part : 6

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In last chapter Sahil came back with Shivaay

After Sahil came back he asked why
Shivaay gifted Anika and why they came in Oberoi mansion as Shivaay is already married. Anika looked towards Shivaay accusing him for this marriage. Sahil is very protective for her so when Daksh proposed her he told that he will not let her go away . He also told her that he is big and is excited for her marriage as he will be important but now Anika cursed her fate as he will come to know this truth at last

"Sahil... Vo", Anika stammered and held his hand In her's

"What?", Asked Sahil again which made Anika look down in regret. She don't have courage to tell him that she is married and already left her home. She don't know how she will handle him and his anger as well, bua never cared for him so she have a fear what if because of her Sahil suffered

"Can't you tell directly? ", Shivaay asked

"It is difficult for me. If you have courage then you can use your mouth as well", Anika replied Shivaay angrily. She hate this this habit that he want everything perfect and fast . She can't do Everything as per his orders..

"Fine. Sahil we are married ", Shivaay said and stand in front of Anika . Anika looked at him shocked, she thought he will show his ego and will understand why she is finding difficulty but his reply shocked her. She was the one who had right to tell Sahil not him

"Can't you keep quiet?", Anika asked Shivaay angrily

"You youself asked me so I told him. You were having difficulty right so I said it", Shivaay said casually which irritated her as she felt insulted because of his reply. She always made fun of him whenever he fumbled and now when she is herself feeling it she want to show him down

"We? Di don't tell me you married him?", Sahil asked with doubt. Anika looked towards Shivaay angrily and then nodded at Sahil

"I'm sorry Sahil. Everything happened in hurry", Anika told and hugged Sahil . Her eyes welled with tears thinking about living without her brother and especially with the fact that he was not present there

"Its ok di", Sahil said and wiped Anika's fresh tears. Anika smiled and kissed his face. Sahil already sensed her worry and regret. He knew his sister can never hurt him and If she married then it must be important and there is big reason behind it

"But why you married this baggadbilla. You both don't like eachother hana? And Daksh?", Sahil asked enquiring about him. Shivaay clenched his hand in a fist hearing Daksh name. He hate that boy who was trying his luck on Anika and was behind her. He never liked him neither his mention as he know what type of person Daksh is

"Yes I married him because...",Anika fumbled again because she can't lie him. She can lie in front of anyone but not in front of him. He is the only person whom she love in this world and he is her weakness. She never hide anything from him same goes with him. They both can guess eachother's lie because of their bond. Shivaay sensed her hesitation and replied

"Because I asked her... Will you forgive me for my insults and will you consider me as your brother?", Shivaay asked . He don't know why he can sense her feelings and her presence everytime but he don't like to see her sad anymore. He want to see her happy and safe

Anika chuckled at him as he is apologizing but not using sorry word . Sahil looked towards Anika asking if he should or not. Anika nodded as denying him would directly mean insulting this new relation

"So let's go out ", Shivaay said. Anika passed a smile towards him. Shivaay smiled back at her and felt happy that atleast they acted normally with eachother now

Days passed , slowly slowly they stopped fighting with eachother everytime. Anika was sleeping in his room , sometimes on bed and sometimes on couch as still their is something is left between them. They don't talk with eachother that much. Whole day Shivaay is busy in office and Anika stays in mansion either she talk with his family or sometimes pass her time randomly.

She love working with Pinky and Janvi. She find them mostly in kitchen. She want to work but everytime whenever she think of it she remember the words which Janvi and Pinky said. Initially she found it difficult to think herself without her job and identity but slowly she made herself understand that she can't change this alone. She need Shivaay with Janvi and Pinky with her .

Her thoughts broke when she heard door locking sound , she noticed Shivaay.

"You came early today? Should I arrange your dinner?", Anika asked

"This is the reason I don't come early. If for once I am early then everyone need to know why I am early", Shivaay said angrily and removed his coat

"Yes because you always stay in office. And what is my fault here?", Anika asked. She don't like this kind of behaviour when someone blame her for nothing. Shivaay sighed and realised his mistake

"I am not hungry", Shivaay replied to her previous question and left room to meet Omru . He knows even they will ask same and he can tell them right now what is going in his life. He trust them with his life

"Woh Shivaay. I think you forgot time", Om said when he noticed Shivaay coming towards kitchen

"Om don't start and let's prepare something", Shivaay said . He noticed Rudra engrossed in his mobile phone

"What happened to him?", Asked Shivaay from Om

"He is chatting with his new girlfriend",Om replied. Shivaay nodded and asked Rudra to get up. Rudra looked towards Shivaay and was about to say something when Shivaay stopped him

"Shut up Rudra and listen to me", Shivaay said. Om and Rudra nodded and asked him to sit . Shivaay nodded and they trio sat on slab

"Om Rudra today I meet one of my buisness partner and he asked me about my marriage. I didn't disclosed it but somehow it is leaked. I don't even know how many people know this. And how can I show Anika as my wife in front of media?", Shivaay asked from Om

"What are you saying Shivaay? If you want then do otherwise don't . Why are you saying 'how can I show Anika as my wife'", Om asked

"He called us in his home for dinner tomorrow. I don't know if I should take Anika or not? She is clumsy and says whatever comes in her mind. Buisness partner will not accept that. Her eating style is different as compared with us. I fear insult. What to do? What should I lie? I don't have any excuse", Shivaay said and looked towards his brothers for solution

"You should not lie",Om said. Shivaay rolled his eyes at him as here he want solution and Om is all set to teach him lesson

"Om help me here. What should I do? I can't take her otherwise if something happened there then you all know my anger", Shivaay said and looked towards his brothers again. His relationship with Anika is good for nothing because they don't talk much , his work pressure is much and moreover he is not that type of person who will start talking randomly and will keep talking.

Here he is surprised that even Anika s
Didn't tried to talk with him. Their were some days when he was waiting for her to start conversation but she ignored him and continued doing her work

In front of his buisness partner how can he make fun of their relation which is not even started. They don't even know if they accept eachother or not.?


Can't take leap and pichle se likhna tha toh smajh ni aya kya likhu. And kya likhne wali thi 🤣😅😅

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