Chapter 28: Help

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Chapter 28: Help

Jungkook was currently holding a meeting to start a discussion about the possibility of where they could find Taehyung.

"As of now, we were currently doing a search operation. They are asking for rogues' cooperation since there are few of them living in that area. There are barely of wolves living because o--"

The detective was interrupted when Jungkook suddenly vomit the blood.

"Jungkook, what happened? What's wrong?" Jin asked who was sitting beside him.


Jungkook wasn't able to finish his sentence when he hissed in pain and clutched his heart.

"What is it, Jungkook?" Jin asked worriedly.

"Tuh-they...are. ..hurting Tuh-Taehyung..."

That was Jungkook's last word before he pass out.

"Go and bring him to the clinic!" Jin yelled.

They carried Jungkook out of the meeting room. Hajun was now in front of the Yugen pack.

"Mr. Jun, you're here, what you took long? Alpha Jeon Ki-eun was waiting for you."

"I'm sorry, I'm busy these days. Where could I meet him?" Hajun smiled innocently.

"He's in the company, I'm sure he will be glad to see you. Let's go there, Mr. Jun."

"Okay" Hajun responded bowing his head.

Ki-eun's secretary opened the door car for him. He thanked him and got inside the car.

"What happened to him? Is he okay?" Jae-In inquired worriedly.

"Apparently, he was healing. I guess they did something to Taehyung that's why he got affected by it." Jin stated, sighing.

"Why him too? Yoongi isn't feeling well as well." Jae-In uttered frustratedly.

"It's been 3 days now since he was unconscious, I was expecting him to wake up today but it surely take a week before he woke up. Jungkook punched him with much strength." Jin retorted.

"There are chances that we can find them with Yoongi's help but how can we do that if he's not waking up? This is not good." Jae-In muttered.

"We should hope that at least one of them we'll be fine before something worst happen to their mates." Jin said shaking his head.


Hajun arrived at the company, he was roaming his eyes around the company.

"I can't believe the true blood Alpha passed out like that."

"Is he getting weaker?"

"That would be bad if that's true. I heard Mr. Min wasn't in a good condition. How could they save their mates?"

Hajun has a smirk plastered on his face loving the news he was hearing.

"Mr. Jun, we're here."

The secretary said and opened the door of Ki-eun's office.

"Mr. Jun, I'm glad that you came." Ki-eun smiled and stood up.

"I'm glad to see the former Alpha as well." Hajun smiled.

"You can take a seat." Ki-eun uttered pulling out the chair for him.

For some reason, Ki-eun started to sniff, smelling something familiar scent on him. He got back to his seat and looked at Hajun.

"So, can we start with the discussion now?" Ki-eun inquired.

"Yes, please." Hajun retorted.


"Hoseok, any update on the searching operation?" Jin asked when he arrived at the Yongma land.

"Unfortunately, the rogues aren't cooperating with us. It's hard to communicate with them." Hoseok replied.

"At least one of them?" Jin asked.

"No one, it's hard to look for rogues here. This land believes to be a spooky place that's why few people dare to come here." Hoseok stated.

"Make sure to look for more information from them. We are wasting a lot of time." Jin ordered and turned around.

"I understand." Hoseok replied.


"Is there anything you want to add up, Mr. Jun?" Ki-eun asked.

"Nothing, everything is all good for me. I will tell this to my board members to see if they will agree." Hajun responded looking at the files.

"Ah, I just want to ask you something, is your mate perhaps given a birth or somehow pregnant?" Ki-eun inquired curiously.

He saw how Hajun became stiff after hearing the question.

"I guess you misunderstand something, Alpha Ki-eun. I don't have a mate and I don't know someone pregnant." Hajun retorted smiling

"I see, I'm sorry, I hope I didn't offend you or something." Ki-eun uttered rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's okay, I understand. Anyways, I will go now, I have to do something important." Hajun said and stood up.

Ki-eun stood up and extend his hand.

"Thank you for today's meeting, Mr. Jun, I hope to see you next meeting, alive." Ki-eun grinned innocently.

Hajun accepted his hand with nervousness.

"Hope to see you too, Alpha." Hajun forcedly smiled.

He pulled his hands away and leave the office.

"Secretary Gyu, please come in." Ki-eun called his secretary.

"Yes, Mr. Jeon?" Gyu came inside.

"Please investigate Jun Hajun, I can smell Taehyung's scent on him and someone's pregnant, It might be Mr. Min's mate, Jimin. Tell me if he's connected to the kidnapper." Ki-eun ordered.

"Okay, Mr. Jeon." Gyu responded and leave the office.

Hajun's hands were balled in a fist, he was confused if the former Alpha found out already. Yet, he knew he shouldn't get obvious. He had to make sure he won't get caught. Not now.

"Taehyung, don't move too much, you're hurting yourself." Jimin said with tears falling in his eyes watching Taehyung attempting to escape.

"W-we h-have to e-escape, hyung." Taehyung responded in a weak tone.

He was clasping his wrist together at least to loosen the rope.

"I-I know, but your situation isn't good. You have to regain your strength, you're still weak, don't force yourself. Please, stop that, they will hurt you once they caught you." Jimin retorted worriedly.

Taehyung stopped for a moment, he closed his eyes trying to mind link Jungkook.

"Jungkook, p-please save me. P-please listen to me, I-I know you can hear me. I-I need you, Jungkook."

"Taehyung!" Jungkook yelled out.

Jungkook gasped jolting up on the bed. He was panting heavily, and cold sweat falling on his forehead. He was sure he heard Taehyung's voice and he was asking for help.

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