part : 20

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"Nothing. Can't I hug my wife?", Shivaay asked, Anika, recalls Daksh who told her that he likes her. Shivaay rubbed her back softly, Anika smiled, she didn't show it but she is nervous and happy at the same time as this is thier first hug. First, hug the person on whom she layed her eyes on. She felt her heartbeats increasing with passing time and she can't control them

" were getting late", Anika stammered and broke the hug. Shivaay nodded, he realised that it was too much. Shivaay stepped back and rubbed his hands in nervousness, he don't want her to feel unsafe and uncomfortable with him but because of his actions, he feel like he will lose her.

"Yes, I am. Will see you soon. Till then you can explore this office with Khanna", Shivaay said and left from there hurriedly. After coming out of his cabin he touched his chest to check his heartbeats which were beating rapidly because of her closeness. He realised that she is the first girl who have this effect on him. He never felt the same for Tia ever.

He blushed thinking about their engagement, now he need to prepare for it without telling her. Yes, they decided to keep the engagement private, but he can never take this step without his family, especially not without his brothers. He asked Khanna to show the office to Anika and went to the meeting. Khanna knocked on Shivaay's cabin

"Yes... You can come in", Anika said. She didn't want to command someone as it is Shivaay's office but after one yes nobody entered so she has to give permission

"Hloo Khanna Ji", Anika said with a smile seeing him.

"Good afternoon mam. Do you want anything?", Khanna asked

"Khanna jii you are elder, call me Anika", Anika said, she knows him from the time she meet him, she remembers every memory, how she complained to him once calling Shivaay as Billa, she noticed him with Shivaay every time and she finds him very loyal.

"It's fine and you are my mam because you are Shivaay sir's wife", Khanna said giving her the reason

"Still call me Anika. You are elder", Anika said

"Ok, mam... I mean Anika", said Khanna and asked her to follow him. Khanna showed Anika Shivaay's office within half an hour. Anika passed a fake smile to him when they entered Shivaay's cabin again. Anika thought she can pass her time with Khanna and till that time Shivaay will also come but Khanna did his job very fast which irritated her.

She sat on one chair tiredly and started to roll the chair to pass her time, she has nothing to do rather than do this.

"How can he leave me alone here? I don't know anyone here, how I will pass my time?", Anika thought angrily. She tried dialling Shivaay's number but he declined her call, Anika understood he must be busy and walked towards the window to see the view. Many tall buildings and markets were visible. She like this view, this looks so relaxing. Soon she heard another knock and

"Yes who is it?", Anika asked

"Mam... I mean Khanna ", Khanna said

"Aare Khanna Ji you!. You can come without knocking", Anika said

"Nobody will enter here without permission ", Khanna said. Anika chuckled as she also know how Shivaay behaves and what is his nature

"Mam sir passed a message that his work will take time. Till then you can make designs for his company if you want or I will drop you ", Khanna passed Shivaay's message which he gave him recently when he was near the door of a meeting room.

"I will make for him. Tell me some details like for which thing he wants me to design? ", Anika asked happily as she will not feel bored and she can do her favourite work.

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