part : 11

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"Anika...", Shivaay tried saying something but Anika showed her hand to him

"Choose Shivaay otherwise I am leaving this house. If you will not divorce then let me tell you one thing I don't need any men to support me. I can live alone as I used to as well ", Anika told him. She won't know if she can leave this family or not but she told this decision to him. If he denied then she will leave for sure

"Ok fine Anika. Stay here... are my wife only and I will try to give you a chance ", Shivaay stammered as her words scared him. He can't let her go, if he had this intention before then he would have never married her. He married her forcefully just because he was unable to see her with Daksh. He decided to be selfish once

"Ohh so you mean to say you are doing honour to me?", Anika asked

"God.... If you want to fight then why are you asking me even? Just now you asked me to tell you my decision. I told you that I will give you a chance then why are fighting now?", Shivaay asked angrily

"Because it should be me to give you a chance", Anika said. Shivaay nodded and asked, "Is there anything left?"

"No. Are you sure regarding your decision?", Anika asked with doubt. She won't know if she can trust him or not? What if he blamed her in future? What if his ego comes in between?

"Yes, Anika I don't know how to accept this relationship I mean I was going to marry Tia for the deal so in short marriage meant nothing. I admit you being my wife but at least give me some time ", Shivaay asked

"You already took much time Shivaay. Why can't you understand that I'm not your wedding planner anymore? I understand you can't give your 100 per cent in this marriage but can we at least talk with each other about life husband and wife? Keep one thing In mind I can leave if you feel I like you", Anika told him with tears. She tried controlling herself but now her tears started to flow

"No, I don't think so otherwise why you will fight? Anyways let's start from beginning can we?", Shivaay asked and forwarded his hand in front of her

"Can I forgive and forget everything? But if I didn't then how this marriage will work? If he is taking one step then even I should ", Anika started to think if she should give him chance or not? Starting from the beginning would directly mean she forgave him which she doesn't know if she can or not. Till now she was never happy with this relationship then can she forget everything easily?

"Anika!", Shivaay called her which made her come out of her thoughts. Anika hummed and looked towards him asking him why he disturbed her?

"Can we start over?", Shivaay asked and again forwarded his hand towards her. Anika gave her hand in his hands softly. She felt safe with his touch, even after this behaviour she didn't feel weird. He held her hand firmly, his blue eyes were staring at her to hear her answer in words. Anika understood by looking in his eyes as his eyes were constantly looking at her

"Shivaay I was waiting for you to accept this marriage so I have accepted you as my husband a long ago. But I can never forget your behaviour. Maybe I will but it will depend upon you because relationships need trust which you never tried to build. You always try to break everything if I take initiative", Anika told him indirectly talking about her friendship initiative before and many time only she was the one to talk with him, he was always in his attitude which angered her.

"How to do that? As I never did anything to get Tia's trust", Shivaay said genuinely as he never tried anything special with Tia. They used to talk formally that too whenever he was free so he won't know how to build trust?

"There was trust between you and Tia? Haha what a joke", Anika laughed hearing Shivaay as neither Tia trusted Shivaay, nor Shivaay ever believed Tia regarding their relationship. Instead, they were never serious which made her laugh. Yes in initial Shivaay trusted Tia more than her, maybe because of his ego as Anika never liked them as a couple

"Ok just enough stop laughing", Shivaay said with a smile as he liked her smile and laugh. He wants her to keep smiling and laughing but not at him.

"If you guys were ever serious then Tia would not have cheated you and if you were serious then you would be heartbroken ", Anika told him after taking a long breath

"Yes as she was just a deal for me not someone I liked ", Shivaay told

"And me?", Anika asked, this question was disturbing her from the time they married. Why did he select her? He was having many options then why her? Was it special that he let Tia go out of his life so easily and he don't want to divorce her as well?

"I asked a question at first. How do build trust? By gifting you something? Tell me what do you want?", Shivaay asked. His reply gave her a hint that maybe she is but she shrugged her thoughts off as to why a rich guy like him would like her?

"Hein? Do you have anything in your mind except money and ego?", Anika asked with confusion

"Ya ya that's why I am standing here after forgetting ego right? ", Shivaay asked sarcastically

"And do you think by those expensive gifts you can gain trust?", Anika asked in the same tone

"Maybe or maybe not because I always gave gifts to...", Shivaay tried explaining his answer when Anika interrupted him

"Shivaay I am not Tia hope you know? Don't you know my nature? Leave this do you know anything about me except my house location, Sahil being handicapped and my pride which is self-respect?", Anika asked. Shivaay kept quiet as he don't have an answer. He doesn't really know about her except for a few things which every member of his family knows already

"Can you give me your precious time whenever I want? Can you take me anywhere I want? Can you go for a walk with me?", Anika asked

"Will this Build our trust?", Shivaay asked with confusion

"Yes or no?", Anika asked

"You are very stubborn. Do you know that?", Shivaay asked to which Anika nodded and flicked her hair behind

"Yes so tell me your answer?", Anika asked

"I will try to because I can't leave meetings and I am clearing it before. But whenever I will be free you can call me", Shivaay told her

"I am not an astrologer who will get a hint that you are free. You should call me whenever free", Anika told him

"Ok I will try my best then because Shivaay...", Shivaay tried to self-praise himself when Anika interrupted him

"Never self praise yourself in front of me", Anika told him and left the room hurriedly before he could say anything
Yes, I know even this update is small. Please give me a week. Till then manage with small updates ♥️. Love you all 🥰

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