part : 27

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"Shivaay please believe me I'm not lying. That was just for time being and I want to stay with you. Wasn't hiding our relationship a mutual decision? The world knows who you are and my friends knew I work with you. They would have leaked this information everywhere. Trust me Shivaay I thought it is normal to remove these. Nobody will believe me because for everyone you are married to Tia, not me and our marriage. Was that marriage? I guess that was just an act to save your reputation", Anika said and sat on one chair tiredly as she is done trying to chase him. If he doesn't want her to touch him then why should she try? She looked down as her eyes are still having tears of regret and pain because of the realisation that she hurt him. Shivaay noticed her and walked toward her as he is regretting his actions. He shouldn't have pushed her.

"Ok fine I understand it. But that was not an act. At least not for me. So what do you want? Should we announce that we are married?", Shivaay asked and held her hand to check if he hurt her by mistake or not. He knows he hurt her mentally but he wants to see if she is physically fine or not. Anika got confused seeing him checking her hand and then he left her hand. She felt warmth leaving her hand but she kept quiet as she don't want him to go back.

"Why? To divorce within sometime?", Anika asked accusing him of bringing divorce papers

"I guess you already tore papers", Shivaay said stating the fact

"You can bring them again", Anika said

"I don't know anything about the future ", Shivaay sighed and sat in front of her. He is noticing for a long time that she is crying when he is also badly hurt. If he is holding his feelings then why can't she? Will his tears hurt her? He noticed her expression changed and she looked down which made him realise he gave the wrong reply.

"Stop crying", Shivaay said and wiped her tears softly. He was angry and still, he is but more than the anger he is hurt and broken. Even though Anika made him believe that whatever he saw was nothing his heart is still bleeding. Why he can't see her with someone when they don't love each other?

"Shivaay a.. are we getting divorced or not?", Anika asked choking with tears. Shivaay felt bad for making her weak as she is the same girl who didn't let any tear fall from her face in front of him when he married her. She didn't behave like this that time

"No I don't want it ", Shivaay replied and filled a glass of water for her. By seeing water he remembered their water fights and her words "I like you". He wants to ask it again but is scared to ask the same because he is going to give her a weapon that she can use in anger. Anika smiled and drank a whole glass of water in a go and stood up confusing him.

"So I am leaving byee", Anika said and started to leave praying in her mind for Shivaay to stop her as she is not done talking with him.

"Stop me please", she thought, she want them to have a deep conversation about this matter and their marriage. She wants to know where they stand now. Can they manage this relationship when they are not progressing but complicating it more?

"Where are you going?", Shivaay stopped Anika

"You asked Rudra to wait for me so...", Anika said and stopped in the middle as she knows Shivaay will understand. When Shivaay noticed Anika paused he said what he want to do now

"Can we sit and solve this matter ?", Shivaay asked to which Anika nodded and sat on the chair. Shivaay dragged her towards the couch and sat beside her. He doesn't want even the table to disturb them.

"Do you want something? Like tea coffee?", Shivaay asked to which Anika shooked her head

"No first tell me what Chanda messaged you ", Anika asked. Shivaay nodded and opened chats of him with Chanda to Anika. He would have never forgiven her if it was Anika in place of Chanda. He is angry at Chanda now for poking her nose in thier matter. For him whatever is between them is theirs and nobody has the right to question it.

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