part : 25

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Shivaay came there and noticed Anika sitting with her friends. 6 girls including Anika and 2 boys. When Chanda noticed him she deliberately asked Rohit if he likes Anika.

"Yes. Say yes once Anika then I will keep you happy. Will you marry me?", said Rohit angering Shivaay more. His blood boiled seeing them, he clenched his hand into a fist and was about to go there then he stopped hearing Anika's friend reply

"Yes propose to her before someone else marries her", said one boy and they all started to laugh. Shivaay felt very bad but couldn't go there as he understood one thing they don't know Anika is married. With what right he will go there and question her? For Anika's friends, if Anika is unmarried then how? Just then Anika noticed him, she could notice by looking into his eyes that he is angry. His eyes were red and his hand clutched into a fist. She stood up and was about to go when her friend Divya stopped her

"Where are you going?", Divya asked, Anika, looked at Shivaay because she don't know what to say now. She lied due to her problem that she couldn't invite her friends but now this threw her into a big problem because Shivaay saw her sitting with boys. She started to fear that Shivaay heard Rohit proposing to her.

"W... Washroom", Anika stammered and left there by taking her phone. She called him but Shivaay declined her every phone call. When she opened WhatsApp she noticed messages sent by Chanda to Shivaay.

Anika facepalmed as she fell into a big problem now, she thought she will call Shivaay and will explain everything to him but Shivaay didn't answer her phone calls. Anika's eyes welled with tears as she guessed that Shivaay is angry now and she don't have any idea about how to pacify him. And how she is going to explain everything? She wiped her tears and came back in search of Shivaay but didn't see him.

"I want to talk with you Chanda", Anika said in a heavy voice. She wants to leave from here now as her whole married life is at stake because of Chanda. Only she was with her and she used her mobile phone.

"Alone", Anika added and dragged Chanda along with her. Anika dragged her till she found an isolated area and showed her mobile phone and the chats to Chanda.

"Did you message him? These pics were sent by you or not?", Anika asked angrily to which Chanda replied yes. Anika got angry and slapped her with tears

"I will break our friendship if our marriage broke because of you. Do you realise which blunder you created? Just because of you he will stop trying to make this marriage work Chanda. Marriage is not a bed of roses, I will lose him now just because of you. Why did you message him?", Anika shouted angrily with tears. She started to regret coming here, she wished that she denied meeting everyone in the first place. Her heart is beating very fast now as she is scared. She is feeling uneasy because of nervousness and fear.

"Anika I did it to prove to him that he is doing wrong ", Chanda replied with tears, she is hurt because Anika slapped her for the first time. She doesn't want to fight with Anika, she just wants to tell her that she was thinking of Anika's benefit.

"I am going. Thank you for ruining my day. I am repeating it again, if Shivaay divorced me then I will never talk with you ", Anika said and left from there without meeting anyone else and without hearing what Chanda has to say as she is feeling like her life took a 360⁰ turn. She took an autorickshaw and cupped her face as her tears has no control over her emotions now. She just wants to meet Shivaay as soon as possible

Shivaay reached the Oberoi mansion and went towards his room. Every moment with Anika came into his mind and when he remembered what he heard today boiled his heart. He started to throw whatever came into his mind. He tried, tried to control his feelings but couldn't. Why does it hurt? Why does he feel bad when someone proposed to Anika? Why did Anika keep quiet? He is feeling betrayed, heartbroken, and angry at the same time.

"When I told about my marriage to the ones who questioned then why she didn't?", Shivaay said angrily and banged his hand on the wall. Yes, he admits that he said he don't want to announce their marriage but whenever he noticed someone misunderstanding them he cleared it. Few people know that he is married to Anika then why Anika didn't tell them? If he can tell about his marriage when someone asked then why can't she?

He then started to realise that he was trying to make this marriage work, not Anika. He started to understand that Anika never took this relationship serious which started to hurt him. He sat on the bed and started to take long breaths to control his tears but he couldn't when he remembered Anika stayed silent when a guy proposed to her. She could have said that she have someone in her life but she didn't. Tears started to flow from his eyes, he wiped them harshly and threw a cushion thinking that it will help him to control his tears but nothing helped

"Why don't you like me, Anika? I admit I am bad and I have many flaws but I was asking for a chance. I was not expecting anything else. I thought if I am in a relationship with you then I should stay serious, at least I was not cheating on you. I never told any girl that I am available but you broke my heart, Anika. I feel like I was a fool to expect you to give this relationship a chance because for you I am just money minded businessman. But this time I was trying to change myself.

I can't change myself within a day. I don't know why it is essential to announce when I assured you that I will be serious with you. I don't know how to make the marriage work and how to get someone's trust but still, I was trying. Why you didn't notice my efforts? Why you didn't notice that my intentions were not wrong?", Shivaay asked himself thinking that Anika is here and he is questioning her. He is heartbroken and betrayed now as he doesn't know how he will trust Anika back again. His face turned red and he started to sweat because he was thinking about Anika, even A.C was unable to help him here.

"If you want freedom from this marriage then fine I will divorce you. I... I can try. I am not weak", Shivaay said to himself and washed his face. He went to the office thinking that he will spend the whole night there as he don't want to face Anika today. He asked Khanna to arrange divorce papers as had enough, he tried his best to make this marriage work but if they need to stay in this marriage till life both need to make efforts, not only him.

"I will leave everything upon destiny and Anika now. If she wants then we will stay in this marriage otherwise divorce is the best option for us", Shivaay thought and locked the door of his cabin as he don't want to meet anyone. He just wants to spend time alone, he doesn't want anyone to see his disbelieved state.

Anika reached Oberoi mansion but it was already late as Shivaay went to the office. When Anika entered their room, she noticed everything messed up in the room which gave her a hint that Shivaay is furious today. Anika started to search for Shivaay in Mansion by calling his name but didn't find him

"Bhaiya would be in office right now. Why are you shouting like this? Anything happened?", Rudra asked

"My mistake Rudra... I have hurt him and I don't know what is going on in his mind. Please drop me... in the office I want to meet him. He should give me a chance to... speak. Call... him because he will not pick up my call", Anika said with tears. Her voice was breaking because of restlessness, she wants to meet Shivaay right now otherwise she will turn mad

"But what happened? I know you can't be wrong ", Rudra said and wiped Anika's tears. Anika shooked her head as this time she knows it is her mistake. If they know what Shivaay did to her then he deserves to know her mistake as well because every time they think Shivaay is wrong. Anika narrated everything to Rudra and looked down in regret as she is feeling very low now.
♥️Both were wrong but here now Anika is wrong, her silence is the main reason Chanda and Shivaay misunderstood her. Rest I will try my best to make both of them realise thier mistakes.

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