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I know like me you also hate notes but I need to put it so that you guys don't misunderstand me.

I don't know why but I am unable to write this story as I should. I'm facing writer's block. Because of exams I lost touch and couldn't write about snowfall in winter and now I am unable to imagine that even. I tried writing about thier journey back home but didn't feel happy after writing that. The update looks simple if I continue writing this. This book is near its end and I don't want to ruin it. In the beginning, a writer can change many things but not at the end you all can understand that right?

I know I said I'll update daily and I am extremely sorry for not being regular. I don't know if my apology is enough or not. Maybe the main problem is the new characters I am going to introduce because I never watched that serial or maybe something else. I seriously don't know why I have hanged this story for so long. I tried typing this chapter many times par ni mann ho raha. I felt that hurried at the end.

Give me some time because only 3-4 chapters are left. I'll update them once I get inspiration for this story. Till then I'll continue other Stories. If I update other stories not this one then don't think I forgot this story. Please manage karlain❤️

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