part : 4

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Anika was asked to make something as it's ritual to make something sweet for first kitchen ritual but she don't know anything. She sat on kitchen slab witj tears. Just one day and her life is upside down. She don't have anything to do rather than cry upon her fate. The more she told herself to be strong more situation force her to cry

"Anika. Why are sitting like this?", asked Pinky. Anika shooked her head and passed a fake smile towards her

"Nothing was just thinking something. I will... Make something", Anika said without looking at her . Pinky nodded and filled her jug of water. She was about to leave when she remembered once Anika told her she don't know how to cook.

"Do you know how to make halwa or something else which is sweet ?",asked Pinky. Anika looked at her shocked, she thought she is trapped in a mess and now her fear started rising as she is not perfect to become wife of an Oberoi son.

"I don't know sorry", Anika told honestly. Pinky smiled and placed jug aside

"No problem I will teach you and you will add everything the way I will tell you. Is it fine?", asked Pinky. Anika smiled and hugged her in happiness. She thought Pinky will insult her but she is happy now because of her words

"More than fine",Anika replied

"Ok so you want to make suji halwa or aata?", asked Pinky

"To be honest I just know how to eat not to make so it's upto you. Tell me which one is easy?", asked Anika

"Haha suji halwa is final then", Pinky said and placed a bowl of suji on table as well as Desi ghee

"Shivaay hate using Desi ghee but I don't like any other so we will use it", Pinky said. Anika nodded and looked at her keenly to understand how to make halwa. Pinky asked her to hear ghee and then told her how to make halwa. Anika followed Pinky's steps and started jumping in happiness when Aroma of halwa hit her nostrils

"Wow it is looking delicious. Can I taste it?", Anika asked in excitement

"No Anika. Even I can't right now. Come in dinning table let others taste it. I know it is delicious", Pinky said assuring Anika. Anika nodded and hugged Pinky again in happiness that atleast someone told her how to cook. Now she can make something else too rather than aloo puri.

She placed halwa on dinning table along with breakfast prepared by Janvi and Pinky. She was arranging plates when she noticed Shivaay coming there while talking with someone. When Shivaay noticed her he walked towards her

"Don't say that today I have to eat something cooked by you", Shivaay said

"Don't worry breakfast is prepared by Janvi and Pinky aunty. Halwa is prepared by me so it's upto you if you want to eat or not", Anika said and was about to go when Shivaay called her

"Anika wait", he said and stand in front of her

"What do you want now? Want me to die ? If yes then give me poison atleast", Anika said angrily

"I don't want to fight. I said that because whatever I ate something which was prepared by you was worst. Even you know that so just said that. I guess you need time so take as much you want but don't show it to family. You can meet your brother after an hour", Shivaay said and tried holding Anika's hand but she jerked him

"Just like you love your family even I love mine. Please don't trouble me more", Anika pleased. Shivaay pushed Anika a little to chair and sat near her

"Ok . Vo I asked my employee to take him somewhere where he could enjoy so he took him to wonderland and zoo. You can ask him nobody troubled him ",he said softly

"Ok I believe you . But I will not consider you as my husband. Now sit on your place otherwise Omru are coming to tease you", Anika said and looked aside. She noticed Omru coming there so she warned h

"No problem. I will tell them that pannika prepared halwa so beware if they don't want to die", Shivaay said

"Haha bad joke billu jii . Mind my words I will call you with this name in front of everyone if you called me pannika again", Anika said and rolled her eyes at Shivaay. Shivaay smiled and was about to reply when he heard Rudra's voice

"Wow aabhi se bhabhi ke ghutno mai ( wow you are on your knees in front of bhabhi this early)", Rudra teased and tapped on Shivaay's shoulder

Shivaay stand up and slapped Rudra on his shoulder

"Should I tell you how to break bones?", Shivaay asked with fake anger. Rudra shooked his head and looked towards Om and Anika for rescue

"Om , bhabhi save me", Rudra said and ran towards Anika and Om as Om sat beside Anika

"Shivaay he was right", Om said. Anika looked down as she want to stop Shivaay and want to interrupt but don't know if she have right? Shivaay love his family and Omru so he will not hurt them

"You too.. anyways I don't care", Shivaay said and sat on his place beside Anika. Anika stand up and gave him her seat. After a minute every family member was there. Dadi asked Anika to sit them to which Anika nodded and sat between Rudra and Janvi.

Anika looked at Pinky, Omru and dadi as they filled their bowl with halwa . She looked at Shivaay who was busy in talking with someone which irritated her. She noticed even Tej and Janvi filling their bowls

"Wow di... I mean bhabhi it's very delicious", Rudra praised. Even dadi, Omru and Pinky praised her but her heart was waiting for Shivaay's comment . She noticed Shivaay was lost in his thoughts. He didn't even filled his plate with breakfast which confused her

"I think I said too much today", Anika thought and messaged Shivaay but Shivaay did't looked at his phone. She gestured Pinky to look at Shivaay

"Shivaay where are you lost?", Pinky asked gaining Shivaay's attention

"Nowhere mom", Shivaay said and looked at his phone to see a message from Anika.

"Then have breakfast and eat halwa too. I know you don't like Desi ghee but for Ritual you can right?", Pinky asked to which Shivaay nodded and filled his bowl as well as plate with breakfast. He ate halwa first and then completed having breakfast. Anika was waiting for his compliment and looked down being hurt because he didn't said anything. She noticed his smile when he finished halwa but she wanted him to express what he felt in words

After breakfast everyone gave something as shagun to Anika as Ritual and Anika ran towards their room fuming in anger. She noticed Shivaay coming there while talking to someone again on his phone which angered her

"Keep this phone aside otherwise I will break it", Anika said angrily

"What I did now? Stop eating my head Anika otherwise I will say something which I don't mean", Shivaay said and sat on bed. Anika sat beside him and placed her hand on his shoulder

"What happened? Why are you tensed?", Anika asked

"Nothing just mind your own business. I don't have anything to give you yet so I will give something on evening", Shivaay said and left from there without hearing Anika's voice.

"Tadibaaz baggadbilla. He can't behave normally", Anika thought angrily and threw cushions on ground. She thought atleast after realising that she is angry he will tell her that he liked halwa but he didn't

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