part : 10

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"I can't. Come down there is a surprise for you", Shivaay told and left from there leaving Anika alone again but this time with a question what to do?

Anika came downstairs and found the whole family sitting in the dining hall. A smile appeared on her face finding everyone there including Shivaay and Tej as well. Most of the time either Shivaay skips breakfast or Tej. And she ate food with the whole family just twice or thrice.

"Good morning everyone", Anika wished everyone and sat in place which is between Om and Rudra which shocked Shivaay as he thought at least now he will get a chance to speak with her but again when she ignored him he felt bad. Bad as he is unable to do anything, she is ignoring him boldly and defeating him. He thought he can do anything with money but day by day she is proving hin that his money can't set everything alright, he can force her into marriage but can't force her to talk with him politely. He tried many times, he looked at his family members who were not shocked when she change her seat, instead, they were behaving normally as it happens daily

"Good morning Anika", wished Janvi back

"Good morning Anika, are you fine? You look pale?", asked Pinky. Anika looked towards Shivaay and then towards Omru, she don't want to tell any family members what is going on in her mind, she requested them to handle it as she can't reply now. She wants to show Shivaay as well that "everything is not fine"

"Yes she is fine mom, actually at night we all were talking so maybe she is sleepy Hana bhabhi?", Asked Rudra Anika nodded with a smile, she is happy that she has a person like Rudra who knows how to lie and have excuse available. She is happy that this excuse will indirectly tell Shivaay as well that she is not fine.

"Ok now have breakfast see what my son prepared for you", said Pinky happily, Anika was about to touch the box when Shivaay picked it up, and Anika looked at him with irritation. She is very furious with him right now.

"If you don't want me to eat then I can happily leave", Anika said angrily in low voice but everyone heard it as there was pin-drop silence.

"Just sit I will serve", Shivaay said, Anika rolled her eyes at his drama as she understood why he is doing it. She noticed family members looking at her so she sat back in her seat.

"Do this if you don't have any problem otherwise don't throw attitude on me saying *I served you even when you were not deserving *", Anika said mimicking him near his ear when he bent down to serve her. Shivaay looked at her and served her aloo, Puri. Anika smiled when she noticed aloo Puri but hides it immediately because she don't want to show it in front of Shivaay

Shivaay couldn't see her reaction from the side so he came in front but got disappointed as by looking at her expressions he could not recognise if she is happy or not. He thought she would be excited like she is always but she didn't. She ignored him in the dining hall as well, not even for once did she look at him and appreciated him.

"Shivaay aloo Puri is delicious", Pinky complimented him. Shivaay thanked his mother and looked toward Anika. After Pinky every family member told him aloo Puri is delicious except Anika. He waited till everyone finished dinner, he thought Anika will reply when Pinky asked her if it is delicious but Anika just replied with a yes which did not go good with Shivaay as he wanted to hear a compliment.

When every family member went except Anika and Omru, Anika spoke

"Thank you for making delicious aloo Puri. It is my favourite. I'm surprised that you prepared it", Anika gave him a compliment which looked formal to him. Shivaay's heart broke hearing her, he never felt this much insult as he is feeling it right now.

"Surprised? Why Anika? I specially prepared it for you", Shivaay told her in low voice, Anika looked down as with his low voice she left bad, she knew this would hurt him but more than him she is hurt by herself. How can she taunt him? She knew he prepared it for her but still just to fight with him she behaved formally. She was feeling bad when she didn't have a compliment when aloo Puri was delicious, that's why at last she complimented him.

"Ohh thank you then. By the way, you don't have to cook for someone with whom you don't share any relation", Anika replied sarcastically. Yes, she is feeling bad but her inner self and self-respect come first. She is not going to forgive him for his behaviour. She wants him to go through the same and tell him how much it hurts

"Om can you drop me somewhere?", Anika asked Om

"Yes sure bhabhi", Om replied, Shivaay glared at him as he thought his brother will say a no but Om broke his hopes as well

"Where?", Shivaay asked, Anika, who ignored his question and left the room. Shivaay ran behind her and noticed her taking out clothes from the cupboard. He closed the cupboard angrily and pinned her to the cupboard. Anika looked at him angrily and tried to come out of his grip but he held her tightly.

"What are you doing Anika? What is this behaviour? Why can't you behave normally with me?", Shivaay asked angrily

"Shivaay see yourself first. It is just because of you. You are forcing me to behave like this. Do you think I am here on rent? Or do I look like a guest to you? Tell me. I am your wife Shivaay, if you accept this relationship then accept it right now and in front of the whole media otherwise, we will divorce and here we will behave like friends", Anika said shocking him to the core. He thought after marriage Anika will never ask for a divorce and will never disrespect their relationship. Hearing her he is left shocked, he doesn't know what to reply. His grip on her arm loosened, taking it as a chance Anika pushed him angrily and moves away from him.

"I never liked you if you think I did when you were going to marry Tia. Now even though I have expectations of being wife Shivaay, if you can't accept this marriage and me then just leave me. Because for me self respect comes on top and I will not lose it by begging you for this marriage", Anika told him with slight tears in her eyes, she was trying to control her tears but every time in front of him she fall weak. She wants to cry in his arms but not when he doesn't consider her his wife. She pressed her lips together to control her tears, she can't trust him enough to cry in front of him. He never tried to build trust between them
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