part : 30

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"H.... hii Chanda", Anika said hesitatingly, she never felt hesitation but for the first time, she is feeling this. Anika understood that Chanda was crying by looking at her eyes. Anika felt so bad, she should have talked with her. Chanda also wants to ask forgiveness but doesn't want to cry in front of Shivaay.

"H... Have a seat", Chanda said and ran towards the kitchen telling them that she is going to bring water but in actuality, she wanted to escape from Anika and Shivaay both. Why they are here? Especially Anika? She also came back from the Caffe as she couldn't stand there after thier fight. If Anika left how can she enjoy? She started to regret thinking about her mistake but felt hurt because Anika didn't understand her side for the first time.

Tears started falling from her eyes, she didn't wipe them as she want to cry a lot today. She filled 2 glasses of water and put them on a tray but when she was about to move her eyes brimmed with tears again. She placed the tray on the table and started to sob by placing her hand on her mouth. She knows she needs to face this and Anika will be blaming her but she never expected this from her. Chanda took a long breath and wiped her tears and came out toward Shivaay and Anika.

She noticed Anika's head was on Shivaay's shoulder and Shivaay was caressing her head. She smiled seeing them happy, Anika has someone to look after her but she has no one. She is alone here and nobody was here to comfort her. Maybe they solved thier matter but what about her? Chanda shrugged her thoughts off as she should not think about herself now. She sat on another sofa giving the couple space. Before they used to sit together every time but now Anika is not alone, moreover situation is heartbreaking for her.

"I... I am happy to see you both together", said Chanda and gestured for them to drink water. Shivaay was thirsty so he drank water. Chanda noticed him and felt a bit relaxed that they are not here to fight at least, or maybe they need strength. Chanda looked down as she is feeling so bad to make eye contact with Anika

"I am sorry for raising my hand at you. That time I was scared and tensed ", Anika said and went toward Chanda. She sat near Chanda and placed her hand on her cheek softly. She considers Chanda as her sister, she caressed Chanda's cheek softly and killed herself in mind for raising her hand at her best friend. A tear escaped from her eyes, she was crying when Chanda went but Shivaay consoled her and asked her to stay strong again she felt like losing again because she hurt her best friend beyond the limits

"It's ok. I should be the one apologizing Anika. I am very sorry for coming between your relationship. I am sorry. I was concerned about you Anika. I don't know if you are happy with him or not. I always noticed you sad after this marriage, you are not independent anymore that's why I thought to show him how it feels to see your wife with someone ", Chanda said understanding Anika. Shivaay clenched his hand into a fist, he want to fight with Chanda now but kept quiet as he knows the consequences. He don't want to do anything worst now so thought to divert his mind by using the mobile phone.

"But that was not right. This marriage is the truth of my life and the Oberoi mansion is my home. I respect Shivaay and his family both. I didn't tell you about my wedding because of my reasons. Even if I respected Shivaay what is wrong with it? I know you love me but you should not interfere in our matter. We are married and handling marriage is up to us. Handling marriage and problems is our responsibility and your interruption was about to break the marriage. You are no one to interfere with. I love you Chanda please try to understand. I know you were concerned but that was not right. Please don't do that again", Anika said requesting her not to interfere again but Chanda's mind got struck by only one word "you are no one to interfere ". Is this true? Did 3rd person become so important that Chanda is no one to her? That pinched Chanda's heart.

"I am no one?", Chanda asked with tears

"Not in this way. No one has the right to interfere with us. Not even my brother or his brothers. And if we both, you and me have a bond that Shivaay is no one to interfere with. I was saying like this yar", Anika said and held Chanda's shoulder but she jerked Anika's hand she is angry with Anika right now. How can they fight and why they are not talking like before then?

"I'm sorry", Chanda said and stood up to leave from there but Anika stopped her in middle. Chanda closed her eyes tightly, already she was finding it hard to fight her tears but not anymore now. Anika turned to Chanda and pulled her into a hug. Chanda didn't protest as she needed this hug badly. She wants to tell how much she loves Anika but Shivaay is there and she can't share her insecurities with her.

"Why are you hugging a stranger? You fought with me right", Chanda asked angrily adding "for him", but that was not loud so nobody heard that. Anika shooked her head and kissed Chanda's cheek

"Please Chanda don't think like this I love you. Don't fight with me otherwise, I will die. I love you more than the whole Oberoi family. You are like my sister. I have the right to fight with you and show anger but with strangers, I hesitate so don't ever feel like you are a stranger", Anika said and rubbed the back of Chanda softly. Chanda hummed in response tightening the hug to feel her best friend near her. After some time they broke hug and Anika made her drink water

"Think of this as your home. You are always welcome here", Anika said. Chanda smiled upon hearing Anika and asked if they need tea or coffee or anything

"If I need something then I can make myself. Who needs permission?", Anika said and giggled thinking that Chanda will laugh too but she didn't. Shivaay noticed Anika's behaviour which is opposite what she is in the Oberoi mansion. He realised that Anika needs a trip with him and also they need to understand each other first otherwise next time they will not be able to handle everything together.

"You are not angry right?", Chanda asked

"I can never Chanda. For once I can stay without Shivaay's support but not yours", Anika said which made her believe that whatever Anika said is true and she smiled. She is relaxed now that thier is no misunderstanding between them and Anika didn't can't just because Shivaay patched up with her. That was the main thing which was hurting her but not anymore.

"When did you bring this?", Anika shouted suddenly picking one glass decor which is of 2 dolphins in light blue colour from thier wings and the rest is transparent which took Anika's heart. But she never saw this before.

"Yes found it beautiful on the online app and received this order today", said Chanda and they both talked for some time. All the while Shivaay was thinking about Anika's comfort. Why Anika never behaved like she is at home at the Oberoi mansion? Is he the reason? Or someone else?

At 7 pm when Shivaay and Anika left Chanda's house Anika hugged Shivaay tightly and thanked him for bringing her here and for staying here. Just because of him she was able to spend some time with Chanda

"I am thinking about our trip to Manali. So tell me are you ok with it if we leave the day after tomorrow?", Shivaay asked

"Without any planning how we will leave? And why this soon?", Anika asked shocked as she thought maybe he didn't like the idea of the trip but his reply made her think that he took the trip more serious compared with her.

"I am fed up with everything now. I need a change in environment. And about today so let's have a meal together and then a long drive. I will inform mom about our whereabouts", Shivaay said and held her hands after breaking the hug. He kissed her knuckles as he is still feeling like he would lose her if he left her or maybe Anika will misunderstand him if he didn't show his love to her. Anika shivered when Shivaay kissed her hand and then gestured for her to sit inside the car.

"Are you comfortable with me?", Shivaay asked when Anika took her hand back to open the door. Anika turned towards him with confusion. Why he is asking this suddenly?

"Yes that's the main reason I let you hold my hand otherwise I would have shown you your place", Anika said and noticed that Shivaay looked down. Anika looked at his hand, he was fidgeting with his fingers which made her think that he is confused. Maybe because she is not taking a step ahead in this marriage to show her comfort level. Also, she found Shivaay cute and went towards him and kissed his cheek

"Let's think about our future now", Anika said and sat in his car hurriedly to hide her face from him. She is feeling very shy to look at him.

How was the chapter? Yes not shivika centred but soon you will get happy shivika♥️. Here is the end of emotional chapters
Also you will see Shivaay searching about Anika as per his nature. Telling this before so that I would be able to change plot if needed

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