part : 37

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"Ok I will not act innocent but I can't stop teasing you ", Shivaay said, Anika whinnied like a child and hit his chest lightly with her hand. Shivaay laughed and then pulled her chin up again. Anika's breath hitched getting the hint of what is coming next and she closed her eyes tightly. She shivered when Shivaay caressed her cheek softly as she knows what is going to be his next step.

"Can I?", he asked as he don't want to force any of his decision on her anymore. He wants to do everything as per her choice. Anika gave a slight nod and hummed in response without opening her eyes as she is shy to proceed in marriage. She knows this is normal in the marriage that's why she has to make herself comfortable now. The cold breeze hit Anika's body and she shivered, Shivaay caressed her cheek and kissed her.

Shivaay joined his forehead with Anika after breaking the sweet kiss they just shared and also their first kiss which is special for both of them. Anika blushed and looked down because of her shyness. She can't meet her eyes with him now because she knows he will tease her if by chance she looked at him.

"I'm feeling hot now", Shivaay said describing his feelings by tracing his finger on her lips which made Anika shiver and she hugged him tightly to hide herself. She is feeling very shy to look at him as it's the first time someone kissed her and touched her heart as he did.

"This looks cheesy. I guess you watch Hindi films a lot", Anika said with a chuckle

"No I watch Hollywood movies ", Shivaay replied in a husky voice. Anika broke the hug and looked at him shocked by the revelation. She is now finding Shivaay and his thinking very cheap. Whereas in reality, Shivaay is acting his real self as he is very comfortable with Anika now and wants to stay real.

"Chii ", Anika said and shivered making a disgusting face as she have heard that Hollywood girls are very cheap and they don't think before doing anything.

"What? It's my choice but why are you acting like this? Did you also watch any Hollywood movies?", Shivaay asked with a smirk

"I never watched any and will never watch it in future also I'm going inside ", Anika told and came back to the room leaving Shivaay alone on the balcony. Shivaay also came back inside the room and noticed her arranging a bed sheet. On seeing him Anika looked down because of embarrassment and ran towards the bathroom. Shivaay laughed as these antics look hilarious to him. After some time Anika came back and noticed Shivaay sitting on the bed.

This is a hotel and night time that's why she doesn't have any escape to run from him. Her cheeks turned red again remembering thier conversation. She came towards him in slow steps and sat on the bed a little far from him. Shivaay looked at her and the first thing he noticed is her blush. He shifted towards her and held her hand

"Enjoy everything, Anika. Don't know if we will get these days next time or not", Shivaay said as he also believes in enjoying the present now because there is no guarantee how his life with turn the next day. He placed his hand on Anika's cheeks and again felt himself losing desire for her.

"We will get many more moments Shivaay and we will enjoy ourselves here also", Anika said with a smile. Shivaay nodded and layed on the bed and asked her to come. Anika nodded and layed beside him by placing her head on his chest. Shivaay caressed her hair softly and kissed her cheeks, he is feeling on top of the world because Anika is with him and the fact that they both share mutual feelings for each other. Finding Anika happy and comfortable made him feel so relaxed. Anika heard his heartbeat which felt soothing to her and she slept in his arms.

In morning

Shivaay woke up hearing an alarm sound and noticed Anika's leg over him and her head on his arm. He slowly removed his hand from her head and then her leg. He sat beside her and caressed her hair softly. When they are alone, he finds Anika irresistible.

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