part : 23

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"To break your fake fantasy regarding the date. Here we are for dinner and we can call it a date", Shivaay said, Anika glared at him as she is irritated now. She is already embarrassed and he is embarrassing her more with his words

"Yes because you only know how to break someone. You can't mend anything", Anika said and looked aside when she realised she again taunted him. She doesn't want to but every time his actions force her to do so. She also has few expectations from marriage and his money, luxury can never give her that.

"Mam your order", the waiter said and placed the noodles plate near Shivaay.

"We will share ok?", Anika asked to which Shivaay hummed as now he don't want to say anything which could turn thier moments into a fight like every time.

"Can I get one more plate?", Shivaay asked the waiter

"No there is no need. Thank you ", Anika said and gestured waiter to go. She doesn't want him to pay the bill for extra plates as she has heard that in 5-star restaurants extra plates are also charged.

"Why?", Shivaay asked

"We can eat from one plate too", Anika said with a smile. Shivaay kept looking at her as she looked more beautiful with her smile. He kept staring at her to look at how she eats and how her lips form a smile relishing the taste.

"Sir your order", Shivaay's thoughts broke hearing the waiter's voice. The waiter placed his order on the table and left from there giving them space

"Have it", Shivaay said and shifted his chair beside her so that they could eat comfortably on one plate.

"Phel gya raita. I'm sorry", Anika apologized when she was pouring ketchup and by mistake, it fell on his hand and wrist.

"It's ok ", Shivaay said and cleaned his hand as well as his wrist. He chuckled seeing her behaviour as he knows she is clumsy and this behaviour makes her Anika. He doesn't know how he will react if Anika turned serious and mature.

"Have this", Shivaay said and broke one morsel of dosa for Anika and was about to put it inside her mouth but stopped in middle realising that they are not yet that comfortable with each other to make each other eat by using their hands. Shivaay placed the morsel on the plate and took his hand back. Anika understood why he reacted like this and ate his given morsel and then made him eat another one using her hand as she didn't feel like breaking his heart.

"Why are eating while using your hand ?", Shivaay asked when he suddenly Anika started to eat noodles using her hands

"My wish ", Anika said

"These are manners, Anika. You can eat like this at home but not here please ", Shivaay requested, Anika thought for a while and then nodded as she want to keep his reputation good in front of everyone. After finishing food they both came back home. Both directly went to thier room, Shivaay locked the door and pulled Anika toward himself. With a sudden pull, Anika's hair fell on her face. Anima held his shoulder tightly for support and looked into his eyes.

"What are you doing?", Anika asked when Shivaay came close to her, Anika's breath hitched seeing him close to her. Shivaay placed his hands on her waist and inched close toward her. He was controlling himself from the time he saw her in this gown. He tucked her hair strands behind her ear and her hairs behind her back to get a clear view of her bare shoulder.

"You are looking so beautiful ", Shivaay said and kissed her bare shoulder. Anika closed her eyes tightly and shivered when his lips touched her shoulder and his beard touched her cheek. She clutched her dress tightly and started to breathe heavily due to proximity. It's for the first time she let a man touch her and kiss her shoulder. Shivaay started to caress her back which again sent shivers down her spine, Anika closed her eyes tightly and pushed him

"I... I have to change ", Anika said and was about to go but Shivaay pulled her in a back hug.

"Are you uncomfortable? Do you trust me?", Shivaay asked and held both of her hands and placed them on her stomach

"I... am not uncomfortable.. and yes I trust you", Anika replied with difficulty as his closeness is affecting her. She guessed that maybe Shivaay misunderstood her pushing him so she cleared his confusion as she felt safe with him a while ago. She was feeling shy but she knew Shivaay knows his limits and she will be safe with him.

"How? When I was trying to get your trust you said you don't trust me and now when I didn't do anything you started to trust me why? Did you say that before to tease me?", Shivaay asked being surprised

"Satke hue hai aap(Are you mad)?", Anika asked angrily hearing his reply. She expected him to say "he also trust's her", but what did he say I'd totally unexpected for her and disappointing as well.

"What do you mean?", Shivaay asked

"I mean are you trying to look dumb or you are actually dumb?", Anika asked being irritated by his question

"Why?", Shivaay asked

"For asking that stupid question. Shivaay why are you like this?", Anika asked.

"I'm like this since childhood but I am not stupid ", Shivaay said

"Then who asks this question that how can I trust you? Do you want to break it?", Anika asked angrily

"No", Shivaay said and shooked his head to confirm to her that this is the last thing he want to do now.

"Dil toh kar raha hai aabhi Pani mai phenk du iss insaan ko ( I am feeling like throwing this person inside the pool)", Anika mummers while staring pool, she thought Shivaay didn't listen but he did and warned her

"Don't you dare", Shivaay warned

"I am very daring Mr Shivaay Singh Oberoi. If not this then take this", Anika said and filled a glass of water and threw it on his face before Shivaay could react or run away.

"Why is the reason for this kind behaviour?", Shivaay asked getting irritated from Anika's anger now

"Kind behaviour ", Anika mimicked him and then started to glare at him angrily

"Anika answer me ", Shivaay asked

"Ese taadea mat", Anika said as she felt his gaze on her which was making her weak now. His one gaze was calming her anger but she want to ask him "why he is so stupid?"

"What do you mean by this tadna word?", Shivaay asked

"I mean ghoorea maat ", Anika said and looked here and there awkwardly, her cheeks turned red as she is feeling weak with his gaze and her anger cooled down immediately after seeing his intense look.

"Is it affecting you?", Shivaay asked with a smirk and moved close to her. Anika shooked her head and looked down as she don't want to lie, she knows she can never lie looking into his eyes. Shivaay stepped one step forward and Anika step backwards. She didn't look back and her leg touched the edge of the bed and she fell on the bed. Shivaay giggled seeing her like this and hovered over her

"No so stay away ", Anika said and looked aside as his proximity started to make her weak. Shivaay made her look in his eyes with his left hand and touched her bare shoulder with his right hand. Anika closed her eyes tightly because Shivaay's eyes turned dark and were scaring her thinking about his next move.

"Aap yeh kya kar rhe hai aap (What are you doing )?", Anika asked when Shivaay kissed her shoulder again and started to rub his hand on her waist

"Completing your wish. We went on a date but it was not romantic so trying to make this one as romantic ", Shivaay said and started to caress Anika's hair. He tucked hair stands behind her ear and was about to kiss her forehead when Anika pushed him and stood up

"Stay away. Cheepde kahinke", Anika said and left from there to change as she realised her mistake. She decided in her mind that she will never wear any revealing dress in front of him otherwise he will change totally. Today she felt he is someone else, not Shivaay who is always serious and for whom business is on the front seat and heart in the back seat.

Sorry for the late update. I was confused about what to write next and hence took time. Wanted to write something good so was thinking about dialogues and which scene to write here😅😅

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