part : 31

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Finally, the day came to an end which looked like this was the longest day of their life as they experienced many emotions together. Shivaay sat on the bed after changing into a night suit and asked her to change. Anika took her dress out from the cupboard and came in front of Shivaay

"I want to tell you one thing", Anika said to which Shivaay hummed asking for her to say

"I know everything is clear now and I don't want any misunderstanding so telling you that it was not completely your fault. Even I had my reason that I was hesitant to tell about my marriage to my friends as I was unable to call them to our wedding", Anika finally said the words which he was waiting to hear. He knows he made a mistake but he was not the only one wrong here. He held Anika's hand and gestured for her to sit beside him. Anika nodded and sat beside him and placed her dress aside

"Anika I know it is difficult to forget what happened today but from now on we will not discuss this issue again. We will learn from our mistakes ok?", Shivaay asked to which Anika nodded and passed a smile towards him, Shivaay smiled back and left her hand. He doesn't know what is happening to him. He wants to keep her with him and wants to touch her. Will it make him cheap? He doesn't know as he wants to give time to this relationship. If they hurried then in the end they will separate.

" Go and change, let's have a cup of coffee together ", Shivaay said and picked the dress from the bed and gave it to her

"What about tea?", Anika asked as she is in no mood to have coffee. Shivaay also understood why she said Tea by looking at her expressions. He started to think about it now. Is it easy to understand our life partner? He kept looking at her which made Anika nervous and she left from there.

He noticed this thing too, she is shy, not uncomfortable. He understood one thing he need to observe Anika carefully and then everything will look easy to him. He went towards the bathroom to tease her and knocked on the door lightly

"Ok as you wish", Shivaay shouted and left towards the kitchen to prepare tea for themselves. When he entered the kitchen he noticed his brothers talking with each other and when they noticed him they went silent and stared at him

"What?", Shivaay asked in confusion. Were they talking about him that's why they went silent or there is a new problem? He wondered

"I know we should not interfere between you and bhabhi but I can't control myself from asking this. When you both will take your relationship serious?", Om asked turning towards Shivaay and asking this question straight as he witnessed that they both are not able to manage this simple relationship. When they will understand the value of a relationship?

"I was taking Om...", Shivaay said but Omkara interrupted him in the middle as he don't want to hear any excuse from any of them whether it is Anika or Shivaay. He wants to see them happy, not struggling to hold this relationship just because they signed marriage papers.

"No you both are not serious Shivaay. Take some time out for yourself. Make her feel that she is your life partner, not just a housewife. Rudra told me about your fight so is it solved?", Om asked, he want to ask a few questions from Anika too but was unable to meet her today. When he noticed Shivaay he decided to confront him and make both of them understand that they need to take some time out for each other forgetting other responsibilities.

"Yes it is ", Shivaay said

"So you both had dinner together right?", Om asked with the expectation that they had a fun time together but to his disappointment, Shivaay shooked his head

"So why did you come back home? You guys were late so you could have enjoyed it. Why didn't you ask her for dinner with you?", Om asked angrily

"Should I go now?", Shivaay asked. Rudra giggled hearing Shivaay as he found Shivaay acting like a child and Om as a teacher or parent who is scolding him for his stupidity. Shivaay passed a glare towards him which made him silent and he looked down.

"No need to do that now. You should have thought about this before ", Om said and left from there without saying anything else as he don't want to fight with Shivaay. He knows he was already tensed from the morning so he won't want to spoil his mood so it is best to leave the room. Rudra winked towards Shivaay and ran from there saying "enjoyed lecture"

Shivaay prepared 2 cups of tea for both of them and then entered the room to see Anika arranging bed sheets. When Anika noticed him she sat on the bed and gestured for him to come here. Shivaay placed cups on the table and sat beside her. He noticed that Anika too changed into a blue gown, she is looking breathtakingly beautiful in this gown. He became lost in her beauty and started to move towards her slowly, he won't hold her waist and tell her that only he holds the right to touch her but Anika's words made him stop on his track

"I was waiting for you ", Anika said

"Yes sorry I was...", Shivaay apologized but Anika interrupted him in middle

"Don't explain anything", Anika said with a smile making his heart skip a beat. He started to like her smiling face and want her to keep smiling. He then thought to ask about her family from her directly as he want to know everything about her. He is ready to talk about himself too as they should know each other and everything related to their life.

"Anika how you lived without family? Didn't you feel like you should know your family? Didn't you feel lonely without family? Did you ever felt alone? Can you tell me about your past? ", Shivaay asked

"From childhood, I'm alone but not anymore just because of you. I don't know anything about myself but I want to meet my family Shivaay. I don't think they are alive otherwise they would have met me. I tried searching for my family but never got any clue. Whenever I used to get sick I used to think what if I had a family?

Your family is the best and I am happy to get it now but in my childhood nobody loved me. I used to fight with everyone for myself. I made myself very strict but I want to cry in my mother's arms and want someone to take care of me like a baby. I want someone to take care of me like I take care of Sahil. You have a big family but I never had. I wish I could go back to the past and died on the spot with family if they are no more ", Anika said and chuckled sadly at her fate. Who doesn't need a family? She also wants to call a few people her just like Shivaay call Omru his brothers. She has Sahil but he is not her real brother. She also wants someone who is related to blood and who could take a stand for her just like Omru does.

"Don't talk about death. You are the best Anika and this family is your family too. You have equal rights then just like me. I know I can never change the past but I will make sure you will never feel lonely. I will care for you because you deserve it", Shivaay said. Anika looked here and there as she just gave him a glimpse of her past, she trust him but don't want to talk about her past right now. She cried enough today and don't want tears anymore so she just talked to the point of knowing what he want to hear.

They had tea together and after some time Shivaay came there holding 2 plates of dinner. The family already had their dinner as Shivaay and Anika were late today and they expected that they already spent time together but they didn't as they were solving their problem. Shivaay sat beside Anika and placed the plate on his lap and tore one morsel for Anika to eat. Anika understood why he is doing it and held his hand 

"That was just a slip of tongue. I can have it myself ", Anika said but Shivaay ignored her and made her eat by his hand. He knows she will not say but she also needs love and someone to take care of her. He will try his best to complete her every wish from today. At first, Anika was hesitant but soon she started to enjoy the food and with his hand, she felt the food was very delicious. She made him eat with her hands too and they enjoyed some time together with no misunderstanding and no argument. Just one thing "care"

"Thank you for the concern Shivaay. Please don't ever change and give my place to someone else. I will not be able to tolerate that. I can't fight with you anymore now", Anika said when Shivaay placed an empty dish on the table. He was about to stand up but Anika stopped him in middle and hugged him. Shivaay caressed Anika's hair softly and kissed her forehead

"I will never that is my promise. You will get everything you craved in past", Shivaay said with determination. He now decided that he will give her everything whatever she asks for starting from family to her dreams. He will make her relive her childhood but in a different way. He will make her roam the whole world just to keep her happy. He will search for Anika in every police station.

Finally a good evening hana?

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