part : 9

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Next day

Shivaay woke up and noticed Anika sleeping, from past few days he was going early before she wakes up. He walked towards her slowly and smiled when he noticed her face, she looked cute with half open mouth and her open silky hairs on her face. He tucked her hair strand behind, he noticed her first time in sleep. He never bothered to see her as before he thought maybe they don't have any future together.

"She is beautiful",he thought and remembered the time when he was going to marry Tia but his eyes always searched for one glance of Anika. How he called her beautiful, how he used to sense her presence. For him everything was just attraction and buisness is his first priority so he never looked at her .

Her weird letters came in his mind as he thought of her reaction seeing him near her, every morning he never looked towards her side so he know she will shout if she noticed him looking at her. His trance broke when he heard his mobile phone ringing

"Yes.... I will come", Shivaay replied over call and cut call immediately. He held his head in tension and looked at ground, everything depends upon him and even his reputation. If he took another woman then by chance if dealer got to know about Anika then he may face a huge loss and if he took Anika and she messed everything.

He came in hall and noticed Omru going out in casuals , he guessed maybe for walk. He called them and ran towards them

"Shivaay if you are here to talking about that party then don't because I will not keep quiet even after knowing how hurt bhabhi was yesterday ", Om said

"What? What do you mean?", Asked Shivaay being shocked. Om looked at Rudra and then at Shivaay , he is not sure if he should tell him that Anika heard their conversation or not? What if Shivaay fought with Anika?

"Tell me Om. Why are you quiet?", Shivaay asked going impatient, he want to know why Anika was hurt yesterday. Was that the reason she fought with him yesterday?

"Rudra speak something", Shivaay asked Rudra and then turned towards Om again

"You hated lies Om", Shivaay said knowing well that Om will not keep quiet hearing him now.

"Really Shivaay? What about you? You are also going to lie right? If you can't respect her then divorce her and let her go", Om said angrily. He closed his hand in a fist to control himself from shouting at him and telling him how Anika was crying yesterday

"No Om bhabhi will not leave this house",Rudra said, he has noticed many times that Anika is not happy with this marriage, this fact made him insecure. What if Anika, his sister left him? After Priyanka he love only girl which is Anika, he can't let her go. Even if Shivaay divorce her he will not let Anika go. He will ask her to stay here

"That would be her decision.... But we will not let her go", Om said and changed his reply after getting angry glare from Rudra

"Shut up Rudra and Om tell me why Anika was hurt yesterday", Shivaay asked impatiently waiting for their answers

"Because of you.. you were talking about bhabhi yesterday right? That she does not have surname and she can never fit in your ideologies that's what she heard", Om told Shivaay angrily.

Shivaay felt like land slipped from his feet. He realised why Anika behaved like that yesterday. He rubbed his hand on his forehead in tension as that was just his thought , neither he want to break her heart, nor divorce. He looked towards thier room, he guessed she must be sleeping, he does not even know when she wakes up

"Why you guys did not told me before?", Shivaay asked, his voice cracked as he realised what she must be going through, her pain. Or maybe she misunderstood him as when he told he was having 2nd thoughts in his mind then she is woman, she must be broken

"Don't go for a walk today. Help me in preparing her favourite dish today ", Shivaay requested

"And this is not done Shivaay. Remember bhabhi is not child who will forgive you after taking her favourite chocolates or aloo Puri. Talk with her and tell her that for you her name, blood, lineage doesn't matter", Om suggested him. Shivaay looked here and there as he can't do and talk about this with Anika. He is unsure regarding this, his business mind always rejects her as his wife. They are married legally so for him that bond matter as well

"Yes and I will gain fat. I am going", Rudra told him and asked Om to come behind him. Om looked at him confused and when Rudra winked he understood that he wants Shivaay to work alone. Maybe that will change something between them

Anika woke up and checked if Shivaay was there or not. Finding room empty her eyes started to tear up again, everytime when she try to show herself strong, destiny shows her place on earth. And everytime Shivaay is the one to show that. Her heart always yearned for love as she was orphan, when she is getting that she can't leave them. She does not have enough courage to leave them and go. She know marriage relations are not like that, Pinky and Janvi told her that sacrifice and compromise Is needed in relationship.

"Anika you are already strong but you need to understand Shivaay's nature and think about marriage relation everytime",

Anika remembered what Pinky told her, they always tell her about themselves and ask her to do same. Anika wonder why? She left job what else he want? She again covered her face and cried, even if she feel this relation worst, she need to accept this. The way Pinky and Janvi told her about themselves one thing is clear that this family will not accept divorce as fell. After waking up she is feeling suffocated as she always dreamt of happy life with loving life partner but her destiny slapped her hand.

Anika heard footsteps and covered her face with blanket again to hide her tears. She can never let Shivaay see her tears.

"Anika till when are you going to sleep?", Shivaay asked thinking that Anika is sleeping, he tried removing blanket but Anika held her blanket tightly. When she felt Shivaay can snatch blanket she spoke

"Leave me alone. Do you want anything from me?", Anika asked sarcastically

"Anika.. co..come down ... Everyone is waiting. Today I prepared breakfast ", Shivaay stammered while telling her about breakfast. He could not even gain courage to tell her that he Cooked especially for her as he is less expressive

"Ohh so poision is waiting for me?", Anika asked

"Anika open this and come down. I can never give you poision", Shivaay said angrily

"This is itself poision for me", Anika told him angrily. Shivaay held her hand which was told upwards to hold blanket

"Yes but maybe this is water instead of poison. Or tell me about cure", Shivaay asked, Anika's breath hitched when he held her hand, her heartbeats raised but she maintained her cold posture as she is habitual of getting this type of behavior

"There is none just stay away from Me",Anika said and tried removing her hand but Shivaay held her hand more tightly

"I can't. Come down there is a surprise for you", Shivaay told and left from there leaving Anika alone again but this time with a question what to do ?

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