part : 29

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After breaking the hug Shivaay and Anika again sat with each other and Shivaay continued his conversation as he have a few more things to say and clear with Anika. Now he got a chance and he can't miss it now. If by chance he did then he is going to regret his whole life for this which he doesn't want.

"Anika. From childhood, I have heard my parents saying this cast is low and this class is high. They always say scheduled caste people are not good. I don't know if they are good or not but I have a bad image of them now. They said caste matters then how can you expect me to forget everything and introduce you to the world? They always ask me to make friends with high standards and rich people and you are different. I am trying to forget these stupid things but don't know why my mind always asks me to search for your family. I am curious to know where you belong?", Shivaay said confused and the reason why he is still curious to know who is Anika and what past Anika has. Where does she belong and from which family? He just wants to know everything about her otherwise low surname will not matter to him. He need to know what was her family's background.

"I don't know anything rather than my name ", Anika said

"I know that", Shivaay said and held Anika's hand which was on her lap. He wants Anika to speak too but Anika is quiet which she should not be. He pressed Anika's hand softly and asked Anika to speak whatever she wants to. Anika nodded and passed a fake smile before telling her heart

"I feel I am too low as compared with your standards. I hate it when you bring your ideologies and name in between. I want to stay just Anika forever, I don't want people to think I married you for money or I am a home breaker. Daily I think you will leave me if you lost mind and will marry a girl with your standards and announce her as your wife on the same day", Anika said which she thinks is true. Because if she was rich then he would have told her about their marriage on the first or second day but with her, he is unable to tell anyone just because she doesn't know anything about herself. Is that her fault? Why she is blamed? Even after months why they are unable to trust each other and give deserving respect to their marriage? Where they are lacking? Why Shivaay is so mean to her? 

"I will never do that", Shivaay said and was about to touch Anika's face but she held his hand in the middle because she don't want him to take advantage of his closeness to fool her. She is not a child to believe his lies now. She is mature enough to differentiate between truth and a lie

"You will I know that. Don't fool me Shivaay if you married a rich girl then you would have respected her and given her every right but will never give the same to me", Anika said stating a fact which might hurt him but for her, this is a sad reality. Shivaay looked down as he knows somewhere she is right but he should not have tried his best to save a relationship just like he is doing for her. For him, everything was a deal including marriage but with Anika, he understood marriage is not a deal and nobody else can do that.

"You have every right my wife. Tell me which right do you want? I want you in my life forever Anika. I don't think a rich girl would be able to owe those rights as you do. You are very important to me Anika, as a wife and as a family member too. How to tell you that you are much more precious than a rich girl", Shivaay said and caressed Anika's face softly. Anika shivered because of his touch and looked into his eyes. She found his words true as he was looking into her eyes while talking but how can she believe it easily? How can Shivaay find her precious?

"Then why do you give me divorce whenever a problem arises between us? Like you did today", Anika complained and asked twisting her lips as she felt like she got a heart attack when he gave her divorce papers. How can he end relationships and marriages like this?

"That was just because I don't want to tie you into a forced relationship. I don't want you to leave me but at the same time, I don't want to tie you into a namesake relationship otherwise I was not going to divorce you. Also if by chance you signed then do you think it is easy to leave me? I would have tricked you to stay here ", said Shivaay with a smirk as he can't let that person leave him easily whom he likes.

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