part : 16

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"Tell Omru that I'm busy and don't... Don't tell them about our conversation", Shivaay said. Anika nodded and took her hand back. After informing Omru she came back and sat on another corner opposite Shivaay.

"My intentions are not wrong if you are scared. And I can sleep on the couch if you are uncomfortable", Shivaay said and looked at her after closing the laptop. Anika shooked her head as even though she knows that one day she has to take this step then why not now?

"I am fine", Anika replied.

"What Chanda said today?", Shivaay asked.

"Don't ask otherwise you will kill her I think", Anika said and giggled remembering her conversation with Chanda. How she was making fun of Shivaay and they were laughing.

" you need something? Anika, please don't do anything with my family I can't lose them", Shivaay said as Anika's warning scared him. He knows Anika doesn't lie, if she is saying something then she dares to do it as well.

" I will not till you behave normally. If not wife then takes me as a worker here. Like you are scared for your family even though I was scared to lose my friend. She is my best friend with whom I can share anything and without her I am nothing. If I am confident today then it is just because of her. She asked me to fight with you otherwise she will break our friendship that's why", Anika told him the reason. Shivaay nodded understanding her reason, he knew this was the right time to ask this question.

"You are not a worker but a part of my family. And for a long time I am considering your as a part of my family", Shivaay said.

"One question From childhood are you living with Sahil's bua or did you spend childhood in an orphanage? ", Shivaay asked

"No, I don't remember when I am there because I tried finding out about my parents but didn't get any clue. I remember Sahil's parents adopted me and loved me like I am their child. After a boy, they needed a big girl so they selected me. That was best but in one accident they died leaving me and Sahil alone. This is the main reason I am scared of attachment because it hurts.

People change with time. When we start knowing outsiders then we find them selfish. They will try their best to manipulate your family members. I love only Sahil and Chanda. Now this family as well. It hurts when someone uses your weakness ", Anika said. Shivaay looked down in regret as every time whenever she is talking about the past he is realising his mistake.

"You are so lucky to get a family. I wish I was here from childhood", Anika said

"Depends upon luck maybe. And this is your family as well Anika. My family loves you a lot", Shivaay said. Anika nodded and turned her face after lying down. Her heartbeats raised thinking about him, he is near her which is a big thing for Anika. She thought they can never share a room the bed is far away but now she is nervous.

The same goes with Shivaay as he never shared a bed with any women. With Malika, he slept once but at that time he didn't know when Malika came there and that looked like a plan to him to prove him wrong. Shivaay took a long breath and told himself that it is normal but these raised heartbeats were not slowing down. Later they both slept.

Next morning

Anika woke up when Shivaay's hand hit her face accidentally. She woke up with a jerk when she noticed him in front of her, seconds later she realised that they slept together. Anika sighed in relief and left it to chance, she can't keep sleeping after marriage. Even if Janvi and Pinky love her, she can't use their love. Like a good daughter-in-law, she needs to wake up early in the morning and work.

After changing Anika entered the kitchen and noticed Janvi and Pinky preparing breakfast.

"Good morning Pinky maa, good morning Badi maa", Anika wished. Usually wishing someone is not in her nature but if they are in front of her then she can't stop herself. She loves when they treat her like their own daughter.

"Good morning Anika", wished Pinky back and pulled Anika's cheeks.

"Yes good morning Anika. How are you?", asked Janvi and kissed her cheeks.

"I'm fine ", Anika replied.  It's Janvi's daily routine to ask about health, not from her but from every family member which looks good to her as by this we can guess someone's health by tone.

"What should I do? I want to help", Anika said

"Everything is done. Tej has a meeting so serve breakfast to him and if possible then force him to eat", Janvi requested

"Ok, but I have one question. What is the thing where you lack? You are perfect as mother and wife both then why affair with someone else", Anika asked Janvi

"I... will answer first serve him food otherwise he will stay hungry ", Janvi requested. Anika nodded and walked towards Janvi's and Tej's room. She knocked on the door and entered when Tej gave permission.

"Good morning bade papa. Have this and then your meeting will go smooth", Anika said and placed the plate on the table

"Good morning Anika but sorry I can't have it as I am getting late ", Tej replied

"You have cars na so don't worry. Meetings can wait. First food, please. I am requesting ", Anika requested. Tej nodded as he can't disappoint Anika now, he has seen how good Anika is by nature. He started to have breakfast and gestured for her to go. Anika ran towards Janvi and hugged her.

"He is eating ", Anika told excitedly

"Well done ", Janvi said with a smile.

"Now my answer ", Anika asked

"After Rudra was born I was always busy handling Omru together so stopped spending time with him and at that time he felt ignored and started dating Svetlana. I have many flaws like I can't take a stand for myself, I can't fight, and I started drinking when I got to know he was cheating me", Janvi said

"Why you didn't leave is my question?", Anika asked

"After marriage, we need to look at many things Anika. I knew I can't manage alone. I was jobless and was scared what if Tej used his power? With Omru it was not easy to leave this house", Janvi told about her exact reason to stay in this marriage which lacked everything.

"What about now? You could have divorced him and lived here", Anika suggested

"Yes to hurt herself and her jealous seeing bade papa with someone else isn't it?", Shivaay asked who entered the kitchen to check Anika and heard their conversations

"There is no escape for me Anika. I wish you both stay together forever ", Janvi blessed and left from there.

"Do you need anything? Should I make something for you?", Anika asked. Shivaay shooked his head and started checking what is prepared for breakfast.

"Mix veg and chapatti are enough", Shivaay said and left from there. Anika started to think about Janvi, if she can care for Tej even after his chest then she can also care for him. At least Shivaay is decent in this case. Anika entered the dining hall and started serving Shivaay.

"Are you fine? Or you mixed poison that you are smiling this much while serving me? Oberoi family will face a huge loss if I died so beware", Shivaay said after noticing Anika's smile, first she woke up early, and second she is smiling and serving him which is looking suspicious to him. He thought she will fight with him because of Tej, he was mentally prepared for her lecture regarding Tej but here it is the opposite.

"If you don't believe then I can show you", Anika said and was about to take a bite from his breakfast when he stopped her

"Leave it. Just give me the reason why are you serving me like this?", Shivaay asked

From last week I'm busy😅😅 that's why I'm late in updating.

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