part : 22

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In morning

Shivaay woke up and looked toward the couch and found her sleeping there. He didn't like this as now they accepted each other why she is staying away? He went toward her side and tried waking her up by calling her name but Anika didn't react so he picked up a glass of water and splashed it on her face. Anika woke up with a jerk screaming "are you mad?",

"You were not waking up so...", Shivaay said and pointed toward an empty glass.

"Is this the only way left for you? Why can't you let me live in peace for some time?", Anika said irritatedly and checked if there is another glass of water or jug but unluckily there was none

"This was a prank. My intention was not to hurt you", Shivaay said trying hard to control his laughter after seeing her irritated face. He hides his smile by covering his face with his hand

"I will say the same after throwing you inside the pool", Anika said angrily

"Don't you dare", Shivaay warned

"I am very daring You can test me ", Anika said angrily and cleaned her face using a dupatta

"I know that. There is no need to take the test to see how daring you are ", Shivaay said

"This should not happen again otherwise next time I will throw you inside the pool", Anika warned him angrily

"Ok ", Shivaay said and went towards the cupboard and pulled out one towel for her. He sat near her and started to clean her wet neck. Anika shivered under his touch and held the towel from his hand

"I will do it. I already cleaned my face with my dupatta", Anika said and looked aside as she can't look in his eyes right now. His eyes are melting her anger and she doesn't want to fall for him.

"Go and change otherwise you will fall sick ", Shivaay said and patted her hand Softly.

"So what?", Anika argued. She liked his care but she don't want to make him her habit. She is scared to fall in love, she can't trust Shivaay in this case because of his nature. Most of the time his actions prove to her that one day their relationship might end so she wants to keep herself strong to leave this house whenever needed.

"Go, Anika. Please ", Shivaay said and stood up as he don't want to fight before taking her with him.

"Ohh bete ki. You pleased me just for a small thing ", Anika asked and clapped her hands as she is impressed hearing the word please for her that too for a little matter

"If you are done overreacting then go I will be waiting for you downstairs. ", Shivaay said and left from there, when he heard a door locking sound he came back and stood in front of the mirror. He decided to make efforts to make a few things normal between them. He knows change is a slow process but he needs to initiate it as he has done many mistakes in past. He wants to take her on a date, their first date and he is very excited about it.

He purchased a new wine-coloured suit for him yesterday and a gown for Anika. He already kept it inside the bathroom for her. He sprayed perfume and started to set his hair while humming a song. He is happy today, he laughed remembering Anika's irritated face a while ago. He loved teasing her and irritating her.

"Why he is going to wait for me? What is going on in his mind? Huff, I will see whatever it is ( jo bhi ho dekha jyega)", Anika thought and noticed one wine-coloured gown for her. She read a note

Wear it for today. I am waiting. Hope you like this gown and are comfortable wearing it. If not then don't wear it, I will understand that you were uncomfortable wearing it ~ Shivaay

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