part : 8

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Anika ran towards terrace with tears. Her heart felt heavy, only she know how difficult it was for her to control her emotions in front of Shivaay. She find herself trapped in a web because of Shivaay. The more she try to accept thier relation, the more he is tearing them apart

She thought to apologise and comfort him by care but again he made her feel she is unwanted in his life. She thought to take first step in marriage but he pushed her very harshly. Everytime he prove her that she is no-one to him. She is just a puppet for him whom he used to show his family and to save his reputation.

Her eyes went moist when she recalled his previous words for her

"He called us in his home for dinner tomorrow. I don't know if I should take Anika or not? She is clumsy and says whatever comes in her mind. Buisness partner will not accept that. Her eating style is different as compared with us. I fear insult. What to do? What should I lie? I don't have any excuse

She never thought that he think like this about Her. She looked towards moon thinking about her old days, even bua's taunt never hurt her the way his conversation with Omru did. She thought to apologise and now feeling like why she was mad to apologise? She heard how Omru confronted her and came out of room.

She know Omru saw her when they left room but didn't came behind as she ran towards Shivaay and her's room. She acted as she was setting bed to control herself, when he asked her to sleep on bed she chuckled as she knew what he want to talk and he is here to make her fool. She fought with him and ran out of room

"I knew it you will fight", Rudra said and taped Anika's shoulder

"Is it a taunt?", Anika asked and wiped her tears . She thought she can cry her heart out here but his brother never leave her alone

"Hww bhabhi does my face look like I can taunt someone?", Rudra asked. Anika shooked her head and hugged him tightly, she is trying to believe that rather than her husband her devars are supporting her, they are taking stand for her . She started to cry in his arms

"Bhabhi don't cry", Rudra asked but Om gestured him to keep quiet, he know Anika is hurt and it is essential for her to pour out her feelings otherwise she also might like drugs for comfort. He can't let this happen at any cost, he know if by chance she didn't pour her heart then there are chances that she might find peace in drugs , just like him

"Bhabhi we love you. And even he care for you..", Om tried to defend Shivaay and comfort Anika when she interrupted him

"I agree with your first like but regarding your brother I don't want to know", Anika said and looked aside, because of Rudra she is feeling a bit fine now. She asked herself why she is crying and determined to give double attitude back to him

"No problem Anika if he can't respect you then you are not fool to stay here for this kind of person ", Anika thought and looked towards Omru who were standing near her.

"Thank you Omru for staying by my side but there is nothing to worry about. I'm strong enough to fight for myself. I don't even care for those cheapdi( cheap) parties with cheap ladies", Anika said shrugging her shoulders. She looked down as his words were really haunting her but she can't show in front of anyone. She hate crying and don't want to cry for single thing

"Bhabhi those cheap ladies are not of your standard. Instead they don't even know how beautiful you are from look and by heart ", Rudra gave compliment to Anika, Anika smiled and asked them to leave her alone

"But don't be sad for long. You are out khidkitod bhabhi", Om said to Anika and dragged Rudra from there to leave Anika alone for sometime

"Why you dragged me? What if she jumped from terrace?", Asked Rudra from Om angrily

"She will not. I believe her , just give her sometime Ru ,she will herself gain confidence. You can check, she will not harm herself ", Om said with confidence as he believe Anika, from the time he know Anika , he has realised one thing that she is very strong and very confident girl. He know she will not keep crying for whole life so he want to give her time. Rudra checked on terrace and noticed her standing, he sighed in relief seeing her there

"That's why I don't believe you God. Because you dint exist, and you can't help. Why I am married? Especially with him?", asked Anika staring moon. She felt she wilk get happiness with Daksh but when Shivaay married her. She curse her fate as she just said yes to Daksh because of him, she thought he like her

"It was all my fault. Why I didn't left this place before?", Anika asked from herself. She cried for sometime and then determined to do whatever she want to. She has made herself strong, she know how to fight for herself and fight with him

"You are still here",Anika called Rudra when she noticed him standing near door. Rudra nodded and told her reason to stay there

"Om was right. I am not coward to kill myself. I will give him his attitude back Rudra", Anika told him

"But please don't leave us bhabhi. We love you", Rudra requested, Anika shooked her head and kissed his forehead

"Never. How can a sister stop irritating her brother",Anika said after ruffling his hairs, Rudra smiled and wished her good night

"Where were you", Shivaay asked when Anika entered room again, she thought he would be sleeping but for her badluck he was working on laptop.

"I don't need to answer you. Isn't it obvious I was here?", Anika asked sarcastically

"Why can't you answer normally?", Shivaay asked

"Ohh so you are asking this? Have you watched yourself and your behaviour once? We are married and we behave as strangers. Why?",Anika asked angrily

"Because this marriage was not my choice ", Shivaay told her. Anika glate him angrily and filled a glass of water and splashed water on his face

"I think now you are in your sense. This marriage was unwanted for me, not you. You yourself forced me and moreover why you asked me where I was when you yourself never told me where were you?",Anika asked angrily

"What the hell is this Anika? I was working ", Shivaay shouted at her

"And I don't care about you", Anika said and ran towards couch as fast she could and layed there hiding herself. Shivaay felt bad for his behaviour, he has many things in life to handle that's why he ignored Anika. For him Anika was not his choice, yes he knew something was different with him and her , he was attracted to her but still his buisness mind didn't let him accept this marriage .

"Tomorrow I think I need to talk with her regarding this marriage. Even if it was due to my force, she is my wife. But she herself force me to hate her and her behaviour push me to behave harsh with her", Shivaay thought and held his head. He is very confused now , he don't know what to do?


Any guess what Anika will do now?

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