part : 18

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Even I was not feeling well to write 2nd option that's why told you before 😅
"I am going to the kitchen to cook something with Omru. Do you want to join? As more than me they like you these days", Shivaay asked. Anika smiled thinking about Omru and nodded, she feel very lucky to be a part of this loving family.

"Sure if you will not mind", Anika said

"I will not mind", Shivaay said and both went toward the kitchen.

"Hii bhabhi", Om greeted Anika

"Hello khidkitod bhabhi", Rudra greeted Anika. Anika smiled seeing them greeting her first and standing near them.

"Hii Good evening Omru", Anika greeted them with a smile.

"Good evening", Omru replied together and asked Shivaay to come. Shivaay nodded and came toward them. He doesn't want to complain about greeting as they do this rarely with him. In the family, they don't say this but with Anika, they are saying to make her comfortable around them and in this atmosphere where everyone is rich and has a different kind of thinking.

"Let's cook", Shivaay said and picked up his apron from the hanger to Wear it. He placed an apron on the table and placed vegetables on the counter.

"Anika just watch us or pass vegetables to us", Shivaay said and left toward another side as they three need vegetables so he can take her help here. Otherwise, she can never help them.

"I'm not your maid to do so. I will help you all in cooking otherwise nothing", Anika said

"Let her Shivaay", Om said and gave her a knife to cut vegetables

"Ok don't blame me for consequences and I will not cook then", Shivaay said and placed his apron near Anika and sat on one stool.

"Take this and bhabhi let's make something", Om said and gave her Shivaay's apron. Anika gave his apron to him and walked back toward Omru. Shivaay felt bad when Anika didn't use his apron, he want her to consider his things as her own but she always shows her ego which irritates him. Shivaay stood up and walked toward Anika, he pulled her towards himself and asked

"When Om asked you to wear this then why are you showing attitude? And Omru says I am egoistic. See yourself what your sweet bhabhi Anika is", Shivaay asked Anika and then turned towards Omru

"I am not showing attitude Omru. This is his apron and I don't want him to blame me later that I am a gold digger or something", Anika reasoned

"I will not", Shivaay said and gave her an apron to wear. He doesn't want to end up hurting herself which she always does, she is very careless.

"Who knows what you will say in anger? So I want to stay safe. Now keep in mind you asked me to wear it", Anika said and wore his apron which smelled just like him. She was trying knots of an apron but was struggling to wear it. Anika was hesitant to ask for help from any of them as it will not look good if she asked for help from someone else than her husband.

Shivaay noticed that Anika tied her apron very loosely so he went behind her and tied her apron. Anika shivered when Shivaay's hands touched her back. Her breaths became uneven because of his closeness, she closed her eyes and opened them when Shivaay went back. Anika sighed in relief as she was fearing what if she behaved crazily in front of him?

"Thank you", Anika said and started to chop vegetables. Shivaay was continuously staring at her which was making Anika nervous so she also started to look at him every minute. Shivaay noticed she was about to cut her hand so he shouted

"See she doesn't even know how to chop vegetables properly", Shivaay shouted

"Keep your mouth shut otherwise I will chop you with the knife. If you can't help them you can't say anything. Don't stare at us with your green eyes. And if you are having any problem say it once then I will leave the kitchen", Anika said and placed a knife on the table. She knows she is at fault but she can't admit her mistake. She wants to prove him wrong rather than accepting her mistake as it might make her look weak.

"N... No, I don't have any problem. If you want I can show you how to chop them", Shivaay said.

"Use another knife then", Anika said as she can't miss a chance to learn from him.

"See chop like this", Shivaay said and showed her how to chop vegetables. Anika nodded and learned how to chop vegetables while working with him. Shivaay smiled as Anika learnt too early, he realised she just did not have someone to teach her otherwise she would be perfect in every field. After having food all retired to their rooms.

"I am going to the terrace. Want to come?", Anika asked Shivaay when Shivaay entered the room. She came a minute before but Shivaay stopped to talk with Omru.

"Sure let's go. Who knows you will jump", Shivaay said and giggled

"I am not that weak Shivaay. After marrying you I am alive didn't this fact give you a hint that I have good toleration power. I will never commit suicide even if I lose everything except my self-respect I think", Anika said with a chuckle. Even if people don't know, she knows one fact very well she will not commit suicide ever as it will harm Sahil's future as well.

"I will make sure you will never lose that ", Shivaay said and hold Anika's hand in his. Anika smiled as his gestures gave her support and made her believe him.

"Hope you don't change your behaviour", Anika said and rubbed her other hand on his.  Shivaay said "never", and both went toward the terrace

"See this world is round ", Anika said showing him the sky which was looking around when we look carefully

"I have seen that", Shivaay said

"Can we sleep here?", Anika asked

"I never slept on the terrace and not even on the ground", Shivaay said

"Yes yes, rich people. Hugh do you know how lay on the ground?", Anika thought and wanted to ask him this question but can't as she Don't want him to leave her alone here now. Especially in darkness when only Shivaay's support is her strength.

"We will arrange the bed mattress here. Don't worry ", Anika said

"Fine do whatever you want to", Shivaay replied

"Help me to arrange bed here at least come ", Anika said and went toward their room and picked a mattress and asked him to pick another. They arranged it on the terrace and layed down. They started to talk with each other randomly. After 1½ hour Shivaay sat and looked toward Anika

"I am not feeling well Anika. I am going back", Shivaay said as he was feeling uneasy here without a fan and AC. Moreover, he can't forget Anika's fear of the darkness. He can't let her stay in the darkness even if she is with him.

"Ok wait even I am coming back. Thank you for staying here for some time. I am feeling happy now", Anika said and arranged a bed mattress in the room again.

"I was not feeling well there. I am habitual of AC maybe that's the reason", Shivaay told his reason with regret. Anika smiled and nodded

"It's ok ", Anika said

Next day

Shivaay went to the office and Anika got ready in Jean and top to meet Daksh. She reached the location where he called her and waved her hand toward Daksh

"Hii Anika, how are you? You are looking beautiful", Daksh said

"Thank you, Daksh and I'm sorry for not telling you that I married Shivaay. I was supposed to marry you but I can't now", Anika said

"I can understand you, Anika. Hope you lead a happy life ahead but honestly telling you I liked you a lot. He is so lucky to get you as a wife. Everything depends upon destiny", Daksh said. Anika kept quiet as she don't have an answer after knowing he liked her 

"What would you like?", Daksh asked

"Tea", Anika replied

"So how is life going on with Shivaay? How can he marry you? He used to say I don't like Anika blah blah", Daksh asked

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