part : 12

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Later Shivaay started working in the office, when he got an hour break he started to think. Should he call Anika or not? He wants to start their relationship again but is confused. He doesn't know anything about her? How he will introduce her? He paced here and there in his cabin and suddenly got an idea

"I will search about Anika's past and in this time will give us a chance", Shivaay thought and called Khanna asking him to investigate Anika and her past. After ending the conversation with Khanna he noticed he has still time left so he called Anika

"Hello", Shivaay started a conversation and rolled a paperweight on the table because of nervousness. He doesn't know what is the exact reason for his raised heartbeats, or his nervousness. Is it just because he doesn't want any fight or something else?

"Wow, Shivaay Singh Oberoi called me. I think I should note this date that Shivaay Singh Oberoi called Anika from his busy schedule ", Anika replied with a chuckle. She smiled when she noticed her mobile phone ringing with his number. Her heartbeats started raising, she never thought he will call her ever in his busy schedule.

"Stop overreacting. I am trying so can you at least respect me?", Shivaay said

"Khadus First I want respect in return. If you will give then definitely even I will ", Anika replied angrily. Shivaay sighed as he started to realise his mistakes from the time she warned him she will abdomen him, he started to realise that he need to think calmly. He needs to use his heart not his mind, he needs to believe her rather than just comparing her with business.

"Don't start a fight otherwise I am declining call", Shivaay warned and then clenched his hand in a fist as he was trying hard not to threaten her, or show her his anger but his anger is his biggest enemy every time.

"Nai... Ok tell me what are you doing?", Anika asked. Shivaay smiled as at least here his anger worked rather than ruining the situation

"Nothing just passing time till meeting", Shivaay replied and paused for 2-3 seconds then ask

"How to build trust tell me Anika?", Shivaay asked. Anika face palmed herself hearing his stupid question. If he was in front of her then she would have pulled his hair in anger but now she can't do anything. She then realised about his character that he never tried to gain someone's trust ever. He always threw his decisions, she understood that he need a little time and guidance to understand her so she replied.

"Only your actions will do that Shivaay. If you want to know how you will get my trust them only one condition is there. Be honest and never try to hurt my self-respect Don't ever point out my character and name", Anika replied. He doesn't know if it was a taunt or a suggestion as they are not in front of each other but he can easily guess the seriousness in her voice. Shivaay heard her every word carefully and registered that he need to keep this in his mind every time.

"Ok I will not", Shivaay said and then for a minute there was complete silence. Anika wanted to ask him if he is going to have dinner with that partner or not but was not having the courage. She doesn't know with what right she will ask this? Have they ever considered this marriage?

"Shivaay", Anika called him thinking that she will finally ask him about dinner but hearing his soft voice she kept mum. She thought to let go of these thoughts, she will ask him directly at night and will wait for him. She decided that now she will try her best to understand him and compromise with him.

"Yes ", Shivaay replied

"Nothing. Take care and best of luck with your meeting", Anika said and declined the call immediately which angered him, he thought she will start talking like she always does but she didn't. Today he was waiting for her to start her useless talks and here she talked to the point and declined the call without hearing his reply.

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