time she know him, she never noticed him lost somewhere. She is now hesitant to ask him as she doesn't want to insult herself by asking something from him who is less expressive. She was trying to stop herself from asking him but she couldn't stop herself after a minute she asked

"Wh...what are you thinking?", Anika asked. Shivaay looked at her, and Anika looked down and started fidgeting her fingers. He is a businessman and takes many interviews so he guessed it easily that she is tense. Maybe because she asked him this question. He don't want to answer but by looking at her actions and her nervousness he decided to talk. They need to talk with each other like this otherwise he knows they can not stay in this marriage.

"You are different Anika. I am not pointing at you, instead, I'm thinking that... How I will manage with you? Leave husband-wife we don't even behave as friends. I want you in life but I'm confused can we live together? ", Shivaay asked, Anika, noticed honesty in his eyes. She guessed that he is not wrong because from birth his character is built like this and it is Tia's fault as well because she never put self-respect in the first place which made him believe even marriage is a deal

"Ok, we will tell each other about our likes and dislikes I like aloo Puri which you know, rather than this I like kheer, halwa, and every sweet dish. I eat less spicy things. Regarding colour choice so I prefer yellow, black, light purple and blue", Anika told

"Your colour choice is so different", Shivaay chuckled

"Because I'm Anika", Anika said

"And what is your favourite place ?", Shivaay asked

"Kedarnath", Anika replied with a smile. Shivaay smiled as well hearing place as he always hear that this place is beautiful and thought to visit it but due to less time he never visited a nearby park even.

"Now your turn. Tell me", Anika Anika said. Shivaay gave her a shake and cleared his throat before answering

"I don't have any preference for food. I can eat anything, I love espresso I can't start and end my day without espresso. I like every dark colour like brown, blue, black, dark red", Shivaay told her

"We have 2 colours in common blue and black ", Anika said happily after finishing the shake.

"3 as I like dark purple as well", Shivaay told

"Sweet or spicy?", Anika asked

"Spicy ", Shivaay replied.

"At least we have one thing in common", Anika said

"Maybe more things, we just need to discover", Shivaay said stating logic. Anika smiled and went towards his side to take empty glasses.

"I am coming after washing them", Anika said to which Shivaay nodded and held her hand. Anika looked back at him and then towards her hand which he was holding

"Tell Omru that I'm busy and don't... Don't tell them about our conversation", Shivaay said. Anika nodded and took her hand back

Shivaay is confused ♥╣[-_-]╠♥ and can't think of anything because of his nature. For him, everything was a deal.

For him, it is not easy and for Anika ad well because she never lived in luxury like him♥️

By the way, did you notice a small change in his behaviour?

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