part : 21

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"Let's dance bhabhi", Rudra said and pulled Anika to the dance floor and started to dance with her. Anika looked at her surroundings to see if any family member is dancing or not. When she noticed Janvi and Pinky dancing, she also started to enjoy with Rudra. She looked toward Shivaay to check if he is having any problem or not but didn't understand anything. He was smiling but why?

After some time she excused herself from Rudra and went to Shivaay

"When it was other functions you used to dance crazily and now when it is for me you are standing like a statue why?", Anika asked

"Hey don't take me wrong. I am admiring my family, how happy we all are", Shivaay said and touched their engagement ring. A smile formed on his lips thinking about this engagement with her which gave him peace. Anika held his hand and dragged him toward the stage.

"I am not from those wives who will stop you", Anika said

"Ok then let's do a couple dance", Shivaay said and pulled her towards himself by holding her hand. Anika pushed him and looked here and there to check if anyone saw them or not.

"Didn't you mean your words?", Shivaay asked, Anika, blushed hearing him and shook her head. Shivaay giggled seeing her shyness when he asked for a dance. Shivaay also wants to stay within his limits in front of family members. They all danced together and enjoyed the party. When Shivaay got tired he dragged Anika to one corner and stood in front of her

"Now you are Mrs Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi..", Shivaay said but Anika interrupted him

"Wasn't I Mrs Oberoi before?", Anika asked

"Y... You were but now we are engaged. By the way, you are looking very beautiful in this dress", Shivaay said and intertwined thier fingers together. Anika shivered when his cold hand touched her's. It's all new for her and she is shy to see Shivaay as her husband.

"Thank you for this. I don't know how to pay off your..", Anika thanked him after taking a long breath to calm her ragging heartbeat

"Don't... I am doing these things on my own. You don't need to return anything. Not even a rupee", Shivaay said and kissed thier intertwined hands. A shiver ran in her body when his lips touched her hand. She started to breathe heavily due to proximity. Anika looked at him shocked and then checked her surroundings to see if anyone is there or not. She sighed and looked down with a blush

"Thank you Shivaay. Leave me now otherwise, someone will see us. What people will think about us if they saw us in this position ? ", Anika said

"We are married so let people watch us", Shivaay said and started to caress her hair from another hand. Anika shooked her head and looked down again.

"P... Please ", Anika said. Shivaay was about to move close when he heard someone's voice. He clenched his hand in a fist and ran towards the hall to see Daksh standing there which boiled his heart

"Hii everyone", Daksh shouted waving his hand to family members

"Did you call him?", Shivaay asked Anika angrily when she stood behind him

"No but I am happy that he came ", Anika said with a smile

"What's going on here Anika? You are looking very beautiful ", Daksh said and went toward Anika. He is mesmerised seeing Anika, he still loves her but the harsh reality is eating him now. He doesn't want to come between Shivaay and Anika but he can't ignore Anika's beauty as well.

"Thank you so much Daksh ", Anika thanked him with a smile which irritated Shivaay

"Why she is thanking him more than me?", Shivaay thought recalling that Anika said a dry "thank you", to him and with Daksh, she is extra sweet which is irritating him. He should be the one to get all her attention, not Daksh.

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