Chapter 8: Attack

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Chapter 8: Attack

Chavez tried to get inside where's Taehyung was but he failed since the key went gone like ash in his hands. He saw how it disappeared and it caused burnt in his palms because the key turned into fire and slowly got dissolved.

He was raging in anger but he will attempt to make it this time.

"Manuel" Chavez called JK's pet human.

"Yes?" Manuel responded.

"Min's has arrived, he was waiting for boss in the arena." Chavez stated.

"What? But the boss isn't here right now." Manuel uttered, standing up on his seat.

"Then do something, but you can't stop or postpone the duel. Min said that he'll burn this place if you do that." Chavez replied.

"Fine." Manuel sighed.

He stood up, going to the arena. Chavez smirked and followed after Manuel. Manuel saw Yoongi alone, standing alone in the arena.

"Where's your boss? I wanna see him and start this battle. I'm too lazy and want to end him." Yoongi started.

"Boss wasn't here, we can't start the battle for now." Manuel retorted.

"You make me wait and you will tell me that your boss isn't here? Do you really want me to burn this place?" Yoongi inquired, eyes burning fire and his hands have a ball of fire.

"Don't, I'll fight with you instead." Manuel immediately stopped him.

"Where's my beta first? Show him to me." Yoongi stated.

Manuel signaled Chavez to get the beta. Chavez rolled his eyes and leave the arena to get the beta.

"Make sure he didn't get any wounds or else, I won't hesitate to burn this whole place." Yoongi threatened

"Don't worry, he is okay for now." Manuel snickered.

Chavez came quickly, dragging Jimin who's got tied with the rope around his body.

"Here's the beta that you want, now, we can start." Chavez uttered and kicked Jimin's knee, forcing him to kneel down.

Yoongi clicked his tongue in his cheeks when he saw that. He sent a glare to Chavez who just smirked at him. Manuel shifted into a wolf form while Yoongi was just watching him with boredom.

"Attack now!" Yoongi growled.

Manuel was about to attack Yoongi, however, a bunch of arrows with fire started to bombard Manuel. Manuel's wolf started to growl in pain when his fur was burning, Chavez's eyes widened and he ran away.

"Follow him!" Yoongi ordered his men who's hiding around the arena.

Chavez's first instinct is to go to the omega's room. He kicked the door toughly causing Taehyung to get alarmed. He successfully unlocked the door.

"Come with me, omega." Chavez said walking towards Taehyung.

"No!" Taehyung retorted, kicking Chavez's stomach and punching his face.

Taehyung stood up, running away but Chavez used his vampire speed and injected a syringe on Taehyung's nape. Taehyung hissed in pain and he just knew that he lost consciousness. Chavez tied Taehyung's hands and dragged him out of the place.

Meanwhile, Jin and Hoseok begin to free those preys of kidnapping. They got inside before the duel started.

"Where's Taehyung? Did you find him?" Jin asked Hoseok.

"No, I opened all these cages but I didn't see him." Hoseok replied panting heavily.

"Let's go upstairs." Jin ordered and Hoseok nodded his head.

Yoongi freed Jimin from the ropes and help him to stand up.

"We need to help them, they got Taehyung." Jimin said.

"No, it's their fault why you got captured. I help them enough." Yoongi retorted.

"But hyung." Jimin muttered.

"No, let's leave this place. It's too dangerous here." Yoongi sternly retorted, grabbing Jimin's wrist and pulling him away.

Chavez was driving in the woods with unconscious Taehyung behind him and Hyuk beside him.

"Are you sure we're safe now?"  Hyuk inquired.

"Of course, they were busy fighting in that stupid place and were far from them." Chavez retorted.

"I hope boss won't find out about this." Hyuk muttered.

"He won't." Chavez grinned

But suddenly, he stopped the car when he saw a person in front of them. 

"Who's that?" Hyuk asked mumbling.

Chavez went out of his car to confront that person.

"Hey you, get out of my way." Chavez sternly said

"Give me that omega first." Jungkook retorted, glaring at him.

"And who are you to say that huh?" Chavez snickered.

"Give him to me!" Jungkook growled and tried to attack him but Hyuk was faster to punch him and Chavez kicked his stomach.

Jungkook groans in pain, coughing up with blood, and looked at them.

"Sure, if you win over us." Chavez grinned, creaking his neck.

An unskill alpha attempt to attack them but instead, he got attacked by them. Hyuk scrape Jungkook's chest and Chavez kicked both of his legs to make him kneel in front of them. Hyuk pulled up Jungkook's head, forcing him to look up.

"You're an alpha but how could you be so weak like this?" Chavez smugged and hit the stone on Jungkook's head.

Jungkook was hissing in pain and blood dripping down on his head. He was currently mind linking JK to help him out since he can't feel his body. And he had no choice but to do this. He needs JK's help.

"He's unskilled, it was so obvious. Should we kill him?" Hyuk inquired, tightening his grip on Jungkook's hair.

"Sure." Chavez smirked.

He was about to hit Jungkook's head once again but a sudden impact made them flee away. Chavez bumped his back on his car while Hyuk landed on the trunk of the tree but he got stabbed because of that. 

"Geez, this human is really weak." JK mumbled, creaking his neck while standing up.

He glared at Chavez who was slowly getting weak and coughing up with blood so bad.

"Did you just hit my head?" JK gritted his teeth.

"Huh-how?" Chavez weakly inquired.

He was confused and curious about how he did that easily as if they were a piece of paper to make them flee away.

"You want to know?" JK smirked and his eyes gleamed in dark red.

Chavez eyes widened when the alpha choked him

"Unfortunately, I can't tell you and you won't know about it, forever." JK snickered devilishly while watching Chavez turning blue because he was losing his breath.

He dug his nails deep down in Chavez's flesh until he didn't hear him breathing. He threw him on the ground, rolling his eyes.

"Traitor." JK mumbled walking to the car.

"Don't get near at him!" Jin yelled.

JK glared at him but he ignored Jin and opened the door car. Jin was about to stop him but Namjoon was stopping Jin. Namjoon knew JK won't hurt Taehyung.

JK carefully took Taehyung out of the car. Carrying him like a bridal style.

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