part : 14

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"Ok calm down Anika. See you are very strong na", said Chanda

"That's why I came here. To get little independence and peace. There everything feels weird because I never looked at Shivaay like that. He is rich and I'm middle class and this difference will remain forever", Anika told her and looked down with tears again. Chanda rubbed her back and pulled her in a hug. Anika started to cry. For a while Chanda let her cry and after some time she started to calm her down

"Anika please calm down yrr. I can't see you like this ", Chanda said and wiped Anika's tears.

"Let me cry please because I can cry here freely. There I can't even cry because of fear that someone will see me and will blackmail me", Anika complained

"Blackmail?", Chanda asked with confusion

"Will you stop questioning? I came here for some time. Can I get water and some peace?", Anika asked. She took a long breath and looked at her. She is now relaxed and feels like she removed her burden now

"Sure my Jaan. Wait for some time I will cook something for you. Wash your face now", Chanda said. Anika nodded and walked towards the washbasin to wash her face

"Something means?", Anika asked

"Pakore ", Chanda replied

"Wow but order samosa as well. I will pay ", Anika said

"I admit you married a rich guy. That famous brand itself “Shivaay Singh Oberoi ” but yrr don't do this formality. Don't show this attitude to me", Chanda said. Anika laughed watching her as she acted just like she used to.

"Ok order now", Anika said. Chanda went to buy samosa after placing pakora in front of her with Tea. Anika smiled finding pakora in front of her but waited for Chanda to come back knowing well if she ate then Chanda will now spare her. After 5 minutes she came back and served her samosa as well

"See these are cold now", Anika complained showing her pakora which was cold now

" No problem eat them", Chanda said and they both had their meal. Chanda was joking to make Anika happy which made her forget her sorrow. Just then Anika's phone started to ring

"Who is calling you?", Chanda asked. Anika showed her caller I'd and then picked up Shivaay's call.

"Hello ", Anika said

"Anika are you in your friend's house or come back. My meeting took a time that's why I am late ", Shivaay asked

"I... it's ok. I am with Chanda ", Anika replied

"Ok I'm coming ", Shivaay said and declined calls. Anika placed her mobile phone on the table and turned toward Chanda who was waiting for her answer.

"What he said?"asked Chanda

"He is coming ", Anika replied and checked if Shivaay is near the door or not. When she didn't find him she came back and sat with her

"You are not happy with this marriage hana?", Chanda said

"I can't say. Sometimes he behaves nicely and within seconds he hurts me. I don't know if I am doing right by giving him chance. He helped me with Sahil's admission as well that too without asking for money. He said he married me because he trusted me", Anika said. She is very confused with her thoughts because the more she is trying to trust Shivaay, the more her fears are scaring her.

"Ok I understand but that doesn't make that idiot innocent. For me, he is unforgivable because he hurt you everytime. Leave him yrr", Chanda said. Anika laughed hearing the word idiot for Shivaay. She found him an idiot many times but didn't say it loudly.

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