part : 24

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It's been a week since Anika started to notice a change in Shivaay's behaviour. He is behaving like a caring husband. Shivaay is trying to change himself but Anika wants him to change a few more things in himself as sometimes she still feels that they are poles apart. Shivaay give her compliment most of the time even if she wears a normal suit which sometimes looks strange that why he is doing it?

Today her friend asked her to meet at one cafe as their college friends decided to meet each other. Anika's friends don't know whom she married and neither does she wants to disclose it. She removed her chuda as Janvi told her that she can remove it as they have completed many months together. Anika chuckled at that because even though they spent months together but their bond was still weak. Now they have started to make efforts but Anika doesn't know till when Shivaay will keep doing it.

She hides her nuptial chain by wearing a full-neck top with blue jeans. She told me about her whereabouts to Janvi and went to meet her friends. She met Chanda near the door of the cafe and both entered together

"Hii Anika. How are you?", Asked Chanda and pulled Anika in a tight hug. Anika smiled as she is happy that she have someone who understands her and give her the peace that she needs.

"I'm fine. What about you?", Anika asked

"I'm also fine. Shivaay dropped you?", Chanda asked as she knows Anika married Shivaay. She doesn't like Shivaay even one per cent because she feels that Anika lost herself after this marriage. She is trying hard to pull that bubbly Anika out but most of the time Anika is serious nowadays which irritates her. How can her friend become serious?

"No, I came alone. Moreover don't tell anyone that I'm married please as I don't want to tell them", Anika requested

"Why? Because your stupid husband doesn't want you to introduce yourself as his wife isn't?", asked Chanda angrily she can guess that Shivaay is the sole reason that Anika wants to hide her marriage otherwise Anika was the one who used to tell everything to her friends.

"No it's not like that", Anika said without looking at her eyes because Chanda guessed the reason correctly but she can't let her know otherwise Chanda will fight with Shivaay for sure.

"Don't lie Anika. If he had guts then he would have announced your marriage to him like he did that with Tia. I don't know why you are living with him. Why are you managing? You were a fighter who have the guts to slap a boy, who showed that stupid Oberoi his place before. Then why not now?", Asked Chanda angrily as nothing is hidden from her. She knows everything about Shivaay and knows that somewhere Anika is falling for Shivaay which she doesn't like

"That time I was unmarried and now I am ", Anika said

"Ohh so it means you are going to dance on his fingers right?", Asked Chanda angrily

"Calm down Chanda. I am not going to do whatever he says", Anika said and placed her hand on her arm but Chanda jerked it and sat on one chair.

"But you are doing it. He asked you not to introduce yourself as his wife right?", asked Chanda to which Anika shooked her head. Chanda glared at Anika angrily and picked up Anika's mobile. Anika was about to tell her that they decided that they will tell her that they are married and engaged but Anika don't have the guts to tell same to her friends as she can't hurt them. They used to talk about her marriage and were so excited about marriage and she can't ruin that excitement. At least not today when they are meeting each other after a long time.

"What are you going to do?", Anika asked and tried snatching her mobile phone but Chanda didn't let her touch her phone.

"Don't Anika. Don't follow me otherwise I will leave this place", Chanda warned and came out of Caffe. She called Shivaay from Anika's number and when he attended she cut the call and messaged him that she was calling another friend and by mistake, she called him

"Sorry, Shivaay I called you by mistake. I was calling someone else and my mistake called you. Don't worry I will not disclose our marriage to anyone. I will tell them I am a bachelor"

After messaging she put Anika's phone on silent mode and came back with a smirk as her work is done now. She guesses that Shivaay will become furious and will regret his decision to hide his marriage.

"What you did do?", Anika asked and tried taking her mobile again but Chanda didn't let her touch her mobile

"You are not allowed to. See they came", Chanda said and pointed toward her other friends. She opened Anika's phone and noticed Shivaay's missed call. She danced in her mind as her plan started to work. She noticed Anika's phone pinged with Shivaay's message also

"What? But we are engaged, Anika. You should tell them that we are married. And where are you?",

Chanda left his message after seeing which irritated Shivaay. Shivaay was checking files when his phone started ringing showing Anika's name. A smile crept over his face, he thought Anika called him to know when he will come back but when she cuts his call immediately he thought maybe it was a network issue when he read Anika's message, and he became angry. How can Anika hide thier marriage?

He immediately called her but Anika didn't pick up the call up which angered him. How can she get out to hide their marriage? What if someone proposed to her? What if someone thought that she is still a bachelor?

He messaged her and threw his mobile phone angrily when Anika didn't reply but saw his message. How can she ignore him without his mistake?

"Wow! Miss Anika is also here", said Rahul who is Anika's friend. He came with his girlfriend Siya but she got a call so she went out to attend it

"Yes. Let's click a photograph first", Chanda said

"At least let others come ", Anika said but Chanda didn't listen and clicked thier photograph. When Siya came Anika got up to hug her, taking it as a chance Chanda uploaded that picture on Anika's story. She clicked one random picture of Anika and uploaded it as well because that picture showed that Anika is looking like a college-going girl, not a married woman.

Anika sat with them and laughed when Rahul commented on people who were randomly passing by the gate of Caffe. Soon their other friends arrived and they all hugged each other as they missed thier togetherness.

"Thank you Chanda for arranging our meet", thanked Rohit who had a crush on Anika since school. He liked Anika very much and wanted to marry her but Anika disappeared suddenly and changed her mobile phone. When he asked Chanda, Chanda didn't tell her anything.

"Yes thanks, Chanda", said Tanisha and Divya together. Chanda smiled and held Anika's hand as she did that only for her.

"Just for Anika", replied Chanda. Anika hugged Chanda and thanked her. Chanda broke the hug and asked her to enjoy it. Anika nodded and looked at her friends to hear what they has to say.

"Don't you have anything to say today? Like you used to tell always?", asked Rohit. Anika shooked her head as whatever she had, she can't disclose it here. What she will say? That she is married? That the one who hated rich people is the wife of a business tycoon. She looked down as she can't tell anyone about her marriage as it was forced not by choice otherwise she would have invited them. She can't hurt any of them by disclosing this truth.

"You are Anika right?", asked Garima. Anika nodded and told them that her life is normal. Nothing is interesting to tell

"Tell me about your life everyone", Anika asked

"Anika, why are you changed? Don't stay serious with us, please. You are not married here so behave like a girl", Chanda whispered near Anika's ear

"I can't, otherwise I will disclose our marriage so let me keep quiet", Anika whispered back

"We are not your inlaws. C'mon crack jokes or make fun of people ", Chanda said and held Anika's hand.

"If best friends are done talking then see even we are present here", said Tanisha. After some time Chanda noticed Shivaay and smirked as she knows what to do next

Do tell me if there is any typing mistake♥️.

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