part : 32

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In morning

Anika woke up hearing Shivaay's voice who was trying to wake her up for the past 5 minutes but Anika was not opening her eyes. His mind was asking him to throw water at her but he shrugged his thoughts off as he decided to behave maturely with Anika. Anika noticed him standing with a broad smile and sat straight as she found his smile weird now

"Why he is smiling so much?", she thought and checked her hands which were fine, she wore slippers and ran towards the mirror to check her face which was also normal. Anika wondered why he was smiling then.

Shivaay looked at Anika in confusion. First, she was not waking up, and now when she woke up she went from bed suddenly and started to check herself in the mirror. Then after a few seconds, he noticed her setting her hair, he guessed that maybe she thought she is looking weird but she is not. Or maybe something else, he went behind her and encircled his arm around her waist.

"Y.. you", Anika stammered, when Shivaay hugged her from the back. She closed her eyes, She suddenly started to feel nervous and shy, they just took a step into this type of relationship and now this closeness is affecting her. She started to breathe heavily because of his proximity, Shivaay placed his chin on her shoulder and rubbed his hand Softly on her waist.

"What happened?", Shivaay asked in a husky voice and looked at her through the mirror. Anika shivered hearing his husky voice and opened her eyes to look at him. Her cheeks turned red seeing his intense gaze and she shooked her head. She felt weak to reply now, she is feeling peace in his arms.

"Why you came towards the mirror then?", Shivaay asked and rubbed his cheeks with Anika making her lose herself completely because of him. She held her dress right to control herself from saying his name. Shivaay didn't stop and kept rubbing his beard with her till Anika called his name "Shivaay"

She pushed him away and ran towards the bed again feeling shy to look at Shivaay. She knows they need to take this type of step in thier relationship to make them stronger but she is feeling shy and nervous at the same. Shivaay came back and sat beside her

"Why you went there?", Shivaay asked

"Because I don't want to start my day by looking at your face. That's why went there to see my beautiful face. Now I am sure my day will be great", Anika said without looking at him as she don't want to tell him the truth. His face really looked like he did something naughty when she opened her mind, that's why she doubted him.

"Ohh your bad luck then as you already saw me before", Shivaay said with a grin. Anika went towards the mirror again as on the table she placed a clip there. She tied her hair into a bun which Shivaay didn't like.

"Why you tied them? By the way, Did you wish someone to make you ready in childhood?", Shivaay asked

"Because I am sweating because of these hairs so before washing I tied them", Anika replied to his first question, the real reason for her sweat is he and her hair were sticking onto her neck which was pinching her. Shivaay raised his eyebrows asking the answer to his second question, Anika nodded understanding his gesture.

"Yes but now I am a self-dependent person", Anika said as she understood that Shivaay is asking her because he want to do the same for her but she is least interested in all these. Those were her childhood dreams which don't matter to her now. Her childhood was the worst which made her strong and taught her many things. Especially one "Never depend upon anyone". Maybe she is changing as she now started to think "he will not leave her". But one hesitance and doubt are still there because they never handled fights with care as they should have

"No problem we can still change your views", Shivaay said and dragged her towards the bed. Anika noticed Shivaay came with an almond milkshake which made her smile as tea and coffee are easy to make in the morning but not milkshakes but still he did

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