part : 35

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In the last chapter, they were in Solang valley. ❤️

Anika threw an ice ball at him, Shivaay turned towards her and glared at her. Already his legs started to shiver because of the cold wind and now Anika threw an ice ball at him which made him shiver. He wonders how Anika is not affected by the cold here.

"It hurts", Shivaay shouted rubbing his arm

"Be a man then", Anika said

"What do you mean by that? ", He asked getting the indirect meaning of her words. What does she mean by this? Doesn't a man feel pain?

"I mean stop crying like a woman ", Anika said stating the fact

"At least think before throwing. It's very cold", Shivaay said and stepped one step ahead Anika also climbed up more in the mountain

"Obviously it would be. It's ice, not thermocol ", Anika said and ran upside.

"Don't run Anika. Be careful ", Shivaay shouted as he is left behind. Anika turned back and noticed Shivaay walking slowly. She could not hear what Shivaay said but his shout made her stop as she can't leave him alone him. Even though she wants to reach the peak, she can't take a risk going alone here. Shivaay came there after 2 minutes and sat on a nearby rock

"Are you fine? If you can't move more then we can go back ", Anika said while rubbing his back softly to give him warmth. She wants to enjoy the view but not by making Shivaay ill. He is the one who catches a cold very easily that's why she needs to ask for his comfort first.

"Why? Don't you want to enjoy?", Shivaay asked and threw snow at her. Anika giggled seeing him smiling and hugged him tightly as she knows he is going there just for her. He is not saying it but she knows he might be feeling cold as many times she noticed his sick due to cold weather.

"I want to but not by risking your life. If you feel discomfort then tell me ok", Anika said to which Shivaay hummed in response and stood up as he noticed the crowd here. This is a public place and he doesn't want anyone to see them like this. Anika also stood up with him holding him by his shoulder and then followed his gaze to see the crowd coming there.

"Can we move further or do you want us to go back?", Anika asked. Shivaay kissed her forehead and told her that he want to move ahead with her. He doesn't want to take a risk by going in the car, he is scared to go like that. Moreover, there is no fun in going by car. Anika held his hand and they both started to move further. Soon they reached a place where they could see many tents. Seeing the view Anika became more excited and told him to take her to the tent once.

Shivaay took Anika to one edge and they were alone right now. Anika smiled and held his hand tightly watching the view. She could easily see a road and green trees very small as they are on top.

"Did you ever come here before? "Shivaay asked and hugged her from the back. They are 2 steps away from the edge as he fears that they fell from the height

"No never. I can never afford this trip. It's just because of you I'm here", Anika said and pulled his cheeks.

"I will give you everything you want. Tell me once and I will complete your wish", Shivaay said and kissed her shoulder. Anika shivered feeling his lips and closed her eyes feeling safe in his arms. She is not scared from height till he is with her because she trusts him. They stayed in the same position for some time and moved away when they heard noises coming.

They started to walk again and soon reached on top. Anika felt like she is in heaven as everything looked small below her. She felt like she is queen here and screamed her name. When her voice echoed, she jumped in happiness and hugged Shivaay again. Shivaay rubbed her back softly and asked if she is fine or not to which she replied positively and asked him to enjoy himself with her. Suddenly Shivaay got a phone call and excused himself from her.

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